What is "political correctness"?

That isn't the point. People today think they have a right to NOT be offended. That is the difference.

But you get upset and call it political correctness when someone does get offended.

People are upset by what Justice Scalia said, and your accusing them of trying to enforce political correctness, your trying to silence and dessent, make people feel like it's wrong to public ally call out racism!
This is a great web site that discusses the tyranny of PC:

What Is Political Correctness?
Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s. It was a spontaneous declaration that particular ideas, expressions and behaviour, which were then legal, should be forbidden by law, and people who transgressed should be punished. (see Newspeak) It started with a few voices but grew in popularity until it became unwritten and written law within the community. With those who were publicly declared as being not politically correct becoming the object of persecution by the mob, if not prosecution by the state.

The Odious Nature Of Political Correctness
To attempt to point out the odious nature of Political Correctness is to restate the crucial importance of plain speaking, freedom of choice and freedom of speech; these are the community's safe-guards against the imposition of tyranny, indeed their absence is tyranny (see "On Liberty", Chapter II, by J.S. Mill). Which is why any such restrictions on expression such as those invoked by the laws of libel, slander and public decency, are grave matters to be decided by common law methodology; not by the dictates of the mob.

Clear Inspiration For Political Correctness
The declared rational of this tyranny is to prevent people being offended; to compel everyone to avoid using words or behaviour that may upset homosexuals, women, non-whites, the crippled, the stupid, the fat or the ugly. This reveals not only its absurdity but its inspiration. The set of values that are detested are those held by the previous generation (those who fought the Second World War), which is why the terms niggers, coons, dagos, wogs, poofs, spastics and sheilas, have become heresy, for, in an act of infantile rebellion, their subject have become revered by the new generation. Political Correctness is merely the resentment of spoilt children directed against their parent's values.

More on the topic:


Notice it doesn't include whites or heterosexuals .... how about Christians and gun owners....

Political Correctness is merely the resentment of spoiled children directed against their parent's values.
Do you believe you have a right to offend or upset someone if that is your desire ?

Are you not offending and/or upsetting the person whose language you find undesirable when you berate them...???

Is it your right to be the thought police?

Jarod, we all see you point but.....do you rant like some of the lefties do when you want someone to say 'fireperson' or 'firewomen' instead of firemen..
or other such nonsense....

I've never heard anyone rant about what a firefighter is called.
You're right but I don't see how this changes the main point about his bigotry.

We've had some issues here in PA over judges and their language towards women and minorities.

Suspended Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice retires due to porn emails

Pa. Court of Judicial Discipline will consider suspension of Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin

"The Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board Tuesday charged Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin with violating the state's rules of judicial conduct and the state Constitution by participating knowingly and routinely in chains of sexually suggestive and vulgar or offensive emails.

In a complaint filed with the Court of Judicial Discipline, the board held Eakin, who has been on the court since 2002, violated rules that instruct judges to avoid off-bench activities that create an appearance of impropriety or call into question a judge's impartiality."

This is about the integrity of the system, not their private biases.

an appearance of impropriety

A major flaw in "politically correctness'.....your APPEARANCE now is objectionable....and you can be punished for your APPEARANCE.....

The politically correct will judge you now on your 'appearance'.....

Yet Kane goes on her merry way, serving as AG without a valid law license.... A requirement to serve as AG....
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only to people with no morals is all publicity good.

your just watching a sociopath gather all the sociopaths into one faction
How many times have you heard the term "name recognition" mentioned in political discourse ? HRC has been the front runner based strictly on it, her favorability is terrible.
People like yourself will vote in a predictable manner so pols dont fret about you. They are after people with no ideological bent and that does boil down to name recognition to a large extent.
Learn what a sociopath is.
Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s. It was a spontaneous declaration that particular ideas, expressions and behaviour, which were then legal, should be forbidden by law, and people who transgressed should be punished. (see Newspeak) It started with a few voices but grew in popularity until it became unwritten and written law within the community. With those who were publicly declared as being not politically correct becoming the object of persecution by the mob, if not prosecution by the state.

