What is the difference between slaves on a plantation....

Stop altering my posts you mongrel-brained moron. You can't resist stalking your superiors, can you?

What you put out in this world will come back to you. Because you hate yourself, you spread hate, ugliness and sow discord.

Karma will come knocking and you may have some suffering in your future. It will be well-earned.

I Can't change your original post, peckerwood
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Only in your pointy hooded mind, junior. The decade old responses laid waste to your clap trap then....it took you this long to muster up the cojones to try it again. Pity you haven't learned anything in all this time. Someone should have clued you in during the years....your ad nausea repetition, denial of contrary historically accurate facts do not prove your assertions...it just demonstrates the intellectual dishonesty and willful ignorance of you sheet wearers.

Now run-a-long and get reassured by the clown you see in the mirror that all is well. The chronology of the posts, however, will always be your undoing.

Nothing has "laid waste" to shit. Screaming wayciss damn sure didn't.

Come back when you have an argument instead of ad homs.

Posts #150, 153, 157, 193 and 197, folks.

This pathetic David Duke wanna be has NOTHING but sheer insipid stubbornness and intellectual dishonesty. Hell, 10 years ago he got humiliated under another screen name pushing the same racist bilge. He hasn't learned his lesson...valid, documented historical facts and the logic derived from them will always be the undoing of the revisionist rhetoric of white supremacist and neo-nazis. But like dumb parrots, they just keep on squawking. Sad.