What is Biden running on as a platform?

I've been unable to discern anything Biden is running on other than "I'm not Trump." The few mentions of programs are things like "I'll retain Obamacare..." something he has to do nothing but show up in office to have happen, or "I'll restore faith in America..." and other meaningless platitudes.

Seems to me other than if you hate Trump, there's no reason to vote for Biden, and I'd say for most people there's little or no reason to vote for either one. Truly pathetic.

I'm not Trump

That is his total platform in a nutshell.
Biden is running on a continuation of the Obama Presidency

MAGA and Hope and Change are just slogans, in reality mean little, few if any candidates ever run on defined platforms, the last thing they want to be is cornered on a particular policy, exact reason Trump doesn’t, nor has ever, come out with a complete public policy on anything

Instead, they offer a generalized view of what they believe in, in Biden case, he portrays himself as a unifier, an escape from leadership he sees as purposely dividing Americans. Plus, as his history shows, he is a Democrat, believes that the Gov’t can be an agent of change

Brown is incorrect, at this time, Biden doesn’t have to do anything, he seldom ventures out yet his poll numbers are increasing, his best strategy for the moment is to let Trump be Trump, why give Fox and the radio material for them to demogogue

Brown's point was the people have to know you stand for something. For Bill Clinton "it's the economy, stupid". He ran hard on that and it wasn't about tying himself to specific proposals.

2016 wasn't that long ago. Hillary was looking good in the polls and her supporters were feeling pretty confident about her pending victory. And we all saw what happened. Based on all going on today I'd feel pretty good if I were Biden as well. But as Brown brings up you still have to get people to turn out. And just saying 'I'm a Democrat and government is a force for good' when he wrote the '94 crime bill and made questionable statements on race throughout his career isn't guaranteed to turn out the voters who stayed home for Hillary.
You are underestimating the "anybody but Trump" appeal, it is not just a dislike for Trump personally, although that is huge, but also a rejection of Trump's three and half years at the helm, everyone doesn't buy all the superlatives he uses to describe his policies

Trump is out there purposely dividing people amidst two major crisis, Biden is offering to unite Americans to deal with the problems, only platform he needs

Since this is a discussion board I'd point out 2004 and the whole Anybody But Bush movement and we see what that got. Now if forced to bet today I'm betting that Biden wins. A lot can happen from now until November so I reserve the right to change that but if all the young people on the streets today turn out to vote like they did for Obama then Trump is gone. But none of you on here thought he'd win in '16 either. But Biden's history doesn't appeal to all young and black people. That's your challenge.
Here you go moron !

How much of Trump's wall is done?
On December 17, 2019, acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan stated that 93 miles of barriers has been built during the Trump administration; according to CBP figures, at least 90 miles of that replaced existing structures.

You should do a little research before you open your flap trap !

You really suck at lying dipshit. Most of that is existing wall. That said, where is the check from Mexico dumbass?

Since you are obviously pretty ignorant, let me repeat: Where is the check from MEXICO?????

Let me guess, you were stupid enough to believe the renegotiated NAFTA crap too....lol
Biden could always run on a platform of economic recovery that we experienced after 8 years of Bush 43 debacle.

That would be the same great economy that tRump loves to take credit for, but has since eroded from his Covid incompetence.
That should just about do it........)
I suspect that no matter who was running, taking care of Corona and the economy will be huge issues. So will dealing with BLM. Revamping the police will be another. Nobody can ignore those problems. How the Dem party chooses to address those issues is not known until the convention. Biden can and will talk about them before the convention. He already has. The convention ends Aug. 20.
I suspect that no matter who was running, taking care of Corona and the economy will be huge issues. So will dealing with BLM. Revamping the police will be another. Nobody can ignore those problems. How the Dem party chooses to address those issues is not known until the convention. Biden can and will talk about them before the convention. He already has. The convention ends Aug. 20.

All Biden has to do is appear half human. Couple that with tRump's penchant for self-destruction and you have a winning strategy.
All Biden has to do is appear half human. Couple that with tRump's penchant for self-destruction and you have a winning strategy.

Has nobody on this board heard him talk about these problems? I have seen him interviewed several times. He is articulate and shows real knowledge.
I suspect that no matter who was running, taking care of Corona and the economy will be huge issues. So will dealing with BLM. Revamping the police will be another. Nobody can ignore those problems. How the Dem party chooses to address those issues is not known until the convention. Biden can and will talk about them before the convention. He already has. The convention ends Aug. 20.

You act like the party platform is a constitution that the Presidential nominee must resort to while in office. The party's put out a platform at their convention as a statement of values but it is nothing more than that. Have you ever heard during a Presidential primary debate a candidate say "I can't answer that question until the party puts out its platform?" Have you ever heard a President in office say "i'm making this decision for our country based on the platform our party put out during its convention"?

That's no to both. I can understand someone young and new to this being confused but not someone who has followed politics.
Brown's point was the people have to know you stand for something. For Bill Clinton "it's the economy, stupid". He ran hard on that and it wasn't about tying himself to specific proposals.

2016 wasn't that long ago. Hillary was looking good in the polls and her supporters were feeling pretty confident about her pending victory. And we all saw what happened. Based on all going on today I'd feel pretty good if I were Biden as well. But as Brown brings up you still have to get people to turn out. And just saying 'I'm a Democrat and government is a force for good' when he wrote the '94 crime bill and made questionable statements on race throughout his career isn't guaranteed to turn out the voters who stayed home for Hillary.