This is why you can lose your job over an off-color joke....its no longer a joke, now its against the law for all practicable purposes....
Tell a women she looks really nice ?.....Now its sexual harassment.
You can't mention black gang killing in Chicago....if you do, you a racist.
Its even frowned upon to say Merry Christmas....

But you get upset and call it political correctness when someone does get offended.

People are upset by what Justice Scalia said, and your accusing them of trying to enforce political correctness, your trying to silence and dessent, make people feel like it's wrong to public ally call out racism!
But its not racism.
But you get upset and call it political correctness when someone does get offended.

People are upset by what Justice Scalia said, and your accusing them of trying to enforce political correctness, your trying to silence and dessent, make people feel like it's wrong to public ally call out racism!

It is one thing to be upset, it is quite another to want to send people to sensitivity classes over it
Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s. It was a spontaneous declaration that particular ideas, expressions and behaviour, which were then legal, should be forbidden by law, and people who transgressed should be punished. (see Newspeak) It started with a few voices but grew in popularity until it became unwritten and written law within the community. With those who were publicly declared as being not politically correct becoming the object of persecution by the mob, if not prosecution by the state.

This is why you can lose your job over an off-color joke....its no longer a joke, now its against the law for all practicable purposes....
Tell a women she looks really nice ?.....Now its sexual harassment.
You can't mention black gang killing in Chicago....if you do, you a racist.
Its even frowned upon to say Merry Christmas....


Simply not true.
an appearance of impropriety

A major flaw in "politically correctness'.....your APPEARANCE now is objectionable....and you can be punished for your APPEARANCE.....

The politically correct will judge you now on your 'appearance'.....

Yet Kane goes on her merry way, serving as AG without a valid law license.... A requirement to serve as AG....

You must be joking. Eakin's trash emails are all out in the open. This man is a stain on the court. I don't understand why you want to see our state dragged through the mud and made a laughingstock. Instead you criticize Kane for standing up to the old boys' club and exposing these repugnant oafs. :rolleyes:

"Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin did the wrong thing when he played to the lowest common denominator, exchanging obscene and offensive emails while holding a position of honor on the state’s highest court. Now he has a chance to do the right thing: Resign before the sordid mess goes to trial, saving himself the embarrassment — and the state, the expense — of prolonging the scandal. There’s no way this ends well, but it can end sooner rather than later.

Mr. Eakin, who built a career in Cumberland County and was elected to the court in 2001, has served under a cloud of public disdain since it was revealed that he was among a group of elected officials and state employees who circulated raunchy emails containing photos of naked women, jokes about African-Americans and insults to religious groups. More than a half-dozen people involved in the “porngate” scandal have already lost jobs, including former Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery, who retired last fall amid outrage.

An initial review of the matter by an ethics panel said the Republican’s emails, from a personal account, were “mildly pornographic” but did not merit disciplinary action, and Mr. Eakin apologized. Public outcry forced a second review, and last Tuesday the Judicial Conduct Board filed misconduct charges against Mr. Eakin, which means he will face a public trial before the Court of Judicial Discipline. In a 52-page complaint, it said Mr. Eakin “engaged in conduct so extreme that it brought the judicial office into disrepute.” For the board, we have only one question: What took you so long?

With the Supreme Court welcoming three new justices in the new year, it can begin to rebuild its tarnished reputation — but only if the latest jurist to tarnish the court leaves.
Mr. Eakin’s contrition notwithstanding, he cannot delete the past, and the contents of his inbox are now seared in the public’s memory.

It’s time for him to turn in the robe, and let Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court begin a new era."

OK, and that's a fair argument. If, however, someone believes it is racist they should have a right to say so.

Believing it to be so is to transform a word that has a clearly defined meaning into a term with no set meaning and reduced to a matter of taste.
Now if I say Hendrix is overrated then sure you can ask if I'm on crack. But if I say that is an oak tree it either is or is not.
Let's keep repeating: 'political correctness' is a lying fantasy made up by racists with no arguments for their behaving like pigs.