After all the video of the incident you are still stupid.
Hateful Joke - Seriously?
The kid stood there and did nothing. He didn’t say a word. Didn’t push the Indian away. He should have call police.
The hate mongers were the Black Hebrews. Of course they hate Trump. Media loves these guys because they gave them a pass. They are one of 233 black hate groups in the country.
The Indian was also a hate monger. He hates trump so he targeted a kid wearing a Trump hat. It was the Indian that approached the kid. The following day he disrupted people attending mass. The Indian is a nut job. Who does things like that and for what purpose.
The Indian is a 64 year old man harassing a 16 year old minor.
Everyone on here who sides with the injun needs to watch the entire video, then offer everyone else on here an apology.