What is an oligarchy? The warning Biden issued in his farewell, explained.


Hillary Clinton's Black Accent "I don't feel no ways tired"

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I don't feel no ways tired, I come too far from where I started from, nobody told me that the road would be easy.

Listen to Hillary Clinton Attempt a Southern Black Accent ...​

Atlanta Black Star
https://atlantablackstar.com › 2016/02/17 › listen-hillary-...

Feb 17, 2016 — Hillary attempts a Black dialect while speaking to a Black congregation on March 4, 2007 — Selma, Alabama.
When the Bezos Times, organ of the CIA, tells you that they are explaining something to you your warning radar should be blasting.
View attachment 40625

The USA is in danger of becoming one.
Redefinition fallacy. False authority fallacy.
The current form of government in China IS an oligarchy, though.
The current form of government in Russia is also an oligarchy.
The current form of government in Saudi Arabia is a theocracy.
France is not an independent nation. It is part of the EU.
The current form of government in Ukraine is a republic.
The current form of government in North Korea is dictatorship.

An oligarchy is not a republc.
An oligarchy is not a dictatorship (except by committee).
Communism is not a form of government at all. It's a form of socialism.

Go learn English, Sybil.
Redefinition fallacy. False authority fallacy.
The current form of government in China IS an oligarchy, though.
The current form of government in Russia is also an oligarchy.
The current form of government in Saudi Arabia is a theocracy.
France is not an independent nation. It is part of the EU.
The current form of government in Ukraine is a republic.
The current form of government in North Korea is dictatorship.

An oligarchy is not a republc.
An oligarchy is not a dictatorship (except by committee).
Communism is not a form of government at all. It's a form of socialism.

Go learn English, Sybil.
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The efforts from the people who run America to seperate Trump from the People have failed all the way up till now (over a decade), but they are still gunning for it.
The warning us of stuff that Trump is going to cause or is causing but that has been going on in America for years or decades is constant.

"Its ALL Bullshit folks!"