What is "Freedom" to you?

Classic Liberal, iolo, Damo, let's step back a bit.

The words "socialism" and "capitalism" aren't as detailed as you seem to think. They refer to very simple distinctions countries have in their industries. Socialisms have industry, agriculture, etc, controlled democratically - state ownership, municipal ownership, cooperatives, or some combination. Ctapitalisms have them controlled undemocratically. That's it. The application of these terms isn't reliant on government.

And countries with both these kinds of formats have certainly existed. But they typically have at least some small number of private firms within their borders. Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Spain, Argentina, Russia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, and others.

Unfortunately, Iola is only taking his very obscure definition of socialism and proclaiming it to be the only working form or definition, and that all other (typically more common, of course) are not definitions of socialism. He has ludicrously tied socialism to political democracy. While his very communal and democratic form of socialism is probably the type you would be in favor of, he has effectively closed himself off from serious debate.
To determine Freedom when creating law I use the Risk vs. Reward theory that I made.

Lets take seat belts for example. What exactly do you gain by not having a seat belt law? Small brains will say "Freedom", this is the difference between a thinker and the sheeple. You gain absolutely NOTHING. Now what is there to gain if you DO put a seat belt on? Lots. If you get in an accident it's more than likely going to save your life preventing your family a lifetime of sorrow. It could also keep you out of a much longer and more expensive Hospital visit.

So laws to wear a seatbelt is more "free" to me than no laws. Lots to gain.

So in your world a seatbelt law makes you FREE? Free to do what, free from paying the fine if your caught ignoring the government’s doing your thinking for you? Of course that would be your definition of freedom, you like government doing all of your thinking for you and only a fucking moron can equate that with freedom!

Is Freedom being able to carry an AK-47 through the mall? Some small brains, mainly Libertarians, think this is Freedom. Yet most people think they are more Free walking through the mall without someone walking by with an AK-47. Of course there is nothing to gain by carrying this gun through a mall today.

This Libertarian movement of Freedom always, for everything, no matter what and without thought is just ignorance.

No matter what laws politicians pass, the criminal/terrorist will always be FREE to carry an AK47 into a mall or anyplace else he/she wishes. I’d prefer that somebody other than the criminal terrorist in the mall also have something equal to stop the criminal/terrorist with the AK47, how about you Goober? It doesn’t do you a fucking bit of good to bring your toenail clippers to a fucking gun fight, moron, but several armed citizens can work well to end a gun fight quickly before your sorry leftist ass gets wasted. Oh! Wait! You’re already a ”waste.”
FREEDOM is the ability to do whatever you want without interference from government as long as you don't violate any rights or privileges of anybody else.
How is that liberalism>

What's considered "Liberal" today by a party is not "Liberal" at all. "Liberal" is per topic.

Forcing Christianity through law is Liberal because you are using Liberal (large) amounts of Government to tread on the Constitution when it states "Freedom of Religion"

I recognize that Liberals have accepted the term Liberalism. But this has to go. Liberals don't accept Liberal amounts of Government in all catagories.
So in your world a seatbelt law makes you FREE? Free to do what, free from paying the fine if your caught ignoring the government’s doing your thinking for you? Of course that would be your definition of freedom, you like government doing all of your thinking for you and only a fucking moron can equate that with freedom!

No matter what laws politicians pass, the criminal/terrorist will always be FREE to carry an AK47 into a mall or anyplace else he/she wishes. I’d prefer that somebody other than the criminal terrorist in the mall also have something equal to stop the criminal/terrorist with the AK47, how about you Goober? It doesn’t do you a fucking bit of good to bring your toenail clippers to a fucking gun fight, moron, but several armed citizens can work well to end a gun fight quickly before your sorry leftist ass gets wasted. Oh! Wait! You’re already a ”waste.”

I knew you didn't know much about politics before but now you post "ignoring the government’s doing your thinking for you?"

You do realize that THE PEOPLE control the Government don't you?.......I stated that and realized that you don't know that because you support the corruption..........grow a brain kid.
FREEDOM is the ability to do whatever you want without interference from government as long as you don't violate any rights or privileges of anybody else.

If you get in a wreck without a seatbelt and you get put in the hospital with major conditions it drives up costs in health insurance. If you die it denies your family the right to spend a life with you. It denies them the privilege to spend a life with you. If you don't die and suffer major lifetime consequences your family may have to compromise their daily life to tend to you.

All of this because you are too free to wear a seat belt? ..........Idiot.
If you get in a wreck without a seatbelt and you get put in the hospital with major conditions it drives up costs in health insurance.

Even more than Obama-Care???

If you die it denies your family the right to spend a life with you.

What if you don’t have a family? What if you’re alive your family has to spend a life with a fucking moron like you?

It denies them the privilege to spend a life with you.

What if spending a life with you isn’t a privilege but a royal pain in the ass?

If you don't die and suffer major lifetime consequences your family may have to compromise their daily life to tend to you.

All of this because you are too free to wear a seat belt? ..........Idiot.

Part of freedom is having the right to be stupid. That makes you the poster child of freedom!
FREEDOM is the ability to do whatever you want without interference from government as long as you don't violate any rights or privileges of anybody else.

Especially if you and your paid legislators wipe out the legal rights of those you bully and thieve from. Tell us the old, old story!