What is to be said about a poster who authors "I predict liberals will...."

As I said earlier, I simply enjoy showcasing your fear of dissenting opinion.

I like to brag about how I am one of a number of JPP posters you're too chickenshit to let respond to your claims.

I have a new thread in APP. You aren't thread banned. Would love to hear your thoughts.

How can I be afraid of you when I let you respond in 90% of the threads I start yet you don't?

Does that mean you are too chickenshit to respond?

No need to answer everyone knows. Even your fellow libs think you are a pussy for not debating me 1:1
Poor, poor butthurt Grind just couldn't STAND to have this topic in CE, and it sure was too much work for him to move it, so the coward just closed the thread like he so often does with topics that make him "uncomfortable"...however, I felt this topic needed further discussion:

Why don't you go fuck yourself?
Dear Archives and Zipperhead I have two brand new threads in APP just waiting for you to offer your stunning analysis and "engage"

There are ZERO thread bans. Come on in. The water is warm

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Just checked APP and no response from Zipperhead and Archives. They aren't thread banned. Not sure what the problem is

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What does it say about a whining Zappacrite who starts a crybaby thread and then runs like a scaled cat from it when challenged, like this?

As I said earlier, I simply enjoy showcasing your fear of dissenting opinion. I like to brag about how I am one of a number of JPP posters you're too chickenshit to let respond to your claims.

You are aware that several of your fellow "progressives" use thread-banning, aren't you, Zappacrite?

Are they too chickenshit to let others respond to their claims, Zappacrite?

With the exception of CFM, I've had rational dialogue with each of the posters you've listed at one time or another.

Link up to the alleged "rational dialogue with each of the posters" I "listed at one time or another", Zappacrite.

Show me the quotes that prove you have discussed "an issue with civility" with Silver Buzzard, Billyb, Threedee, Soiled Knickers, and Text Drivers are Killers.

I'll understand if you can't.
Maybe the Mods can check my threads in APP that I just started. Did I accidentally thread ban someone and that is why Archives and Zipperhead haven't posted?

I am anxious to hear what they think about the topics I started.

Here I go out of my way to start thought provoking threads in a civil forum and nothing from them.

I must say I am disappointed

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I predict that Zappacrite will return soon and pretend he didn't see your challenges, while hypocritically whining about conservative thread-bans while he ignores "progressive's" use of the same device.

Maybe the Mods can check my threads in APP that I just started. Did I accidentally thread ban someone and that is why Archives and Zipperhead haven't posted?

I am anxious to hear what they think about the topics I started.

Here I go out of my way to start thought provoking threads in a civil forum and nothing from them.

I must say I am disappointed

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What a coincidence...

Now that your cowardly threadbanning of whole groups of posters has brought you so much unwanted ridicule and embarrassment, you're now desperate...


to have a civil discussion with either myself or archives.

For MONTHS all you cared about was humiliating other posters.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot and it is Y-O-U who is being humiliated, you so desperately want things to be different.


I predict that Zappacrite will return soon and pretend he didn't see your challenges, while hypocritically whining about conservative thread-bans while he ignores "progressive's" use of the same device.


Show me a progressive poster who regularly threadbans FORTY THREE POSTERS and we can talk.

Till then this is just another diversion.
Show me a progressive poster who regularly threadbans FORTY THREE POSTERS and we can talk. Till then this is just another diversion.

LOL, move those goalposts, Zappacrite. First it was 'anyone who threadbans is a chickenshit'.

Now that you are forced to admit that you are calling your fellow hypocrites cowardly, you want to evade responsibility by assigning a number?

We've had this discussion before, Zappacrite. I asked you what number of posters could be threadbanned before Y O U start calling them cowardly and starting insult threads. Remember, or do you have libnesia, Zappacrite?

What is your response to Christiecrite's description of Y O U as a "baby", Zappacrite?

An intelligent person understands that only a baby has to start threads insulting people

With the exception of CFM, I've had rational dialogue with each of the posters you've listed at one time or another.

Link up to the alleged "rational dialogue with each of the posters" I "listed at one time or another", Zappacrite.

Show me the quotes that prove you have discussed "an issue with civility" with Silver Buzzard, Billyb, Threedee, Soiled Knickers, and Text Drivers are Killers.

I'll understand if you can't, Zappacrite.
What a coincidence...

Now that your cowardly threadbanning of whole groups of posters has brought you so much unwanted ridicule and embarrassment, you're now desperate...


to have a civil discussion with either myself or archives.

For MONTHS all you cared about was humiliating other posters.

Now that the shoe is on the other foot and it is Y-O-U who is being humiliated, you so desperately want things to be different.



Is that your new spin now? Do you really think anything you say has any bearing on me? I am merely pointing out your lies

You whine about being thread banned but you never post in APP.

I know why you don't. Because you are incapable of adhering to the rules. You are an empty suit.
LOL, move those goalposts, Zappacrite. First it was 'anyone who threadbans is a chickenshit'.

Now that you are forced to admit that you are calling your fellow hypocrites cowardly, you want to evade responsibility by assigning a number?

We've had this discussion before, Zappacrite. I asked you what number of posters could be threadbanned before Y O U start calling them cowardly and starting insult threads. Remember, or do you have libnesia, Zappacrite?

What is your response to Christiecrite's description of Y O U as a "baby", Zappacrite?

I don't see where she described me as a baby anywhere, but it's clear to everyone now that you're just another shit stirring whiner, so you go right on pushing your infantile narrative.

And I didn't start this thread in order to insult another poster.

No, my OP merely asks a question.
I don't see where she described me as a baby anywhere

To be fair, Zappacrite, she did specify "intelligent", so that leaves you out. :rofl2:

An intelligent person understands that only a baby has to start threads insulting people

it's clear to everyone now that you're just another shit stirring whiner

Everyone, Zappacrite?

I didn't start this thread in order to insult another poster. No, my OP merely asks a question.

HAHAHAHA. You have started multiple threads in order to insult other posters, Zappacrite.

Want to see a (partial) list, Zappacrite?
GBA claims I started this thread to insult another poster, but he can't seem to identify a NAME anywhere in the OP, of the poster I supposedly insulted when I started this thread.

IOW it's just another GBA lie.