What is "political correctness"?

I like for people to say what they think without a filter, but I think they should expect to be called out on it when its harmful, hateful or bullying.

Then call them out for it; that isn't the issue with PC. The issue is when people are marched off to jail, fined or forced to resign from their jobs over it.
Do you believe you have a right to say anything you want, and not have anyone be offended or upset by it?

It's not what I believe; it is contained in the Constitution. I could care less if something I say offends you. I do it all the time. But you sure as hell don't have the right to FORCE me to not express myself.

Liberals love Fascism I guess.
Well, I warned his boss, an elected official, that his Prosecutor harbored such views about the general public. I thought he had a right to know.

Wrong; you wanted to get him fired; funny how you didn't have the guts to tell him to his face in the restaurant. But again, it was a pile of anecdotal bile anyway.

In my opinion, don't say something you are going to be embarrassed to stand by, and don't say something that you are not willing to stand up for.

This isn’t about YOUR opinion; it is about Constitutional rights. Rights you apparently want to goose step over in your effort to protect your sensitive little brain from things that offend you.

But what is the all this racist crap; you think PC is about racism? NO; it is about morons who shriek racism at the drop of a pin.

As I have grown more secure in my profession and position in the community, I feel more free to share my opinion on issues. When I was less secure, I kept my mouth shut when it came to controversial issues. Even today, with a big client who I don't want to take a dislike of me, I would hold my piece if he went on a rant about how great Trump is.

Well; you were well served when you kept your mouth shut because then you didn’t remove any doubt what an idiot you can be.

People who silently sit by while others rights are being stomped on or when someone says something that is obviously false deserve to be ignored and whatever else happens to them.

But again, this has NOTHING to do with PC.

I hold my breath when my father in law goes on his pro-trump anti-immigration rants, for the sake of peace at family dinner.

WTF does this have to do with PC? Hell, you’re engaging in it by being too big of a pussy to tell him what you think of Trump.
So, if I understand this...

Political Correctness is simply a term made up by Conservatives who want to feel free to not be called out on racist or bullying behavior...

Its frustrated racists who don't want to be contradicted.

I'm not sure you do. Your opinion of racism may not be universal. Plus you are trying to bleed this into merely offensive which is very subjective.
But then you try to apply it to political differences (with FIL). Now it's bordering on out if control.
I think you might benefit from Ranas mum and consider when discretion is aporopriate. Silence can send a message if used aporopriately.
Help me out here, what is political correctness and what's wrong with calling someone out when they say something ignorant or racist?

First it is a fascist tool to shut down ANY and all speech that people like you don't like.

It isn't about "calling" anyone out, it's about shutting one down.
Political correctness is a stick to be used to beat those not percieved to be in the club. There is no definition as that would limit it's use.
Ignorant or racist are subjective terms. Matters of opinion.
Why the need to "call out" ?

Common courtesy and good manners. Nothing wrong with that.
Unless you stood and addressed the restaurant you had a conversation, not a calling out.
While use of that term has a reasonable chance of infrirring racism, I hear many things described as racist which do not meet the definition. Thus it becomes subjective.
Conservation ? No issues from me. Public admonishment you are on shaky ground.

Maybe they meet the definition of bigotry.
I was at a restaurant a few years ago with a guy I knew, actually a prosecutor, he started talking about the niggers this and niggers that. It made me uncomfortable and angry.

Why does someone talking about something that actually exists in this world make you uncomfortable and angry?

Does the TRUTH always hurt you and your fellow libtard ilk?
I have noted many times that many, many peeps do not understand what political correctness is.....oh they think they do....like Clint Eastwood....he thought it mean not allowing jokes about minorities.

America today is in the throes of the greatest and direst transformation in its history. We are becoming an ideological state, a country with an official state ideology enforced by the power of the state. In “hate crimes” we now have people serving jail sentences for political thoughts. And the Congress is now moving to expand that category ever further. Affirmative action is part of it. The terror against anyone who dissents from Political Correctness on campus is part of it. It’s exactly what we have seen happen in Russia, in Germany, in Italy, in China, and now it’s coming here. And we don’t recognize it because we call it Political Correctness and laugh it off. My message today is that it’s not funny, it’s here, it’s growing and it will eventually destroy, as it seeks to destroy, everything that we have ever defined as our freedom and our culture.

Well, I warned his boss, an elected official, that his Prosecutor harbored such views about the general public. I thought he had a right to know.

In my opinion, don't say something you are going to be embarrassed to stand by, and don't say something that you are not willing to stand up for.

As I have grown more secure in my profession and position in the community, I feel more free to share my opinion on issues. When I was less secure, I kept my mouth shut when it came to controversial issues. Even today, with a big client who I don't want to take a dislike of me, I would hold my piece if he went on a rant about how great Trump is.

I hold my breath when my father in law goes on his pro-trump anti-immigration rants, for the sake of peace at family dinner.

1 - So your an ass sucking snitch


2 - You're a subjective hypocrite.
Maybe they meet the definition of bigotry.

Most libtards do not even know the definition of 'bigot' ...they simply use it cuz day tink its bad...dat da way dey tink...stupid.

i double dog dare ya to look it up and comment on the definiton....den i will rip you a new asshole hehheh
Help me out here, what is political correctness and what's wrong with calling someone out when they say something ignorant or racist?

Political correctness is a weapon used by the left. When anyone else tries to use it, they don't have a sense of humor...
Most libtards do not even know the definition of 'bigot' ...they simply use it cuz day tink its bad...dat da way dey tink...stupid.

i double dog dare ya to look it up and comment on the definiton....den i will rip you a new asshole hehheh

Okay. Now what?



noun, plural bigotries.

1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

2. the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.