What is "political correctness"?

He just makes sweeping negative generalizations about ethnicities on a regular basis...
But it doesn't really mean he's racist ...right?

I don't believe that's what he said. He was talking about Illegal Aliens. The media made it "all mexicans/latinos."

That's what the corrupt media does. They take something out of context, distort and misrepresent what the person was saying in order to discredit that person. So anyone who isn't PC gets buried beneath the waves.
I don't believe that's what he said. He was talking about Illegal Aliens. The media made it "all mexicans/latinos."

That's what the corrupt media does. They take something out of context, distort and misrepresent what the person was saying in order to discredit that person. So anyone who isn't PC gets buried beneath the waves.
The media played the video, that's all.
I heard him.
America heard him.
The racists heard him.

Political correctness is a modern version of George Orwell's newspeak in its infancy. The "heroes" of it are full of doublethink, they hold contrary ideas and believe that there is no contradiction.... like freedom of speech and, well, hate crimes where what you supposedly think gets you more time. The thought police are coming!

Historical context, political correctness comes from the USSR, if you were not politically correct Stalin or Lenin would make you disappear in the night.
nope ,

its what cons call speech of others who call out their racism and hate speech.

You twattwangers call every incident of racism false outrage and politically correct macinations
A lot of you older posters simply don't know what it's like on college campus's today. You all have never heard of a thing called tumblr. Pointing out people being racist is never a bad thing, but a lot of people do it just to get social points without really giving a shit. A lot of times it's white people telling minorities how they should feel about particular issues. It's stuff like how eating at chipotle is cultural appropriation. It's the fact that now facebook has added like 50 different genders for someone to choose between. A lot of it is anti-science, hysterical, and clickbaity bullshit. It's the idea that anyone that merely disagrees with you can no longer speak at a college campus, it's the idea of 'safe spaces' where you don't get 'triggered' by people merely trying to have a civil debate. A lot of current young people were raised in a culture where everyone got a participation trophy and told they are special, they are unique, and they are absolutely perfect just the way they are. It creates a lot of narcissism.


your just a con who sees nothing as being racist.

racists don't think anything is racist

its why they are racists.

tell us a recent incident you DO AGREE was racism?

I have never had ANY con answer that question.


in all the years Ive asked it
And you must be a cunt.

you don't know what a cunt looks like huh nevergotanyboy

see what a fucking idiot you are?

you are claiming to not be racist so what odes your fucking idiot ass do?

you trash a chick for having an inny

You hate women too huh you fucking stupid assed racists lump of dried weasel shit
Help me out here, what is political correctness and what's wrong with calling someone out when they say something ignorant or racist?

There's nothing wrong unless you are addressing real problems be they racism or ignorance. Indignation is now the racist or ignoramus comeback. It is similar to dog whistle politics today, bring up racism and you are charged with being the racist. It's a great defense move and used mostly by the GOP today. The book I noted in thread link below should be read by all. The topic is covered brilliantly. Another author who covers topic is Stanley Fish, see link. When you/they engage in PC apologies they do so as a diversion, it shuts down examination of the substance of the commentary. It's a weird kinda pretend honesty that often covers real meanings. Language can be used in so many ways and many uses are then read through filters. You know what you can't say today, so you say it in other ways.


How the Right Hijacked the Magic Words http://www.drugsense.org/tfy/hijacked.htm
every time I ask a republican who claims not to be a racist what a recent example of racism do they agree was indeed racism they refuse to answer.

they know its racism

they cant claim any act is racism.

it ruins their narrative to do so
Political correctness is a modern version of George Orwell's newspeak in its infancy. The "heroes" of it are full of doublethink, they hold contrary ideas and believe that there is no contradiction.... like freedom of speech and, well, hate crimes where what you supposedly think gets you more time. The thought police are coming!

Historical context, political correctness comes from the USSR, if you were not politically correct Stalin or Lenin would make you disappear in the night.

So give me an example of modern day American Political Correctness, the term is being thrown around by Cons with a much more broad net.

Is it politically incorrect when Starbucks fails to put snowflakes on its cups?
Is it politically incorrect for me to wish someone whose religion I don't know, "Happy Holidays"?
Is it politically incorrect for my Jewish friends with a decorated tree to call it a holiday tree?
Believing it to be so is to transform a word that has a clearly defined meaning into a term with no set meaning and reduced to a matter of taste.
Now if I say Hendrix is overrated then sure you can ask if I'm on crack. But if I say that is an oak tree it either is or is not.

