What is the difference between slaves on a plantation....

The chronology of the post shows how I and other systematically deconstruct and disprove the OP. Jokers like you attempt to support it without coming of as a bunch piss poor sheet wearing propagandist.

You jokers fail at every turn. So now you're all sour grapes and schoolyard insults.

Awww, poor bubbie all upset. Take off the point hood and wipe your eyes, bubbie. Your presence on this site is not so much an offense but a chance to humiliate the MAGA/alt-right rhetoric you spew. Carry on.

Sorry son, but jokers of your mind set have been blaming their personal failures and short comings in life on anyone who doesn't look like or worship like you. That you're too damn dumb or stubborn to recognize or admit that the people who are screwing you over ARE THE ONES IN POWER AND WHO LOOK JUST LIKE YOU. That's why you bend over the chair with a smile on your face and say, "thank you sir, may I have another" when the GOP lays another version of reaganomics on you.

Pathetic. Carry on.

OMG! You are one incoherently babbling fruitcake!
I'd say, at the moment (and unforeseeable future),
Biden is fucking up big time and it's costing all of us.

As for that racist mongrel, he's just bating for response.
unnh-huh. Because it was the "leftist" who make up the membership of white supremacist, white separatist, neo-nazi, alt- right groups that have been documented by the FBI for decades. The "leftist" kept Jim Crow laws in the Southern states for 103 years AFTER the Civil War ended. It's the leftist that keep regurgitating the long disproven bigoted clap trap of the OP.

:rolleyes: GMAFB ... hell, give us all a break and give it a rest, son.

It is the leftists. Yes. The white supremacist, what separarist, neo-nazy 'alt-right' groups are leftist. It is the leftists that kept up the Jim Crow laws.
You're babbling, son. YOU make a generic statement that I prove to be patently ridiculous with some easily verified historical and current references. Your retort/defense is to try to make hay about my "grouping". :rolleyes: Kind of a desperate and dumb move on your part to save face, as all those entities referred to have racism & bigotry as a common basis. A matter of fact, a matter of history.

That's why when wanna be David Duke's like you try to intellectualize your bigoted babble and then act as if you've delivered some sort of condescending trump card (no pun intended), you come off all the more buffoonish. Carry on.

Attempted proof by void. Inversion fallacy. Attempted proof by buzzword.
Your orange faced god is an attention whore.....constantly posting, tweeting, talking to any media reporter/host that will listen. If he wasn't stone walling the DOJ on scarfing classified documents, or being taking to task for all the dubious tax filings and questionable private business deals, we'd all be glad the creep was out of office and forget about him.

You got a problem with people discussing Dump, talk to him about it and tell him to STFU!

Good luck with that. ;)

You aren't even making sense, your hatred is so strong.

Man, you just keep building on this BS fantasy and actually think anyone is buying it? I'd ask if you're FS, but you're not.....you're just a piss poor sheet wearing MAGA troll with delusions of cleverness.

I mean, it's truly fascinating how you weave this bizarre version of the old white "boot strap" story with just a nonchalant mention of the morally corrupt black folk and the federal gov't that killed your white working class hero's efforts of single handedly turning a slum housing into a low income tenants paradise. Yeah, he was so great that he went onto join the very gov't he and you abhor.

Right, the benevolent slum lord who rose from a run-a-way 9 yr. with no public school education to become an uber handy man/construction expert/landlord then politician.

I swear, whatever you're on or drinking should be a pre-requisite for all high school seniors and college kids interested in writing fiction!

The OP was thoroughly deconstructed and debunked by myself and others. Sheet wearing cretins like yourself confirm your intellectual impotence and bigotry with such outlandish tales. Only the most moronic MAGA minion, fellow pointy hooded palooka and the clown you see in the mirror is buy your bilge. Carry on.

MAGA isn't a person.
Public schools do not educate. They indoctrinate.
It doesn't require any public education to renovate properties. It only takes the will to learn the skills.
It doesn't require any public education to enter politics either.
Actually, as the chronology of the posts shows, I refer to documented, verified historical FACTS. YOU keep trying to pass off some fanciful bigot tainted tale as such.

I picked it apart using critical analysis. Any rational, objective person can read it and see.

You're just a pathetic sheet wearing MAGA troll blowing mucho smoke. Carry on.

MAGA isn't a person. The KKK was created and is still supported by the Democrats.
Attempted proof by buzzword.
Here you are paying attention to him. I'm not. I don't know what he says because I don't do twitter.

LOL! Then we get another creep who has secret documents stashed in two places, and who knows how many could be in other places.

I get sick of you libs always bringing up Trump. We've got a blooming idiot in charge of the most powerful country on earth. That is a problem. A very serious one.

Yeah, good luck trying to stay afloat of the rising inflation. Eggs are $5 a dozen, and I know a chicken farmer!

Three places now.
Umm, you do realize that your documented, consistent defense of the Orange Oaf IS PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM, right?

You may not do twitter, but many others do...and it makes the domestic and foreign news when AN EX-POTUS continuously makes tweets that are easily disproved and/or deemed irrational at times.

As for the latest document fiasco with Biden....I've said time and again that since his people have complied from the jump with the Feds, the ultimate come down with him will be FAR less than with Dump...who purposely refused, delayed and denied having and then returning said documents for a year.

