What is "Freedom" to you?

Freedom means I can do anything I want just so long as my definition of "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody" is in effect.

-- Your Typical Liberal

That's "classical" liberalism, not to be misconstrued as "Modern Leftist Liberalism" AKA, Neo-Communist Democrats.
I want to know your perspective on Freedom. Explain America today totally free.

If you are smart enough you will elaborate on why this is your perspective on freedom.

I'm asking this because I know that most if not all freedoms come with a cost. "freedom fighters" never really consider the cost, they only consider the freedom.

So, explain Free America Today. :good4u:
Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.

--Ronald Reagan

Couldn't have said it better myself. ;)
For your information moron, you can’t name a single country that ”ISN’T” controlled at least in some degree by socialism.

Unlike “pregnancy,” whereby there’s no such thing as ”a little bit” pregnant, there sure as hell is ”socialism by degree.” Government by its very nature and definition is socialist.

So Goober Commie, whenever you can produce a nation without some degree of government and you can explain your own definition of socialism, i. e. ”control by the working people” and you can specifically identify which or what “working people” and what specific “work,” your thoughtless and simplified absurd definition of socialism is none less than laughable. Are governments made up of ”PEOPLE?” Do governments Do Work”?

You are raving mad. Get treatment, if you can afford it under your bloody ridiculous notion of 'socialism', wherein the poor die so that the rich can have better funerals. Bloody nutter!
Apparently asshole Commie, you and your commie leftist asshole partners don’t bother with dictionaries. My definitions are based on dictionary definitions.

So, I repeat Commie, WHAT PEOPLE, WHAT WORK? Is government ”working class” people? Are capitalist ”WORKING CLASS” PEOPLE

Me thinks you need to become more ”specific” Goober, then we can figure out how nations can exist without some degree of government and thereby control by THE PEOPLE” whoever the fuck you pretend them to be.

We work, arsehole, and you mouth your masters' tedious bullshit in between licking their posteriors. Bloody grovelling serf!.

We can do five million times as well as your thieving masters, any day. Fuck off back to Mars and let us get on with it, you tedious, slavish pillock!
Yea, Fox News biggest tactics are Fear and Hate.

When discussing something that may hurt the profits of a big corporation they use the "control" tactic. Even when every American with a mind knows it's the right decision to regulate that big corporation, Fox News seems to brainwash the small brains into thinking it's about Control and not about what's best for America and the sheeple repeat it.

What an incredibly stupid and false claim. Where do you dunces get fed this moronic pabulum?
We work, arsehole, and you mouth your masters' tedious bullshit in between licking their posteriors. Bloody grovelling serf!.

We can do five million times as well as your thieving masters, any day. Fuck off back to Mars and let us get on with it, you tedious, slavish pillock!
Epic meltdown, like socialist governments... It just happens quicker on an individual level. Imagine if you were in charge, he'd likely be dead already for speaking out against your great socialist movement.
Epic meltdown, like socialist governments... It just happens quicker on an individual level. Imagine if you were in charge, he'd likely be dead already for speaking out against your great socialist movement.
What 'socialist' governments, when, you thick bugger? Aren't you unbelievably dim? Name any government ever when the working majority were in control, or go away and stick your head up your arse instead of wasting our time.
What 'socialist' governments, when, you thick bugger? Aren't you unbelievably dim? Name any government ever when the working majority were in control, or go away and stick your head up your arse instead of wasting our time.

So, an imaginary form of government where nobody at all is in charge is your goal and no matter how many times socialist movements produce totalitarian regimes of killers you are going to continue to believe that "this time" it will work because "this time" we'll call it socialist and the "workers" will be in charge...

