What is the biggest cause of wars?

See, stringy's all skeered now. He felt the AHZ sting of mental destruction, the sting of having his precious yet warped memes splattered all over the walls. Helter Skelter.
Stringy's simplistic worldview

corporations = good
government = bad

I grew on talk radio too, man. But all that shit is fucked up. Coming out of the seventies we needed a conservative revolution. Let's not make this into a fascist revolution.

Who has the simplistic view? Stringfield never said anything to the effect of "corporations good", as in necessarily. Your strawman is nakedly obvious, and rather feckless, I might add.

War is an instrument of the state, or perhaps with respect to societies of the ancient past, the collective will. Therefore, with respect to the last couple millenia, war is most certainly an act of the state, the government. It is when those in power chose to exalt the interests of the state over all other considerations. War is legalized murder, though I am not saying that soldiers are murderers. War most often happens when governments refuse to work together; when they refuse to break down barriers or erect them.
on who starts it...the US does not start wars...we finish them...no matter the cause!

Iraq? I think the US may be the only liberal democracy in the whole of the 20th Century and certainly so far in the 21st Century to have actually started a war.
Who has the simplistic view? Stringfield never said anything to the effect of "corporations good", as in necessarily. Your strawman is nakedly obvious, and rather feckless, I might add.
I disagree. His repugnant intellect oozes these values.
War is an instrument of the state, or perhaps with respect to societies of the ancient past, the collective will. Therefore, with respect to the last couple millenia, war is most certainly an act of the state, the government. It is when those in power chose to exalt the interests of the state over all other considerations. War is legalized murder, though I am not saying that soldiers are murderers. War most often happens when governments refuse to work together; when they refuse to break down barriers or erect them.

And for the most part, the state serves the interest of monied citizens. You think without government there would be no war? That's fucking dumb.
And I pose the question to you? Is government required to put down the riots which will ensue if this globalization tragedy continues?

Stringy is not an anarchist, he's an internationalist fascist elitist.
I disagree. His repugnant intellect oozes these values.

And for the most part, the state serves the interest of monied citizens. You think without government there would be no war? That's fucking dumb.

You really can't read very well, can you? I mentioned ancient societies and collective will.

I'm not an anarchist, but "monied interests" would have a much harder time waging war without the taxation power of government. We should also blame apathetic/nationalist citizens for not opposing war (most of which is unjust). Their participation/cooperation is essential for the machine of war. The draft is a perfect example of how the power of the state is used to force conscription and provide personnel for the military. To deny this is simply to refuse the truth.
You really can't read very well, can you? I mentioned ancient societies and collective will.

I'm not an anarchist, but "monied interests" would have a much harder time waging war without the taxation power of government. We should also blame apathetic/nationalist citizens for not opposing war (most of which is unjust). Their participation/cooperation is essential for the machine of war. The draft is a perfect example of how the power of the state is used to force conscription and provide personnel for the military. To deny this is simply to refuse the truth.

So if you want to defund the government, would you be for moving to a currency of actual value, instead of fiat currency which we have now, which gives the government the power to make money out of thin air to fund their wars? Let's see how statist you really are, punkass.
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So if you want to defund the government, would you be for moving to an currency of actual value, instead of fiat currency which we have now, which gives the government the power to make money out of thin air to fund their wars? Let's see how statist you really are, punkass.

You're really obnoxious and petulant, but I'll reply.

Yes, I support returning to the gold standard, and have for several years after reading about the subject.
The biggest cause of war is how completely elitists have warped their respective nations with unsound governing policy. A 'globalized' society as it's being constructed now will simply be an extension of their psychopathy.
Stringy's simplistic worldview

corporations = good
government = bad

I grew on talk radio too, man. But all that shit is fucked up. Coming out of the seventies we needed a conservative revolution. Let's not make this into a fascist revolution.

a conservative revolution is a fascist revolution
a conservative revolution is a fascist revolution

Not necessarily. Many conservatives are individualistic, freedom oriented populists. The parties need to be rejiggered. But of course, the false dichotomy of two bad choices is how the shitty status quo is maintained.
Does Stringfield approve of fiat currency, the ultimate statist tool? let's ask him.

"Hey mikey, he likes it!"
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Does Stringfield approve of fiat currency, the ultimate statist tool? let's ask him.

I'm pretty sure that he does not support fiat money. Ron Paul is arguably the leading advocate for a return to the gold standard and String is a big fan of the good Doctor.
I'm pretty sure that he does not support fiat money. Ron Paul is arguably the leading advocate for a return to the gold standard and String is a big fan of the good Doctor.

Anyway, In as much as globalization screws any populace, they have a right to reject it. The "long term benefit to humanity" is an excuse for short term atrocity.