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and blacks who blindly vote for Democrats?
What does a slave-owner have to provide, free, for his slaves?The Democrat Party survives because it keeps blacks poor and dependent on Democrat hand-outs to survive.
1. Free Housing.
2. Free Food.
3. Free Healthcare
4. A menial education sufficient to the task he requires the slave to perform.
What is the one thing a slave owner required of his slaves?
1. Unquestioning Loyalty.
What do the democrats always promise to provide, free, to blacks?
1. Free Housing.
2. Free Food.
3. Free healthcare
4. A free menial education, sufficient to get them to the voting booth.
What is the one thing Democrats require of their constituents?
1. Unquestioning Loyalty.
The only question black democrats have to ask themselves is:
Who’s your massa now?
Democrats do something similar with gays: they keep us in check by scaring gays into believing Republicans are evil and want to kill us, so the only protection we have is to vote Democrat, Democrat, Democrat.
Democrats keep Hispanics under control by pushing Spanish as much as possible, so Hispanics never learn English and don’t progress as much in society.
Women are kept in line by Democrats though cultural wedge issues like abortion, where, once again, people are convinced to vote against their own economic best interests because Democrats create boogeymen to scare them into believing conservatives are evil and want to harm them or take away their rights.
If even one of the groups above could be reasoned with, and would actually see what the Democrat Party does to them, the fragile identity-bloc coalition that makes up the Democrat Paty would collapse on itself.
If you blindly vote Democrat, year after year, without ever asking what you REALLY get out of it, you are either a slave or a damn fool.
All truthful of course, but what else should we expect from the neo-communist? The Democrats entire political agenda is based in bribery for power.
However why should we exempt the Republicans from their share of the responsibility? Haven’t Republicans furthered the Democrat’s agenda every time Republicans had the power? If they haven’t, how come we had growth in the cost of every socialist federal program during every Republican control of the federal government? How come Republicans like the Democrats never really cut or eliminate anything the federal government does? How come we always see rising deficits and a rising national debt when the Republicans are in control? What about the Republicans boogiemen? You know all of those foreign countries that wish us harm that Republicans always want to protect us from like North Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran? What about all of those undeclared unconstitutional wars the Republicans allow Republican Presidents to start that they never pay for? What about the Military Industrial Complex and World Police Force that Republicans always waste taxpayer’s money on? What about the Republicans failed insane violent Drug War? What about the Republicans “Faith Based Initiative, Prescription Drugs For Seniors and the unconstitutional Patriot Act?” What about all of those Republican subsidies for corporations and crony capitalism and corporate bailouts? What about the financial economic enslavement and debt to China that Republicans have “forced” on to the taxpayers of this nation? What about all of those idiot Republican voters that encourage and sanctify the Republican agenda with Republican votes? Should we ever expect anything different from the neo-fascist Republicans?
Is there any real difference between Democrats and Republicans?
“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, its force like fire a troublesome servant and a fearful master, never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible actions.” (George Washington)