White boy try and guess the color of my skin through your computer. Retard
He did not guess the color of your skin, just the content of your character.
White boy try and guess the color of my skin through your computer. Retard
What about your character and the liberal ploy of calling everyone who doesn’t agree with you a racist or a Nazi. It starts to get old.
The humor that the premise of MAGA is to make America better is a joke. The goal of MAGA is defined quite nicely in that cool kid making fun of the Indian. They are a joke, a rather hateful joke.
Nordick What about your character and the liberal ploy of calling everyone who doesn’t agree with you a racist or a Nazi. It starts to get old.
Are you talking about the MAGAT hats?????Fake left wing buzz word for HATE?
What about your character and the liberal ploy of calling everyone who doesn’t agree with you a racist or a Nazi. It starts to get old.
Nordick, Oh my god.
Trump has allowed the haters to be vocal and out in the public. Trump did this? Wow. What a warped view.
Did Trump allow Phillips to be vocal and menace the kid with his drum and than the following day menace people in church.
Perhaps Trump allowed the hate mongers Black Hebrews to be vocal and out in the public.
So what you are saying is that freedom of speech should be suppressed for white power groups but not for 233 hateful black power groups.
Count how many times the left uses the word Nazi or racist or sexist in these posts or when they are crying to the media.
A democrat Congressman two months ago called others in his own party racist. So he must be telling the truth right. You would never call a fellow black democrat a liar would you?
These groups were not out in the public before. Why do you lie? These hate groups were at Ferguson, in Dallas, in Baltimore. Do you think the citizens of Ferguson were burning down their own community. It was outside black hate groups.
The humor that the premise of MAGA is to make America better is a joke. The goal of MAGA is defined quite nicely in that cool kid making fun of the Indian. They are a joke, a rather hateful joke.
I’m not a Republican or Democrat. I’m not a puppet like you.
I can make up my own mind who to vote for, I don’t need others to do that for me.
Ask the wizard for a brain.
Also I can take responsible for my own actions. I don’t blame anyone else for the actions of others.
When an event occurs you have no problem blaming others, especially Trump and the right.
What will you say if there is violence in the streets when a democrat is in office two years from now. You will probably continue to blame it on Trump. You stupid liberals continued to blame Bush well into Obama presidency. Give it a rest dip shit.
I just read in the news this early morning that a store was robbed. It must be obama’s fault. Get the point. Stop being stupid.
You have a wonderful day...get out there and make this country great again, will you?Republicans blamed President Obama for the MESS that dubya caused from the MINUTE he won the electoral college AND popular vote in a landslide. For 8 whole years the republicans attacked, opposed and disrespected President Obama. President Obama and his family received the most death threats than any other president in history. Republicans were openly wishing that President Obama be assassinated. The lowest of the low was when Fux News panelists prayed that someone RAPE President Obama's daughters and give them AIDS. And now the republicans are whining that liberals are not showing the orange fucktard respect. I hope some brave democrat shouts YOU LIE at the fucktard during the SOTU address. When that happened to President Obama, the President was annoyed but just brushed the disgusting insult off. If that happens to the orange piece of shit, he will have such a childish hissy fit that he will probably order the person be arrested and executed.
First time in history that a party and their candidate have been supported by the KKK , the white supremacists and the Nazi party , scum bag says they are nice people.
I’m not a Republican or Democrat. I’m not a puppet like you.
I can make up my own mind who to vote for, I don’t need others to do that for me.
Ask the wizard for a brain.
Also I can take responsible for my own actions. I don’t blame anyone else for the actions of others.
When an event occurs you have no problem blaming others, especially Trump and the right.
What will you say if there is violence in the streets when a democrat is in office two years from now. You will probably continue to blame it on Trump. You stupid liberals continued to blame Bush well into Obama presidency. Give it a rest dip shit.
I just read in the news this early morning that a store was robbed. It must be obama’s fault. Get the point. Stop being stupid.
You are full of shit.
Why do you make this shit up?
The humor that the premise of MAGA is to make America better is a joke. The goal of MAGA is defined quite nicely in that cool kid making fun of the Indian. They are a joke, a rather hateful joke.