what is slowing the recovery

waves undulating

waves can be big or small huh?

why do you want this country to suffer non stop up and down which porevents the little guy from ever getting ahead but frees the wealthy to non stop CASH in ?
waves undulating

waves can be big or small huh?

why do you want this country to suffer non stop up and down which porevents the little guy from ever getting ahead but frees the wealthy to non stop CASH in ?

Maybe I'm missing something here but who wants big recessions?
waves undulating

waves can be big or small huh?

why do you want this country to suffer non stop up and down which porevents the little guy from ever getting ahead but frees the wealthy to non stop CASH in ?

a wave goes up and down you dumbass... yet you claim undulating means repeated deep recessions.

How many deep recessions have we had in the past 50 years Desh?
What is making the recovery impossible is that the very rich are still stealing all the money, so no-one has any to buy anything. Long live capitalism and all who drown in her!

Capitalism isn't the problem. Unfettered capitalism is the problem.
So even though many rich and wealthy people took massive economic hits in 2008 and 2009 it's really what they wanted?

realitive huh.

when everyone else cant afford to eat and your stock portfolio is down yet you can buy up property in massive swathes you bet it what they want
realitive huh.

when everyone else cant afford to eat and your stock portfolio is down yet you can buy up property in massive swathes you bet it what they want

Well since you are rich and you are a property owner I guess you would know.
I am telling you man Desh is just f'ingwith us all. She plays this role on JPP but in real life she is a brilliant ruthless real estate speculator.

LOL... she is a slumlord... nothing more. Simply rapes the poor people that rent from her and steals food from their babies.

Government job cuts create a historically slow recession recovery

By Patrice Hill


The Washington Times

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The biggest downsizing of state and local government in modern history has proved to be a big drag on the U.S. economy since 2009 and a primary reason the four-year-long recovery is more sluggish than other recoveries since World War II, economists say.

While the private sector has generated 7.4 million jobs since the recession and is approaching its pre-recession levels of overall employment, government at the federal, state and local levels continues to shed jobs, diminishing the performance of the job market. Overall, federal, state and local governments have eliminated more than 750,000 jobs since the recession ended in June 2009, with no end in sight to the trend, according to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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fits of idiocy and non stop insults wont change the facts dudes