what is slowing the recovery

I've studied them a lot actually and empirical evidence shows Republicans are responsible for each recession in our country's history and what really upsets me is that American voters just ignore that fact and continue to vote them back into office. When will these people learn???

How are Republicans responsible for each recession? I'd like to hear the illogical argument for this one.

Government job cuts create a historically slow recession recovery

By Patrice Hill


The Washington Times

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The biggest downsizing of state and local government in modern history has proved to be a big drag on the U.S. economy since 2009 and a primary reason the four-year-long recovery is more sluggish than other recoveries since World War II, economists say.

While the private sector has generated 7.4 million jobs since the recession and is approaching its pre-recession levels of overall employment, government at the federal, state and local levels continues to shed jobs, diminishing the performance of the job market. Overall, federal, state and local governments have eliminated more than 750,000 jobs since the recession ended in June 2009, with no end in sight to the trend, according to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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This is a moronic article making an incredibly stupid claim that only the most gullible dipshits can swallow.

These Keynsian claims are based in historic ignorance. Economies are not strong as a result of MORE government or higher Government spending. One only needs to go back to 2009 when Democrats passed a massive unfunded stimulus bill of nearly a trillion plus dollars, when you add the interest cost onto the added debt, based on rediculuosly absurd claims of job creation. It did nothing but add massive debt on top of a massive budget deficit.

But then, to double down on their ignorance, this Administration argued that the only other way put was a massive increase of taxation on the very people who are the job creators in the economy while engaging in incredibly stupid Marxist Class envy rhetoric to get re-elected by gullible low information voting fools.

This malaise we are experiencing is as predictable as the failure of Bernacke's Quantitative Easing foray. Never in this nations history have we seen such reckless buffoonery in running up deficits and debasing our currency basically turning it into funny money.

They stopped teaching these Keynsian theories decades ago in economics classes and only touched on this subject for informational purposes. But in today's illogical world of buffoonery, Obama, the most inept and inexperienced President in our history, has surrounded himself with these Keynsian ass clowns who now claim that this massive reckless stimulus fueled deficit didn't work because we didn't recklessly spend even more money the Government didnt have.

The ONLY thing Republicans have done is stop Obamas reckless propensity for spending money he doesn't have by not passing Stimulus II containing another $550 billion in unfunded spending claiming that THIS time by spending LESS, porkulus II will do what porkulus I could not do. It is an incredibly retarded proposition that only ignorant dullards can believe.

It's almost a moronic as Kerry's claim that a teeny tiny and very selective attack no one will hardly notice is going to end Syria's chemical arsenal. What a bunch of incredible morons we have running this once great nation.

Obamas rush to make the rest of America look like Detroit with the support of his brain dead fanatical supporters is incredibly mind numbing.
economic policy that is designed to make the wealthy wealthier idiot.

Well, if you had even half a brain, you would realize that this idiot of a President and his Fed Cheif have done more to make the 1% even wealthier with their idiot policies than any previous Administration. The reason the income/wealth gap is gaining steam can be directly attributed to these moronic and reckless policies.

But alas, you're a fanatical hyper partisan dipshit that doesn't have the intelligence of a field mouse to comprehend this reality. Young people, minorities and the Middle Class you idiots on the left pretend to champion have been hardest hit by these moronic economic policies.

Dismissed asshat; you're too stupid to give anymore time trying to educate that empty vulgar dullard head.

Where did you get your degree and what was your major again? Oh that's right, you're an uneducated dullard that doesn't have the first clue about economics and represent the incredibly liw information retards that elected this moron of a President based on nothing more substantive than hope and change and still blame his incredible buffoonery on Bush.

You're an idiot.
bla bla bla

your a fucking brain dead lying vile of bile.

lies stacked on top of other lies will not save your ass.

you must love the taste of tar
super go take a poll on who bought your bullshit lies about what you said all those years ago.

You were mocking people for getting their homes repoed right before the fucking crash.

Less than two fucking months before your guy had to go on TV and say "I fucked us all"
super go take a poll on who bought your bullshit lies about what you said all those years ago.

You were mocking people for getting their homes repoed right before the fucking crash.

Less than two fucking months before your guy had to go on TV and say "I fucked us all"

You are brilliant proof that hyper partisan fanatical asshats are immune from facts, the truth and reality.

No matter how many times your asshat talking points are proved wrong, you still parrot them like a brain dead fanatic. This is why one should never waste their time arguing with idiots.
super go take a poll on who bought your bullshit lies about what you said all those years ago.

You were mocking people for getting their homes repoed right before the fucking crash.

Less than two fucking months before your guy had to go on TV and say "I fucked us all"

1) Link us up to where I mocked people for getting their homes 'repoed'.... once again... YOU LIE.
2) Your guy fucked us Desh. It was Geithner in charge of the NY Fed. It was HIS job to make sure the big banks were not taking on too much risk. YOUR GUY fucked us Desh. He failed at his job so Obama made him Sec Treas.

3) Your other guy Clinton also fucked us by repealing Glass Steagall.
yeah and the Bush admin had nothing to do with it huh?

fuck super you get fucking more dishonest and stupid by the day
You claimed the people in cali were over reacting by panicing.

You then claimed experts were not panicking.

This was less than two months before it all came crashing down.

Your stupidity will be preserved forever by this site.

fuck you very much
you are really that stupid?

you don't know what it is?

Explain it to me Deshy and try to do it without leaning on Wiki. I know you are trying to be cute, but go ahead and try to show us your smarts for a change. Tell us what you think "unfettered" capitalism is.

BTW. I support free markets.
yeah and the Bush admin had nothing to do with it huh?

fuck super you get fucking more dishonest and stupid by the day

LMAO... I have stated countless times that Bush was horrid on a fiscal level. That the forcing of interest rates to low levels for such a long period of time helped create the bubble... you know... the EXACT same fucking thing the Obama Fed has been doing the last five years?