What is the purpose of government?

if you say so.

This US Islamidiotocracy totalitarianism of a Christian Nation Peter Principle pyramid scheme in ChristHitler survival of the fittest fascists continuing their proverbial Christiananality pedophilia rob Israel to pay Islam as their "serve the Pope or die" Nazi Third Reich economic master plan of rob Peter to pay Paul as their rob humanity with an Islam fabricated medical pseudoscience virgin Mary human reproduction misnomer result from an immaculate Jesus the Christ son of Allah conception as reason for the purpose of godvernment certainly isn't "one nation under God with equal justice under law" with lynching enforcement in suicidal super ego sociopsyhcopathilogical homicidal human farming training of civilization for communism of Christianity civilization national religion "death to the infidels"
This US Islamidiotocracy totalitarianism of a Christian Nation Peter Principle pyramid scheme in ChristHitler survival of the fittest fascists continuing their proverbial Christiananality pedophilia rob Israel to pay Islam as their "serve the Pope or die" Nazi Third Reich economic master plan of rob Peter to pay Paul as their rob humanity with an Islam fabricated medical pseudoscience virgin Mary human reproduction misnomer result from an immaculate Jesus the Christ son of Allah conception as reason for the purpose of godvernment certainly isn't "one nation under God with equal justice under law" with lynching enforcement in suicidal super ego sociopsyhcopathilogical homicidal human farming training of civilization for communism of Christianity civilization national religion "death to the infidels"

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goolie goolie goolie goolie goolie ram sam sam
a ram sam sam
a ram sam sam
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goolie goolie goolie goolie goolie ram sam sam

Such a veritable plethora of cross conditioned way beyond therapy ChristHitler Islamidiotocracy Christiananlity pedophilia autism as the best cognitive dissonance reasoning this Christian Nation Godvernment has to offer after lynching enforcement for "man is God" medical pseudoscience .
Government is another product the Rich can corrupt, to keep the masses down!

Yet another money talks & BS walks with Federal Lynching enforcement to protect, serve & defend their Nazi economics Godvernment of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - Israel flag - absentee voting ballots arsonists in ChristHitler Christiananality pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" crusades in that Islam "death to the infidels" jihad concerning their 600 + years after a quark in a light year squared fabricated medical pseudoscience virgin Mary misnomer in human reproduction immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception for that Mengele "Angel of Death" WW II concentration camp tradition for suicidal super egos in sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming for this Christian Nation Peter Principle pyramid scheme in survival of the fittest fascists government interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law".
Such a veritable plethora of cross conditioned way beyond therapy ChristHitler Islamidiotocracy Christiananlity pedophilia autism as the best cognitive dissonance reasoning this Christian Nation Godvernment has to offer after lynching enforcement for "man is God" medical pseudoscience .

I think i agree.
You didn't know some people are corrupt?????!!!!
We all have our price!

Yeah was that naive when a youngster. Not even 10 years old yet & figure out the corruption in this Christian Nation SCOTUS interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" was granting standing to thieving US Constitution arsonists; which seemed to be little more than the price to pay to an Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophilia for over more than 60 years.