What is the biggest cause of wars?

I guess I should not just say government. But it is the idea that the state is more important than the individual, i.e., statism/collectivism.

Humans are naturally a social species. Some collectivism and cooperation is how we survive. When it passes into something evil is when some are told the collective is working in their best interest, when it isn't. For instance, our government claims to protect americans, yet it's trade agreements are based on ruining the economic future of most americans, based on whimsical notions of "averaging out mankind". we have a right to assert our indivualist when the collective is against us, as individuals.
An imbecile can call people names. That's a hollow victory to say the least. The fact that that impresses you demeans you. I wouldn't admit it publicly.:cool:

I'm actually surprised our conversation went as far as it did. I was obviously just standing on the sidelines throwing stones, then suddenly I was in this tangled web where I had to produce something to back up my claims, and that was all I could come up with. :(
I'm actually surprised our conversation went as far as it did. I was obviously just standing on the sidelines throwing stones, then suddenly I was in this tangled web where I had to produce something to back up my claims, and that was all I could come up with. :(

lol. You're funny man. I like you. I kind of felt like you were just gassing into the wind, but, you know, I gotta represent!
Well, you certainly do represent.:clink:

what I have no idea!