What is important to today's GOP

No, nothing about America scares me: either decency or China will win, obviously.

decency??? What specifically do you find indecent about the USA? Could it be freedom of the individual? could it be the opportunity to succeed from humble backgrounds? could it be that the USA has sacrificed its young to save Europe from nazi germany?

I do agree that China is a threat, not to just the US but the entire world.
Right, it Dotard in the news saying he will be installed as president in August.

Dotard's "blog" is closed after a month.

The sex offender and the Q NUT, having a Trump rally in Arizona.

Dotard is going to NC on June 5th at the NC GOP convention.

Teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) are looking to have more fraudits for Trump in several more states.

he never said that, that is a left wing lie. Those rallies will have tens of thousands of patriotic americans in attendance. Real america is not what you see on CNN and the lying media.
decency??? What specifically do you find indecent about the USA? Could it be freedom of the individual? could it be the opportunity to succeed from humble backgrounds? could it be that the USA has sacrificed its young to save Europe from nazi germany?

I do agree that China is a threat, not to just the US but the entire world.

Trump and his followers. They don't know what truth or decency are. Their racism and support for the zionist murderers is deeply sick. How many poor people currently succeed, man? It is all lies, as well you know.
Typical, teabagger (www.teaparty.org) idiot.

If a company doesn't want to publish teabagger (www.teaparty.org) trash, they don't have to, now teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) are trying to force companies to repeat their lies and conspiracy theories?

That's the government over reach, teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) were always against, until Dotard and his regime came along.

"Media suppression"?

Teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) had no issue when their fat, orange, dear leader tried it.

March 26 2020
President Donald Trump’s official super PAC, America First Action, has demanded that television stations in key battleground states cease airing an anti-Trump ad that it claims is misleading — and the group’s attorneys threatened in a letter that the Federal Communications Commission could go so far as to pull their licenses over the issue.

The ad, produced by Priorities USA and called “Exponential Threat,” uses Trump’s own words to show how the president downplayed the coronavirus threat in the early weeks of the pandemic.
“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.”

“One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

“When you have 15 people and within a couple of days is gonna be down to close to zero.”

“We really think we’ve done a great job in keeping it down to a minimum.”

“I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand.”

“No, I don’t take responsibility at all.”

But the attorneys did not stop there. They also mentioned the FCC and that stations airing the ad could face losing their licenses over the issue.

September 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump blasted CNN and NBC News yet again in a tweet on Tuesday, criticizing NBC’s handling of a story on movie producer Harvey Weinstein and suggesting a “look at their license,” without specifying what exactly he was calling for.

“I have long criticized NBC and their journalistic standards-worse than even CNN. Look at their license?” he wrote in the tweet, which cited the outlet’s coverage of Weinstein.

Teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) want it both ways. IDIOT.

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my private server"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I graduated in the top of my class"
"I never spoke to my son about his financial dealings with foreign countries"

I could go on, but clearly the left lies a lot more than any republican.
Trump and his followers. They don't know what truth or decency are. Their racism and support for the zionist murderers is deeply sick. How many poor people currently succeed, man? It is all lies, as well you know.

Is Ben Carson a racist? Tim Scott? Candace Owens? Burgess Meredith? No, the racism in this country today comes mainly from BLM and Antifa and the democrat party, and Biden "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black"

Israel has been under constant attack from the muslims since its inception. Jews have been persecuted for 3000 years. But somehow you think they are the aggressors today? By the way, fool, religions are not races. How many poor people succeed in America? more than any other place in the world.

You obviously do not live in the US and are being brainwashed by some left wing "news" outlet wherever you live. The west coast and the northeast in the US do not represent the majority of US citizens but thats where the media is concentrated and our media has a left wing agenda (for reasons known only to them).
Trump and his followers. They don't know what truth or decency are. Their racism and support for the zionist murderers is deeply sick. How many poor people currently succeed, man? It is all lies, as well you know.

the evil "Trump and his followers" managed to create the lowest unemployment rates in our history, especially for minorities, made this country energy independent for the first time in decades, did away with the terrible trade deals that were robbing our treasury, and did not start any new wars, eliminated the ISIS threat, and sent several terrorist leaders to their 13 virgins in hell.
Is Ben Carson a racist? Tim Scott? Candace Owens? Burgess Meredith? No, the racism in this country today comes mainly from BLM and Antifa and the democrat party, and Biden "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black"

Israel has been under constant attack from the muslims since its inception. Jews have been persecuted for 3000 years. But somehow you think they are the aggressors today? By the way, fool, religions are not races. How many poor people succeed in America? more than any other place in the world.

