What is MAGA

Hello Nordberg,

Higher deficits are the Republican plan. It was Stockman, Reagan's treasurer who talked about starving the beast. That has been the red plan ever since. They want to make the debt so bad, that we have to end social programs. Ryan made that clear. Trump is just the contuinuation. America's wealth has not evaporated. It was just "trickled up" to the top.

I would say it was sucked up.

Ross Perot was onto something.

Except the great sucking sound is all the wealth of the nation being sucked up for the few at the top.

The wealth gap is at an alltime highs and getting worse every year. The average American is not involved in the Republican plans. They just vote for them, not really knowing they are enabling their own looting and emasculation as a political power. https://www.theatlantic.com/politic...ng-up-the-deficit-is-part-of-the-plan/548720/

Spot on!

And a great article, too.
Hello domer76,

They are on the same pathetic, laughable level as the morons with the NRA and “cold, dead hands” bumper stickers with the huge Anerican flag flying from the back of their pickups.

And dragging in the dirt of the tailgate and the pickup bed - with a Trump flag flying higher than the American flag!