What is the best nickname for yurt?

What is the best Yurt nickname?

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How cute you knock someone for staying around, and helping an aging mother. Everyone else lives out of state. I feel fine doing it, as I'm not weighted down with all these ambitions. I've been around helping out since Dad passed away in 2005. I'd rather just live at home in a big house, then spend more money then I have to spare for a rental, just to end up coming home all the time to help out. It works better for the both of us. Yurt is obsessed, and should know I'm barely in my thirties.

If I'm obsessed, what are you by continually responding to me? You and scowlwoman don't know the meaning of the word obsession.

And don't lie, your mommy takes care of you because you're a fat lazy no good POS slob. You're a constant victim.
If I'm obsessed, what are you by continually responding to me? You and scowlwoman don't know the meaning of the word obsession.

And don't lie, your mommy takes care of you because you're a fat lazy no good POS slob. You're a constant victim.

I'm responding because, I find this amusing. Are you fake? Are you real? Does it really change that much? Being extremely analytical, is a trait of both OCD, and introversion. I'm both, and bored on top of that. I'm disabled according to standards, but you still piss, and moan about me, without even knowing why I'm disabled. Ask what kind of person does that, and you'll realize why you, and Tom aren't very well liked.
Waaaaah, woe is me. Waaaaah.

Crybaby attention whore.

You're pathetic.

Go on.... :laugh:

Yes. I have residences in both places. Why do you ask?

Just curious... Not been around in a while & several months ago I recall you were thinking of leaving "paradise" for the NW......

I have a neighbor that is moving back to Calif as well...... She had a nice place they purchased about 16 +/- years ago but now they have homeless ppl all over their property & can't do much about it........ She isn't even sure she will find a buyer.........
Deep, that is why no one cares what you think.

Good lord you're dumb.

I don't think you know what anyone thinks here. One of the few unities here, that crosses political lines, is the agreement of what a spastic little dweeb you act like. All I did was ban you from a recipe discussion, for shitting on Domer, after my final warnings not to. You then spazzed, stalked, and wrote like 30 discussions about me. I think you need to help yourself.