And gays. All special identity blocs are included.
In other words, the Republican party represents the white straight Christian men.
In other words, the Republican party represents the white straight Christian men.
No, that isn't what the OP indicates.In other words, the Republican party represents the white straight Christian men.
No, that isn't what the OP indicates.
Please re-read if you want to debate it.
In other words, the Republican party represents the white straight Christian men.
The OP is 100% true.I already answered. I pointed out the differences.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Every now and then some David Duke wanna be or embittered joker seeking a paid position as columnist for Storm Front post drivel like the OP here. The fantastic amount of historical revisionism, fabrications and down right BS displayed would give a fact checker either nightmares and a hefty bonus.
I believe these poor souls just want attention.....thereby justifying the failures and frustrations in their personal lives by drum beating this guff. Sad, but not unexpected, as they have been emboldened with cases like Zimmerman and Rittenhouse....and STILL don't accept the FACT that the people who screw them over in their daily lives LOOK JUST LIKE THEM.
And the band played on.
Give it a shot, sport. The OP was posted here 10 years ago and it rings just as true today.
Jordan Peterson is currently learning the price of sticking up for and trying to help men.
This is so not allowed.
The OP isn't exclusive to blacks, it includes all the special identity blocs who are gaslighted for Democrat votes.So this is the best you can do? A decade old sheet wearers diatribe that was disproven and discarded then ... what are you on/drinking/smoking that makes you think it suddenly is valid? All you do is just blather the usual neo-nazi/KKK propaganda and deny any and all historical facts to the contrary.
And that's your achilles heel, junior. When enslavement and oppression are a guaranteed part of a society, the perpetrators become proud note takers, as they see it as a business (in some cases competitive). This is why little creeps like the Stasi, the Nazi's, the Ton Ton Macoute, etc., burn records when busted. That way, racist buffoons can create their own narrative...much like you do here.
Anyone with a high school GED can trot down to the library and see the records, writings and such regarding American slavery...BY THE SLAVERS. That is why drivel like the OP is easily and pitifully dismissed.
Seriously, how many screen names have you posed under to get onto discussion sites like this to troll the pointy hooded hysterics? I mean, I know you guys love to circle jerk how "correct" you are, but can't you at least be honest as to your "identity"?
Carry on parroting.
The OP isn't exclusive to blacks, it includes all the special identity blocs who are gaslighted for Democrat votes.
Let's review:
- [FONT=&]The Democrat Party survives because it keeps blacks poor and dependent on Democrat hand-outs to survive. Check
- Democrats do something similar with gays: they keep us in check by scaring gays into believing Republicans are evil and want to kill us, so the only protection we have is to vote Democrat, Democrat, Democrat. Check
- Democrats keep Hispanics under control by pushing Spanish as much as possible, so Hispanics never learn English and don’t progress as much in society. Check
- [FONT=&]Women are kept in line by Democrats though cultural wedge issues like abortion, where, once again, people are convinced to vote against their own economic best interests because Democrats create boogeymen to scare them into believing conservatives are evil and want to harm them or take away their rights. Check[/FONT][FONT=&]
If even one of the groups above could be reasoned with, and would actually see what the Democrat Party does to them, the fragile identity-bloc coalition that makes up the Democrat Party would collapse on itself.[/FONT][FONT=&]
Screaming Stormfront and racist does not refute any of the points above.
That said, I registered this account a decade ago and forgot the email account I reg it under. When I came back in 2016 I opened a new acct. I finally figured out the acct and login and was able to login this one. And it's a blast! But I have been using one account here until today. [/FONT]
I accept your concession. Have a splendid evening.The OP, like this latest reiteration, is just pure unadulterated pointy hooded clap trap. All supposition and conjecture chock full of revisionist fantasy and bigoted bellowing.
And no one gives a damn about your BS as to how you maintain your presence're still the same pointy hood wearing 3rd rate propagandist you were then as is now. You'll just parrot your bilge ad nausea regardless of reality. Pity for you the attention you get is not exactly what you hoped for.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
The OP, like this latest reiteration, is just pure unadulterated pointy hooded clap trap. All supposition and conjecture chock full of revisionist fantasy and bigoted bellowing.
And no one gives a damn about your BS as to how you maintain your presence're still the same pointy hood wearing 3rd rate propagandist you were then as is now. You'll just parrot your bilge ad nausea regardless of reality. Pity for you the attention you get is not exactly what you hoped for.
I accept your concession. Have a splendid evening.
Got some productivity out of the slaves. Get our cities destroyed by african americans.
and blacks who blindly vote for Democrats?
What does a slave-owner have to provide, free, for his slaves?The Democrat Party survives because it keeps blacks poor and dependent on Democrat hand-outs to survive.
1. Free Housing.
2. Free Food.
3. Free Healthcare
4. A menial education sufficient to the task he requires the slave to perform.
What is the one thing a slave owner required of his slaves?
1. Unquestioning Loyalty.
What do the democrats always promise to provide, free, to blacks?
1. Free Housing.
2. Free Food.
3. Free healthcare
4. A free menial education, sufficient to get them to the voting booth.
What is the one thing Democrats require of their constituents?
1. Unquestioning Loyalty.
The only question black democrats have to ask themselves is:
Who’s your massa now?
Democrats do something similar with gays: they keep us in check by scaring gays into believing Republicans are evil and want to kill us, so the only protection we have is to vote Democrat, Democrat, Democrat.
Democrats keep Hispanics under control by pushing Spanish as much as possible, so Hispanics never learn English and don’t progress as much in society.
Women are kept in line by Democrats though cultural wedge issues like abortion, where, once again, people are convinced to vote against their own economic best interests because Democrats create boogeymen to scare them into believing conservatives are evil and want to harm them or take away their rights.
If even one of the groups above could be reasoned with, and would actually see what the Democrat Party does to them, the fragile identity-bloc coalition that makes up the Democrat Paty would collapse on itself.
If you blindly vote Democrat, year after year, without ever asking what you REALLY get out of it, you are either a slave or a damn fool.