... by voting for Trump.So, according to this platforms really don't matter. Well, the way I see it is this:
1. The Democrat party is now a party of Progressive Leftists.
2. Progressive Leftists had totally screwed every nation they got in control of up EVER.
3. Therefore, don't put Progressive Leftists in charge of ANYTHING.
4. Joe Biden being elected gives control of the executive branch of the US government to Progressive Leftists.
5. That means we're screwed.
6. I don't want to be screwed.
7. Trump is a lot of negative things but he is not a Progressive Leftist.
8. Therefore, I should vote against Joe Biden.
I hope a lot of people do this. The Democrat Party right now is the party of racism, bigotry, hatred, division, abortion, perversion, lies/hoaxes, anarchy > socialism, high taxes, regulations, control over others, anti-logic, anti-math, anti-science, anti-Christian, anti-police (anti-law/order), anti-free speech, anti-guns (for law abiding citizens), anti-due process, anti-State's rights, anti-Constitution, ... ... ...
How anyone can vote for that is beyond me... Even if you don't like Trump or don't like Republicans... c'mon now... You value your freedom, right? You value not being a socialist hellhole, right?