So, does one not have a right to so something that reduces racism to a matter of taste?
Political correctness to me is the forcing or pressuring of one person or group to change their words or meaning in order to be more acceptable to someone else or another group. It can be it many ways a way to limit or alter someone's right to freed speech and expression. Forcing or pressuring someone to speak a certain way so that someone else feels accepted or appreciated in my opinion hurts more than helps. A true conversation and a true belief of an individual shouldn't be limited or bullied down. I think that if more people focused on the good over the offensive they'd be less inclined to need to be verbally accommodated. For example if I wish you a Merry Christmas then it should be the recognition of the kind gesture than the focus in the word, just as if someone wished me happy holidays or happy Hanukkah or whatever holiday is happening around that time. We don't have a right to not be offended but we should be kind to each other, but that can't be forced.
Political correctness to me is the forcing or pressuring of one person or group to change their words or meaning in order to be more acceptable to someone else or another group. It can be it many ways a way to limit or alter someone's right to freed speech and expression. Forcing or pressuring someone to speak a certain way so that someone else feels accepted or appreciated in my opinion hurts more than helps. A true conversation and a true belief of an individual shouldn't be limited or bullied down. I think that if more people focused on the good over the offensive they'd be less inclined to need to be verbally accommodated. For example if I wish you a Merry Christmas then it should be the recognition of the kind gesture than the focus in the word, just as if someone wished me happy holidays or happy Hanukkah or whatever holiday is happening around that time. We don't have a right to not be offended but we should be kind to each other, but that can't be forced.

I'm good with that, but I still think blatant racism or evil should be called out for what it is.

If someone wishes me happy holidays, I am just as happy with that as if they wish me Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah.

Personally if I know someone celebrates a holiday, I wish them Happy Whatever it is. If I don't know I wish them the more inclusive happy holidays, but some Conservatives get very upset by the Happy Holidays.
A lot of you older posters simply don't know what it's like on college campus's today. You all have never heard of a thing called tumblr. Pointing out people being racist is never a bad thing, but a lot of people do it just to get social points without really giving a shit. A lot of times it's white people telling minorities how they should feel about particular issues. It's stuff like how eating at chipotle is cultural appropriation. It's the fact that now facebook has added like 50 different genders for someone to choose between. A lot of it is anti-science, hysterical, and clickbaity bullshit. It's the idea that anyone that merely disagrees with you can no longer speak at a college campus, it's the idea of 'safe spaces' where you don't get 'triggered' by people merely trying to have a civil debate. A lot of current young people were raised in a culture where everyone got a participation trophy and told they are special, they are unique, and they are absolutely perfect just the way they are. It creates a lot of narcissism.

You just described the Millennials to a tee. That is how people creat online cliques calling themselves The Trinity
every time I ask a republican who claims not to be a racist what a recent example of racism do they agree was indeed racism they refuse to answer.

they know its racism

they cant claim any act is racism.

it ruins their narrative to do so

A recent example of racism was when Democrats presented George Zimmerman as a white guy because Hispanics are below blacks on your priority list. Another recent example of racism was when Obama was pounding the cops in Ferguson before any information was in. Another example of racism is how Democrats push wanting us to check out immigrants before they enter the country for criminals and pedophiles as racism as if the issue is they are Latino. Is that enough for you?

your just a con who sees nothing as being racist.

racists don't think anything is racist

its why they are racists.

tell us a recent incident you DO AGREE was racism?

I have never had ANY con answer that question.


in all the years Ive asked it

I've called out your racism Desh. So you are lying above that no one has answered your question. You think racism is only exists in a blatantly obvious form. There is plenty of more subtle racism that exists. Again, ask black people if they have more respect for someone who is blantantly racist or someone like yourself who professes to being progressive yet still holds racist viewpoints or beliefs. A large majority will answer the former because while they hate it they would rather someone be open about their beliefs.
A recent example of racism was when Democrats presented George Zimmerman as a white guy because Hispanics are below blacks on your priority list. Another recent example of racism was when Obama was pounding the cops in Ferguson before any information was in. Another example of racism is how Democrats push wanting us to check out immigrants before they enter the country for criminals and pedophiles as racism as if the issue is they are Latino. Is that enough for you?

Racism is not unique to one side of the political spectrum.
Blatant Racism usually comes from the Conservatives, but reverse racism is still racism and it finds a home with the liberals.

There are also those in the liberal side that have racist ideas, but most don't blanket think all black people are bad, for example.