Your circular argument makes you funny, and your "insults" might even make you feel like you have some logic, but the reality is you are just a silly True Believer who make up the crowds for the newest "socialist" movements that end up killing millions. It's a form of government rife with opportunities for corruption and ignorant of human nature. It fails over and over, but iolo is willing to drink that koolade...
So, an imaginary form of government where nobody at all is in charge is your goal and no matter how many times socialist movements produce totalitarian regimes of killers you are going to continue to believe that "this time" it will work because "this time" we'll call it socialist and the "workers" will be in charge...

Your circular argument makes you funny, and your "insults" might even make you feel like you have some logic, but the reality is you are just a silly True Believer who make up the crowds for the newest "socialist" movements that end up killing millions. It's a form of government rife with opportunities for corruption and ignorant of human nature. It fails over and over, but iolo is willing to drink that koolade...

The true believers of socialism not only don't understand human nature but they think they can mold it with speech codes, political correctness and propaganda. As we watch our culture crumble it is clear their propaganda works on many. But it is an illusion and eventually they lose the population which is when the murders starts.

Lefties like iolo are supremely confident in their beliefs and anyone who disagrees is either a racist, homophobic mysoginist
You are raving mad. Get treatment, if you can afford it under your bloody ridiculous notion of 'socialism', wherein the poor die so that the rich can have better funerals. Bloody nutter!

Where are all of these dead pooooo folk in the most capitalist of countries Goober? Can you take us on a tour and show them to us?

As usual your propositions are flawed and your ability to produce rational answers to the most relevant and rational questions glows like strong sunlight on your preposterous communist ideology.

SOCIALISM: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles (Encarta English Dictionary)

CAPITALISM:an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit (Encarta English Dictionary)

Since economics only has two rational, logical and fundamental types of system, all economical tactics can be listed in one or the other of the two.
Which definition above defines, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Welfare and government regulations?
Classic Liberal, iolo, Damo, let's step back a bit.

The words "socialism" and "capitalism" aren't as detailed as you seem to think. They refer to very simple distinctions countries have in their industries. Socialisms have industry, agriculture, etc, controlled democratically - state ownership, municipal ownership, cooperatives, or some combination. Ctapitalisms have them controlled undemocratically. That's it. The application of these terms isn't reliant on government.

And countries with both these kinds of formats have certainly existed. But they typically have at least some small number of private firms within their borders. Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Spain, Argentina, Russia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, and others.
COMMUNISM:the political theory or system in which all property and wealth is owned in a classless society by all the members of that society (Encarta English Dictionary)

SOCIALISM: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles (Encarta English Dictionary)

MEDICARE/MEDICAID/: A political theory or system of medical insurance distribution controlled by a government of the people by the people and for the people according to equity and fairness rather than market principles.

SOCIAL SECURITY: A political theory or system of disability and retirement insurance distribution controlled by a government of the people by the people and for the people according to equity and fairness rather than market principles.
Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.

--Ronald Reagan

Couldn't have said it better myself. ;)

That's not a definition of Freedom at all :whoa: It simply states that we will be more free if there are more Christians. The statement is correct unless you want to PUSH Christianity onto others which would be Liberalism.
To determine Freedom when creating law I use the Risk vs. Reward theory that I made.

Lets take seat belts for example. What exactly do you gain by not having a seat belt law? Small brains will say "Freedom", this is the difference between a thinker and the sheeple. You gain absolutely NOTHING. Now what is there to gain if you DO put a seat belt on? Lots. If you get in an accident it's more than likely going to save your life preventing your family a lifetime of sorrow. It could also keep you out of a much longer and more expensive Hospital visit.

So laws to wear a seatbelt is more "free" to me than no laws. Lots to gain.

Is Freedom being able to carry an AK-47 through the mall? Some small brains, mainly Libertarians, think this is Freedom. Yet most people think they are more Free walking through the mall without someone walking by with an AK-47. Of course there is nothing to gain by carrying this gun through a mall today.

This Libertarian movement of Freedom always, for everything, no matter what and without thought is just ignorance.
The right to try and force everyone to live by my personal moral or religious code. Thats freedom!