What is there more of? Racism or Sexism?

What is more prevalent in this country?

  • Racism

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • Sexism

    Votes: 8 72.7%

  • Total voters
LOL. It appears as if BB got to you. From cupcake to F***ot? That is quite an escalation.

You can't take my cursing as a sign of me being angry.

I curse in most of my posts.

It's mostly because I do it in everyday speech, though I'm starting to make a conscious effort to do so less.

Particularly calling BB a faggot is far from unusual for me.

It would take longer to find a post where I DON'T call him a faggot than one where I did.
I really don't get the "Children of the Corn" thing.

Is it a old person thing? A gay thing? Maybe just him.

Who knows...
I don't really know why I love insulting you so much, but God help me I do.

It's just easy I guess. Shooting fish in a barrel.

Your Baby Boomer slang has no place place in the 21st Century... Square! It is not remotely whack in any way, shape or form. Its fucking ghetto.

you are not cool,rad,cherry,bad,hot,or anything else that is wanted...well except maybe gangbangers ghetto slang...please bring us up to speed...'Mighty Mouse'...!:rolleyes:
Trans-gender discrimination is worse than either.

I wear women's clothes to a few parties, and I NEVER hear the end of it.

F*cking liberals. :mad:


Rud911ph Gui911iani
Well this has been entertaining.................

to say the least...however raising children such as 3D,eppi and waterbaby takes alot of calories...must call it a night...got a pot roast on and baked potaoe,salad and a beer waiting...have a nice night y'all...please entertain the children in my absence...thanks!
This question was brought up on real time not to long ago and I found it interesting.

I have no idea how to quantify it, other than to say both sexism and racism are prevalent in our society.

I think, however, that sexism is more tolerated than racism, in public, and in polite company.
Honestly, anyone who has to ask this, or is even wondering...hasn't been paying attention to this election. Or, as is more likely with the people on this board and others like it, they have remained willfully ignorant by putting blinders on.

Hillary can do no right. Every move she makes, every word she utters, every glance she gives, every thought she thinks, is rooted in evil intentions. She lives only to manipulate, to win over, to trick.

Obama can do no wrong. If he says something like "periodically when Hillary gets low she lashes out" he doesn't mean "hey, she's on the rag guys, you know?" When he says "the claws come out" he would have said that about John Edwards too! How desperate of you to try and assign bad motives to him! He is pure of heart, every move he makes, every thought he thinks, every glance he gives, is pure.

This bears a resemblence to the myth of Adam and Eve? Oh that's just a coincidence! Nobody is sexist! Stop being a whiny woman. Looking for sexism everywhere. It's just Hillary. If it were any other woman, we would feel differently. It's just these two particular people, one an evil, woman filled with trickery and falseness...one a good and pure man, a braveheart, who has never meant a soul harm.

It's all just a coincidence you see.
Women definately get more. There are women who say they would not vote for a woman.

It will not make me vote for Hillary though.
I think I tend to agree with Cypress. They are both prevalent but se xism is a lot more widely accepted. If I had to pick one, I'd actually say se xism only because as Desh pointed out, (in my experiences) proportionately a lot more women subscribe to gender based stereotypes than other ethnicities believe and accept stereotypes about themselves.

I've heard a lot more women say that they wouldn't want a woman for president than black people say they wouldn't want to see a black person in the oval office.