What is the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?

I assumed he was “joking” much like Water’s “joke” about killing someone to watch them die or something. Plus, these emo faux-confessions are one thing coming from the pimple squad, and another thing coming from DAmo, who has actually had sex.

.. so we assume.
Ok, that makes it a bit more understandable, but Damo, damn…you were involved with this one, and another one who stalked you and tried to run over your new girlfriend…you had some damned stinky taste in women didn’t you?
Yeah, until I found a good center I had some crappy taste in women.
she cheated on him, she was a horrible human being. See, with girls all you have to do is tell them you are dying or whatever and they swoon over you. Guys on the otherhand, are much tougher to be swayed by sob stories.

Mormon girl qusi-cheated on grind because Grind's ultimate enemy was all like "blah blah blah I have a disease." Boy, did Mormon girl fall head over heels after hearing that. In the midst of qusi cheating she would call me up and talk about this douchebag and I was all like "shut up mormon girl, I don't care about that douchebag."

- The end -

You sound bitter.
Especially with the use of yourself in the third person.
I once told a story on here that beats y'all.

I once told an ex-girlfriend that had called to tell me she had brain cancer to call up her fiancé and tell him about it. Then I hung up.


This girl had strung me along for a good four years, on and off, up and down, and had even cheated on me. There was nothing I had left to offer her.

The actual words I used was, "You have a fiancé for a reason. Shouldn't you be talking to him about this?"

I find this a perfectly reasonable reaction to this person. When people lie to you to manipulate you there is no reason to ever trust them again. I would have assumed the Brain Cancer story was a lie. I think you acted with restraint Damo. You merely told here you were not the person to bring this information to.
I find this a perfectly reasonable reaction to this person. When people lie to you to manipulate you there is no reason to ever trust them again. I would have assumed the Brain Cancer story was a lie. I think you acted with restraint Damo. You merely told here you were not the person to bring this information to.

Whenever I tell someone to go fuck themselves, I am merely giving them the thumbs up for masturbation. It's not offensive at all.
Don't judge me by my worst day.

Dude, don't listen to them saying that's low. They probably don't know the feelings you had for the girl, and don't understand the impact she made on you. I had something similar happen and I basically told my ex never to call me until she gets her shit together. Every time I tryed to help her, she basically just made things worse. She would go against every bit of advice I gave her. She ended up getting pregnant, to a guy who claimed to 'love her' and she had to move to California and change her name because the dude was a serious mental case, but she thought otherwise. She never listened to a thing I said, and reality hit her after I cut her off from talkign to me. I should have just not said a word to her. She would be better off today if I just didn't try to give her my advice, or had I used reverse pshycology maybe... who knows? Basically, she thought she knew everything, and thought men were idiots. But who's the idiot when you get played for a fool by a dumbass, and ignore the one that was with you for six years and had stability of mind and of life in general.