what is fascism

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belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism.
the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism.

We need mercantilism. not internationalist fascism

This whole "we must adhere to globalism and unconditional techno-positivism even if it destroys us all" operational paradigm is just dumb.

Mercantilism is an obsolete concept.

One of the core tenants of it is that there is a finite amount of wealth to be had and that amount is relatively fixed. The objective of mercantilism is to acquire as large a share of that wealth as possible using a combination of government protectionism and trade.
First, while wealth isn't infinite, it isn't finite either. So, the idea that you can acquire a growing share of a fixed pool of wealth is incorrect. The pool grows in size and the best way to increase wealth isn't through confiscation (taxes and tariffs) but through growing your industrial and service base within your economy. Globalism isn't necessary here, and as long as nations exist government is necessary to work out how trade between them will occur. Where government hurts its own economy within the nation governed is through overly tight regulatory control.

None of this has anything to do with fascism either. And, fascism is a poor way to govern a nation and produce a highly successful economy.
I reject technocracy and elitism. so no.
I am not sure I understand your point of view. Due process requires we, take it to the Judicature if we need a remedy at law arising from a petition for redress of Grievances (and better governance) due to the economic inefficiency of unequal protection of our own laws, along with the civil Wrong.
Mercantilism is an obsolete concept.

One of the core tenants of it is that there is a finite amount of wealth to be had and that amount is relatively fixed. The objective of mercantilism is to acquire as large a share of that wealth as possible using a combination of government protectionism and trade.
First, while wealth isn't infinite, it isn't finite either. So, the idea that you can acquire a growing share of a fixed pool of wealth is incorrect. The pool grows in size and the best way to increase wealth isn't through confiscation (taxes and tariffs) but through growing your industrial and service base within your economy. Globalism isn't necessary here, and as long as nations exist government is necessary to work out how trade between them will occur. Where government hurts its own economy within the nation governed is through overly tight regulatory control.

None of this has anything to do with fascism either. And, fascism is a poor way to govern a nation and produce a highly successful economy.

It's only obsolete to globalist brainwash victims.

You, neocon, are a globalist brainwash victim.
I am not sure I understand your point of view. Due process requires we, take it to the Judicature if we need a remedy at law arising from a petition for redress of Grievances (and better governance) due to the economic inefficiency of unequal protection of our own laws, along with the civil Wrong.

due process, chink, is generally considered the rights afforded to a defendant in an american legal process.
A simple and fine and wonderful capital solution of solving simple poverty by using the social-ism of Government could enable everyone to be able to "afford to purchase justice" under our form of Capitalism.

It’s important because truth is the heart of liberal democracy. The two ideals of liberal democracy are liberty and equality. If your belief system is shot through with lies, you’re not free. Nobody thinks of the citizens of North Korea as free, because their actions are controlled by lies.

Truth is required to act freely. Freedom requires knowledge, and in order to act freely in the world, you need to know what the world is and know what you’re doing. You only know what you’re doing if you have access to the truth. So freedom requires truth, and so to smash freedom you must smash truth.

I would add that a free press is just as important. Today, in most nations, the press is no longer a free and unbiased seeker of the truth, but rather, a mouthpiece for leftist liberals and the Democratic Party of the Jackass. That is best evidenced by the last four years of the Trump Presidency where the media lied, distorted the facts and promoted false narratives like the Russia Collusion story.

So if you want to see what Fascism looks like, look no further than the Democratic Party of the Jackass which now attempts to interfere in State elections, pack the Supreme Courts and make a mockery of our border laws and institutions.
A simple and fine and wonderful capital solution of solving simple poverty by using the social-ism of Government could enable everyone to be able to "afford to purchase justice" under our form of Capitalism.

Sometimes the consumer must be capitalized.

But you cant just do it by printing money. fiat currency is the lynchpin in global tyranny.