That's obstruction....a serious offense. Biden doesn't have that charge.

No one gives a damn what you MAGA mooks and trolls are sick of.....we all know that facts, the truth and objective, critical analysis leaves a sour tastes in your mouths. So do continue pretending Dump was a genius for 4 years, created all prosperity on his own, left an economic paradise for Biden to inherit. The rest of us will actually take all information in context instead of just blaming everything solely on the President du jour (of whom I did not vote for). Like this:



Carry on.

If not, get a nearby adult to explain it to you.

MAGA isn't a person. The current economic depression was caused by Democrats (and Biden).
The chronology of the post shows how I and other systematically deconstruct and disprove the OP. Jokers like you attempt to support it without coming of as a bunch piss poor sheet wearing propagandist.

You jokers fail at every turn. So now you're all sour grapes and schoolyard insults.

Awww, poor bubbie all upset. Take off the point hood and wipe your eyes, bubbie. Your presence on this site is not so much an offense but a chance to humiliate the MAGA/alt-right rhetoric you spew. Carry on.

You're obviously on tilt now. Buzzword fallacies. Insult fallacies. No argument presented.
The only reason racism is alive is because you liberals are keeping it alive.

A lot of black people are racist.

Can blacks be racist? The answer, of course, will depend on how you define racism. If you define it as “prejudice against or hatred toward another race,” then the answer is yes. If you define racism as “the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race,” the answer is yes. And if you define racism as “prejudice and discrimination rooted in race-based loathing,” then the answer is, again, yes. However, if you define racism as “a system of group privilege by those who have a disproportionate share of society’s power, prestige, property, and privilege,” then the answer is no. In the end, it is my opinion that individual blacks can be and sometimes are racists. However, collectively, blacks are neither the primary creators nor beneficiaries of the racism that permeates society today.

Can blacks be racist? The answer, of course, will depend on how you define racism. If you define it as “prejudice against or hatred toward another race,” then the answer is yes. If you define racism as “the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race,” the answer is yes. And if you define racism as “prejudice and discrimination rooted in race-based loathing,” then the answer is, again, yes. However, if you define racism as “a system of group privilege by those who have a disproportionate share of society’s power, prestige, property, and privilege,” then the answer is no. In the end, it is my opinion that individual blacks can be and sometimes are racists. However, collectively, blacks are neither the primary creators nor beneficiaries of the racism that permeates society today.


Good response, but it's lost on those who's vision is limited by the eyelets in their pointy hood.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
The chronology of the post shows how I and other systematically deconstruct and disprove the OP. Jokers like you attempt to support it without coming of as a bunch piss poor sheet wearing propagandist.

You jokers fail at every turn. So now you're all sour grapes and schoolyard insults.

Awww, poor bubbie all upset. Take off the point hood and wipe your eyes, bubbie. Your presence on this site is not so much an offense but a chance to humiliate the MAGA/alt-right rhetoric you spew. Carry on.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Sorry son, but jokers of your mind set have been blaming their personal failures and short comings in life on anyone who doesn't look like or worship like you. That you're too damn dumb or stubborn to recognize or admit that the people who are screwing you over ARE THE ONES IN POWER AND WHO LOOK JUST LIKE YOU. That's why you bend over the chair with a smile on your face and say, "thank you sir, may I have another" when the GOP lays another version of reaganomics on you.

Pathetic. Carry on.

OMG! You are one incoherently babbling fruitcake!
I'd say, at the moment (and unforeseeable future),
Biden is fucking up big time and it's costing all of us.

As for that racist mongrel, he's just bating for response.

You talk loud but say nothing. You're all schoolyard taunts & retorts with a dash of MAGA mantras. Like I said, the OP was thoroughly disproved and discredited by myself and others. You're just pissed that you can't refute that logically, factually or even rationally. So you rip off your pointy hood, dash it to the ground an stomp around in failed frustration. Hope the circle jerk jokers and the clown you see in the mirror make you feel better. The rest of us just pity you.
You talk loud but say nothing. You're all schoolyard taunts & retorts with a dash of MAGA mantras. Like I said, the OP was thoroughly disproved and discredited by myself and others. You're just pissed that you can't refute that logically, factually or even rationally. So you rip off your pointy hood, dash it to the ground an stomp around in failed frustration. Hope the circle jerk jokers and the clown you see in the mirror make you feel better. The rest of us just pity you.

Lol! I'm fine, but you have issues. So does your bigoted racist mongrel.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You talk loud but say nothing. You're all schoolyard taunts & retorts with a dash of MAGA mantras. Like I said, the OP was thoroughly disproved and discredited by myself and others. You're just pissed that you can't refute that logically, factually or even rationally. So you rip off your pointy hood, dash it to the ground an stomp around in failed frustration. Hope the circle jerk jokers and the clown you see in the mirror make you feel better. The rest of us just pity you.

Lol! I'm fine, but you have issues. So does your bigoted racist mongrel.

Ahh, the moronic cry of a defeated sheet wearer...."I'm not the bigot/racist...YOU are for pointing out my racism and bigotry".

The chronology of the posts clearly shows my deconstruction and disproval of the racist propaganda of the OP. If you can produce the link or give the post number where you in no uncertain terms disprove and condemn the OP, do so. If not, you're just full of it as usual. We'll wait.