What is to be said about a poster who authors "I predict liberals will...."


An intelligent person understands that only a baby has to start threads insulting people

Dance, little Zappacrite. Dance for me, Zappacrite, you baby.

Are you pretending that you didn't mean to insult me, Zappacrite?

What about all the other threads you've started to insult other posters, Zappacrite?

Dance, little Zappacrite. Dance for me, Zappacrite, you baby. :rofl2:


OMG that is the funniest GiF. Send it to Grind to make a Zappas out of it
OMG that is the funniest GiF. Send it to Grind to make a Zappas out of it

Yes, please do!

It's been a while since a poster became so unhinged over being schooled by me that they created a GIF for JPP.

Of course Grind made one...Truth Rejector became so enraged he created his own...then of course there was the ever present Yurt and his work of art.

I believe this one will make four dedicated to me...quite possibly a NEW RECORD for JPP!
Damn, three threads now WHINING about thread bans when the jackass voted for the thread ban and voted to keep it.

Get some industrial butt salve Zappas and have Archives wipe it on.

Thing is, Yaya, just because you can doesn't mean you should. Why not have enough discipline to ignore the foulmouthed trolls who have nothing to offer but insults?
Dang, feels good to speak your mind.