What is important to today's GOP

You do realize that most Americans don't give a shit about the GOP or the democrats. If you're playing that game then you're a fucktard.

So why the fuck are you posting on this board, fucktard? What a fucking dunce.
your ignorance about this country is amazing. You need to spend some time here, you might learn what this country is really about. In what other country can someone come from a single parent household in poverty and rise to a world renowned brain surgeon? (Ben Carson) Under european socialism people are unable to escape the class of their birth because the elites and monarchies prevent it in order to preserve their own excessive lifestyles. If you disagree name one country and give examples.

I do agree that we have allowed the big tech firms to have too much power with little or no controls, but that is changing. The USA remains the best hope for the human race, but we must curtail the leftists who currently have the majority in government. Freedom means the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. The government should not try to guarantee equal results, because when it does the result is equal misery. Ask the people of Venezuela if you doubt that.

You'd plenty such in China. The question, everywhere, is what happens to those who don't bite and claw their way to 'the top'.
what racism? No person in the USA is held back due to race, we have laws to prevent that and they are enforced stringently. Stop listening to the lying media. There is no race problem in the USA. As to Israel, the only result that the muslims will be satisfied with would be the complete destruction of Israel and all of the Jewish people. But again, religion is not race. Both jews and muslims are arabs, the same race.

Why do you spend such long tedious hours yacking on about this meaningless concept 'race' then? Yes, obviously, millions are held back because of their perceived 'race'. Like your state, as you know, 'Israel' is founded on large-scale theft. Arabic is certainly a Semitic language, as was the special language preserved for religious ceremonies by the Khazar ancestors of the zionist murder gangs, though what that has to do with your speed on the track is beyond me! :)
Lots of them. As many as stay with it. There are people who achieve the American dream every day. Every.Single.Day. I have taught hundreds of kids during the last thirty years who have taken advantage of what this country offers and have climbed the proverbial social ladder. They have upped their status economically and socially. They took advantage of free education, free tuition (Oklahoma Promise), and have worked, kept their noses cleaned and have achieved. Sadly I have taught kids who turned to drink and drugs and their lives are stagnant. The point is that they all had the same opportunity.

So that makes that statement of yours that “is all lies” nothing but HOGWASH. You haven’t a clue. The American dream is alive for those who want to live it. You can sit over there and holler “racism” and call support for Israel (we probably agree here more than you realize) “Zionism” but that doesn’t make it so. People achieve here Every.Single Day. due to the opportunities in this country. That not a lie. I am a perfect example of being two generations removed from family that lived in abject poverty.

I will take the freedom I enjoy in this country over living anywhere else any day. And I will defend the decency of this country (no, we’re not perfect but we aren’t evil either) every time I think we’re in the right. Oh, and I know what decency is too.

Once upon a time, when your thievings from the outside world were shared a bit better, or so we are told, a minority 'got on'. I am deeply contented not to share your country or its huge guilt! :)
Because I'm not limited the way you are fucktard. And don't lecture me about this board, I've been here longer than you have.

Well, apparently experience hasn't made you a better poster. You're quite the troll though.

Tribal politics is stupid, but this thread is not about tribal politics. I'm not on a team. I'm making an observation. Instead of adhoms, try adding something constructive to the conversation. Or is that asking too much?
Really? How so? Explain how my not caring about a three or so hour riot at the Capitol that changed nothing is somehow "fascist."

Even more will come out during the almost 500 trials. You will have more to close your eyes to. That is what you will do. Trump's army was trying to overthrow the government and perhaps kill politicians to stop congress from doing their duty. There has been nothing this big and ugly since 1812. It changed little because it did not succeed. It did expose how dangerous the rightys are to the existence of America Proud boys and Oath keepers will be exposed in court. Your proudest moments will shock most Americans.
Even more will come out during the almost 500 trials. You will have more to close your eyes to. That is what you will do. Trump's army was trying to overthrow the government and perhaps kill politicians to stop congress from doing their duty. There has been nothing this big and ugly since 1812. It changed little because it did not succeed. It did expose how dangerous the rightys are to the existence of America Proud boys and Oath keepers will be exposed in court. Your proudest moments will shock most Americans.

No, nothing will. On average less than 2% of federal cases go to trial, the rest take plea deals. That means there will be less than 10 trials total and of those, most will be cases that the defendant probably has a near ironclad chance of winning.
So, you can babble on about nonsense and crazy conspiracies all you want, but this whole thing is really just a