As I noted, Biden does stand for something, as he has pretty much established that he offers a break great away from the divisiveness and orchestrated anger of the last three and half years.

And as far as the voting block you are implying, again, Trump being Trump in those matters will go a long way
Has nobody on this board heard him talk about these problems? I have seen him interviewed several times. He is articulate and shows real knowledge.

Yes, I have. He comes across as warm and sincere. Very much different than how both tRump and Hillary projected a "cold" and "calculating" demeanor.

That said, Biden can still take a very "measured" approach and watch tRump continue to self destruct.
Since this is a discussion board I'd point out 2004 and the whole Anybody But Bush movement and we see what that got. Now if forced to bet today I'm betting that Biden wins. A lot can happen from now until November so I reserve the right to change that but if all the young people on the streets today turn out to vote like they did for Obama then Trump is gone. But none of you on here thought he'd win in '16 either. But Biden's history doesn't appeal to all young and black people. That's your challenge.

It is a point, but I still think you are underestimating the “anybody but Trump” variable, especially among young and Black people. This is not 2004, Bush isn’t Trump, and today is closer to 2016, except this time we don’t have an either or choice regarding the least desirable candidate. Haven’t you noticed that Trump unsuccessfully has been been attempting to portray Biden as crooked and evil, which is a throw back to his 2016 campaign
It is a point, but I still think you are underestimating the “anybody but Trump” variable, especially among young and Black people. This is not 2004, Bush isn’t Trump, and today is closer to 2016, except this time we don’t have an either or choice regarding the least desirable candidate. Haven’t you noticed that Trump unsuccessfully has been been attempting to portray Biden as crooked and evil, which is a throw back to his 2016 campaign

In the liberal world Bush was pretty much evil personified circa 2004. Everything was "ABB". I remember it well. Like I said, if I had to pick today I think Biden will win (handily). But Hillary was this smart/brilliant woman with amazing experience who was going to crush Trump in the debates and waltz into the Presidency. We see how that turned out and many people are saying the same thing about Biden that they did Hillary.
You act like the party platform is a constitution that the Presidential nominee must resort to while in office. The party's put out a platform at their convention as a statement of values but it is nothing more than that. Have you ever heard during a Presidential primary debate a candidate say "I can't answer that question until the party puts out its platform?" Have you ever heard a President in office say "i'm making this decision for our country based on the platform our party put out during its convention"?

That's no to both. I can understand someone young and new to this being confused but not someone who has followed politics.

No, I do not act like that. The premise of the thread was about Biden running on a platform. The platform comes in Aug. The candidate has great input on the platform but does not dictate it. Biden is showing what issues he is interested in if you ever listen to him.
In the liberal world Bush was pretty much evil personified circa 2004. Everything was "ABB". I remember it well. Like I said, if I had to pick today I think Biden will win (handily). But Hillary was this smart/brilliant woman with amazing experience who was going to crush Trump in the debates and waltz into the Presidency. We see how that turned out and many people are saying the same thing about Biden that they did Hillary.

Every debate, trump lost points. She crushed him. But there is more. The righty hated CNN and MSNBC covered every single Trump rally from beginning to end, They made him president and he is not grateful. They gave him mega millions of free ads. They seem to have learned their lessons. Of course, this disastrous rally was harmful to Trump's campaign. He thought he could step into footprints he left 4 years ago. He does not fit n them anymore.
Every debate, trump lost points. She crushed him. But there is more. The righty hated CNN and MSNBC covered every single Trump rally from beginning to end, They made him president and he is not grateful. They gave him mega millions of free ads. They seem to have learned their lessons. Of course, this disastrous rally was harmful to Trump's campaign. He thought he could step into footprints he left 4 years ago. He does not fit n them anymore.

They cover and talk about the guy 24/7. Doesn't look like they learned their lesson huh?
No, I do not act like that. The premise of the thread was about Biden running on a platform. The platform comes in Aug. The candidate has great input on the platform but does not dictate it. Biden is showing what issues he is interested in if you ever listen to him.

No one gives two sh*ts about party platforms other than party insiders. The premise of the thread is what does Biden stand for/what is he running on. Not a difficult concept to understand.
Everybody is completely consumed by the platform and nail it to the walls and worship it. Biden has made his stances clear. Try listening.https://www.vox.com/2016/7/12/12060358/political-science-of-platforms

So, according to this platforms really don't matter. Well, the way I see it is this:

1. The Democrat party is now a party of Progressive Leftists.
2. Progressive Leftists had totally screwed every nation they got in control of up EVER.
3. Therefore, don't put Progressive Leftists in charge of ANYTHING.
4. Joe Biden being elected gives control of the executive branch of the US government to Progressive Leftists.
5. That means we're screwed.
6. I don't want to be screwed.
7. Trump is a lot of negative things but he is not a Progressive Leftist.
8. Therefore, I should vote against Joe Biden.
I've been unable to discern anything Biden is running on other than "I'm not Trump." The few mentions of programs are things like "I'll retain Obamacare..." something he has to do nothing but show up in office to have happen, or "I'll restore faith in America..." and other meaningless platitudes.

Seems to me other than if you hate Trump, there's no reason to vote for Biden, and I'd say for most people there's little or no reason to vote for either one. Truly pathetic.

Biden probably forgot what it was...