What is the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?


I don't have any stories. Someone else share.

I voted for you to be a mod over Lady T...second thought says I made a mistake...I want the chocolate bunny! Never had the experience...but I have with immature kids playing as adults...gimme my vote back...:cof1:

Frankley scarlett...Lady T keeps posting your boobs....I would rather have seen hers!...;)
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When I was like 9 or 10 I locked my cousin outside in the snow in his tighty whities

When I was around 13 I forced that same cousin to eat a pickle even though he swore up and down he was allergic to them. I just wanted to show him that he wasn't really allergic, like I was to fish, he simply disliked them.
When I was like 9 or 10 I locked my cousin outside in the snow in his tighty whities

When I was around 13 I forced that same cousin to eat a pickle even though he swore up and down he was allergic to them. I just wanted to show him that he wasn't really allergic, like I was to fish, he simply disliked them.

lol.. I did the first one to my brother when he was about 7 I guess.
I once locked a person in a box in their shit and piss until they died of starvation, then through their dead body into the stream beside my house. Besides that, pretty much nothing, except for the rape/kidnapping incident.
I once told a story on here that beats y'all.

I once told an ex-girlfriend that had called to tell me she had brain cancer to call up her fiancé and tell him about it. Then I hung up.


This girl had strung me along for a good four years, on and off, up and down, and had even cheated on me. There was nothing I had left to offer her.

The actual words I used was, "You have a fiancé for a reason. Shouldn't you be talking to him about this?"
I once told a story on here that beats y'all.

I once told an ex-girlfriend that had called to tell me she had brain cancer to call up her fiancé and tell him about it. Then I hung up.


This girl had strung me along for a good four years, on and off, up and down, and had even cheated on me. There was nothing I had left to offer her.

The actual words I used was, "You have a fiancé for a reason. Shouldn't you be talking to him about this?"

maybe it's mean but it sounds like she deserved it. I think it's awesome. I probably would have done the same + more. Fuck her.
I once told a story on here that beats y'all.

I once told an ex-girlfriend that had called to tell me she had brain cancer to call up her fiancé and tell him about it. Then I hung up.


This girl had strung me along for a good four years, on and off, up and down, and had even cheated on me. There was nothing I had left to offer her.

The actual words I used was, "You have a fiancé for a reason. Shouldn't you be talking to him about this?"

Damo, I am really blown away by this. Talk about bitterness.

That's an ugly path to walk. I could never blow-off an ex-lover who called to tell me they had brain cancer. I retain a part of them. It's like the Whitney Houston song, if somebody loves you, wont they always love you...anyway, seriously, that's ugly stuff. You shouldn't be carrying that.
Damo, I am really blown away by this. Talk about bitterness.

That's an ugly path to walk. I could never blow-off an ex-lover who called to tell me they had brain cancer. I retain a part of them. It's like the Whitney Houston song, if somebody loves you, wont they always love you...anyway, seriously, that's ugly stuff. You shouldn't be carrying that.
Why do you think I feel guilty?

I've never heard from her again. The reality is that she was likely using it to get back again with me. That's the way this girl rolled. Of course I'll never know.