You obviously do not live in the US and are being brainwashed by some left wing "news" outlet wherever you live. The west coast and the northeast in the US do not represent the majority of US citizens but thats where the media is concentrated and our media has a left wing agenda (for reasons known only to them).

The rest of the world finds your racism extreme and extremely weird. Very few Americans escape it, but very obviously those who vote for Trump are the nearest thing to the nazis outside 'Israel' in the modern world. I'm sorry to intervene in you party mudslinging, but I think it would be a good plan for the Republicans, especially, to veer towards obvious fact sometimes.
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the evil "Trump and his followers" managed to create the lowest unemployment rates in our history, especially for minorities, made this country energy independent for the first time in decades, did away with the terrible trade deals that were robbing our treasury, and did not start any new wars, eliminated the ISIS threat, and sent several terrorist leaders to their 13 virgins in hell.

Not according to any statistics I've seen anywhere, but if so, so what? Hitler's camps produced very full employment for minorities, doubtless. You live under authoritarian capitalism, kid, label it as you like.
Not according to any statistics I've seen anywhere, but if so, so what? Hitler's camps produced very full employment for minorities, doubtless. You live under authoritarian capitalism, kid, label it as you like.

your ignorance about this country is amazing. You need to spend some time here, you might learn what this country is really about. In what other country can someone come from a single parent household in poverty and rise to a world renowned brain surgeon? (Ben Carson) Under european socialism people are unable to escape the class of their birth because the elites and monarchies prevent it in order to preserve their own excessive lifestyles. If you disagree name one country and give examples.

I do agree that we have allowed the big tech firms to have too much power with little or no controls, but that is changing. The USA remains the best hope for the human race, but we must curtail the leftists who currently have the majority in government. Freedom means the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. The government should not try to guarantee equal results, because when it does the result is equal misery. Ask the people of Venezuela if you doubt that.
The rest of the world finds your racism extreme and extremely weird. Very few Americans escape it, but very obviously those who vote for Trump are the nearest thing to the nazis outside 'Israel' in the modern world. I'm sorry to intervene in you party mudslinging, but I think it would be a good plan for the Republicans, especially, to veer towards obvious fact sometimes.

what racism? No person in the USA is held back due to race, we have laws to prevent that and they are enforced stringently. Stop listening to the lying media. There is no race problem in the USA. As to Israel, the only result that the muslims will be satisfied with would be the complete destruction of Israel and all of the Jewish people. But again, religion is not race. Both jews and muslims are arabs, the same race.
Trump and his followers. They don't know what truth or decency are. Their racism and support for the zionist murderers is deeply sick. How many poor people currently succeed, man? It is all lies, as well you know.

Lots of them. As many as stay with it. There are people who achieve the American dream every day. Every.Single.Day. I have taught hundreds of kids during the last thirty years who have taken advantage of what this country offers and have climbed the proverbial social ladder. They have upped their status economically and socially. They took advantage of free education, free tuition (Oklahoma Promise), and have worked, kept their noses cleaned and have achieved. Sadly I have taught kids who turned to drink and drugs and their lives are stagnant. The point is that they all had the same opportunity.

So that makes that statement of yours that “is all lies” nothing but HOGWASH. You haven’t a clue. The American dream is alive for those who want to live it. You can sit over there and holler “racism” and call support for Israel (we probably agree here more than you realize) “Zionism” but that doesn’t make it so. People achieve here Every.Single Day. due to the opportunities in this country. That not a lie. I am a perfect example of being two generations removed from family that lived in abject poverty.

I will take the freedom I enjoy in this country over living anywhere else any day. And I will defend the decency of this country (no, we’re not perfect but we aren’t evil either) every time I think we’re in the right. Oh, and I know what decency is too.
right. biden is the real america first.

Biden hasn't taken Russia's word over Americans.
Biden hasn't take N. Korea's word over Americans.
Biden hasn't taken China's word over Americans.
Biden hasn't helped Chinese companies.
Biden hasn't got 34 Chinese patent's.

Dotard did.

"merica first".
Based on the posts here and the actions of Congress, here's what's important:

- Make Donald Trump happy.

The end.

