No, your views on it are.
So you're parroting that Jan 6 was just Legitimate political discourse.
No, your views on it are.
So you're parroting that Jan 20 was just Legitimate political discourse.
Jan 20?
Again, I wouldn’t claim — not yet, at least — that Trump is presiding over a fascist government, but he is very clearly using fascist techniques to excite his base and erode liberal democratic institutions, and that’s very troubling.
Indeed. "Fake news." "Immigration crisis". Calling people with different opinions the enemy of the USA. And so on.
My bad, Jan 6
Hitler, Mussolini and Franco were operating in societies that were close to collapse as a result of war and economic turmoil; and none of those societies had a strong democratic tradition in the first place.
A person would have to be very smart - even a political genius - to make fascism gain traction in America.
Trump is using elements of fascist rhetoric,
but fortunately he isn't very smart, to put it mildly. You might say he isn't smart enough to be a fascist.
He could still do considerable damage.
His antics especially over the past year have undoubtedly damaged American society - how much remains to be seen.
And for what? To serve his own ego, nothing else. There is a possibility that someone much smarter could learn lessons from his career and do it "better".
You've definitely have got some serious psychiatric problems.
Millions of people cross the border every business day for trade.
My bad, Jan 6
^Clueless halfwit doesn't know what fake news is. Trump didn't call people with differing opinions the enemy of the USA. I don't think you can post without lying or looking like a triggered moron.
Trump is the furthest thing from being a Fascist and he didn't lead a Fascist Government. You have to be a low IQ, uneducated, triggered loon to even say or believe that buillshit. I think you are all three.
mo·ron | \ ˈmȯr-ˌän \
1: a foolish or stupid person
Address the topic, not other posters.
Practice what you preach you boorish, brain dead, thread trolling hypocritical dumbass.
douche·bag | \ ˈdüsh-ˌbag \
an obnoxious, offensive, or disgusting person
Proof, right-wingers prefer their socialism on a national and international basis over Capitalism, every time it comes up?yes. they're called illegal aliens.
Proof, right-wingers prefer their socialism on a national and international basis over Capitalism, every time it comes up?
Why all the socialism on a national and international basis over capitalism well regulated at the border regarding foreign nationals?
Why all the socialism on a national and international basis over capitalism well regulated at the border regarding foreign nationals?
There is no social power delegated to our federal Congress to provide for the general malfare nor the general warfare nor even the common offense.
Thank goodness for Capitalism and market based metrics. You are welcome to try convince me by advocating for general malfare Tax Rates.yes there is
Thank goodness for Capitalism and market based metrics. You are welcome to try convince me by advocating for general malfare Tax Rates.