What is the biggest cause of wars?

I would say:

1st- Resource competition (Whether oil, water, gold, or trade routes)

2nd- Religion (Crusades, internal religious strife, etc)

3rd- Ideology (NAZIs exterminating Communists, right-wing SA regimes' Operation Condor)

Of course some element of each is involved in almost every conflict.
Hmm, I would say that religion used to be the biggest cause, then empire growing, then ideology and now ethnic strife.
Ultimately these are all done via government though.
I guess I should not just say government. But it is the idea that the state is more important than the individual, i.e., statism/collectivism.
I know.

Trog I haven't seen you around in a while! Hi. I haven't been able to read as many threads as I used to though, so maybe you have been around. But, Hi anyway!

I've had better things to do.

I bought a house for <$2000 out of pocket. It's renting for $500, with a $203/month positive cash flow. I've got $60k in cash looking for RE deals. I was on track to retire by 50, but I'm looking to accelerate that to 45, so I've been busy.
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Stringy's simplistic worldview

corporations = good
government = bad

I grew on talk radio too, man. But all that shit is fucked up. Coming out of the seventies we needed a conservative revolution. Let's not make this into a fascist revolution.