In service of their one and only priority, the GOP is refusing to investigate the attack on the capitol. They are refusing to condemn one of their own comparing mask wearing to the mass extermination of Jews. They are refusing to declare that Joe Biden won the election. They are refusing to condemn their own supporters accusing the President of pedophilia. They are attempting to pass voter suppression laws to prevent black people from voting. They are falling all over themselves to get to Mara Lago to kiss the ring. They are openly supporting Russia over our own intelligence agencies. That for starters. There is no reason to work with these people. They are traitors who are loyal only to Donald Trump.

Discuss the treasonous slant of the GOP.

You do realize that most Americans don't give a shit about the GOP or the democrats. If you're playing that game then you're a fucktard.
Biden hasn't taken Russia's word over Americans.
Biden hasn't take N. Korea's word over Americans.
Biden hasn't taken China's word over Americans.
Biden hasn't helped Chinese companies.
Biden hasn't got 34 Chinese patent's.

Dotard did.

"merica first".

you're lost.
the evil "Trump and his followers" managed to create the lowest unemployment rates in our history, especially for minorities, made this country energy independent for the first time in decades, did away with the terrible trade deals that were robbing our treasury, and did not start any new wars, eliminated the ISIS threat, and sent several terrorist leaders to their 13 virgins in hell.

You just repeat your fat, orange dear leader's, lies.
Dotard lowered the unemployment rate from 4.7% to 3.5%, for a grand total of 1.2% and teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) thinks he invented the wheel.
They hate Obama for lowering unemployment 5.5%.

"lowest unemployment rates in our history"?

The unemployment rate was 3.5% in 1999.
It was the last retard, teabagger (www.teaparty.org) who increased the rate to 10.2%
Dotard took it to almost 15%.

"Energy independent"?
The US has NEVER been energy independent.

"Trade deals"?
The orange, retard cost the US taxpayer $48 billion dollars with his stupid Chinese tariffs, having to bail out farmers for his fuck up.
Then he signs a trade deal with China INCREASING trade by $200 billion $$$?

"Didn't start any news wars"?
Big deal, like THAT'S an accomplishment?

Dotard didn't stop any wars, he wanted Iraq to pay for the US to withdraw from there.
You just repeat your fat, orange dear leader's, lies.
Dotard lowered the unemployment rate from 4.7% to 3.5%, for a grand total of 1.2% and teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) thinks he invented the wheel.
They hate Obama for lowering unemployment 5.5%.

"lowest unemployment rates in our history"?

The unemployment rate was 3.5% in 1999.
It was the last retard, teabagger (www.teaparty.org) who increased the rate to 10.2%
Dotard took it to almost 15%.

"Energy independent"?
The US has NEVER been energy independent.

"Trade deals"?
The orange, retard cost the US taxpayer $48 billion dollars with his stupid Chinese tariffs, having to bail out farmers for his fuck up.
Then he signs a trade deal with China INCREASING trade by $200 billion $$$?

"Didn't start any news wars"?
Big deal, like THAT'S an accomplishment?

Dotard didn't stop any wars, he wanted Iraq to pay for the US to withdraw from there.

You're a fucktard too.
you're lost.

You're the one lost.................in Dotard's world of lies.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be,” Trump said during a joint press conference with Putin following their discussions. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”

"I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control," Trump said. "I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard."

President Donald Trump said Thursday he takes North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "at his word" that Kim was unaware of the alleged mistreatment of an American college student who died after being imprisoned there.

Kim "tells me he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word," Trump said in Vietnam.
he never said that, that is a left wing lie. Those rallies will have tens of thousands of patriotic americans in attendance. Real america is not what you see on CNN and the lying media.

Of course, everyone is lying but Dotard.
Jun 01, 2021 · Former President Donald Trump has been telling people he thinks he'll return to the White House as the sitting president by August.

Yeah, they'll be a couple thousand communist, traitors at Dotard's pity rally in NC, tomorrow.
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my private server"
"I never had sex with that woman"
"I graduated in the top of my class"
"I never spoke to my son about his financial dealings with foreign countries"

I could go on, but clearly the left lies a lot more than any republican.

Of course you could, deflection is in teabaggers (www.teaparty.org) DNA.
You're the one lost.................in Dotard's world of lies.

“I don’t see any reason why it would be,” Trump said during a joint press conference with Putin following their discussions. “President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”

"I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control," Trump said. "I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard."

President Donald Trump said Thursday he takes North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "at his word" that Kim was unaware of the alleged mistreatment of an American college student who died after being imprisoned there.

Kim "tells me he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word," Trump said in Vietnam.

get a life.