What is up with ads on this site?

I go into a thread and get ads for Costa Rica. I go into any thread where Tom has posted and I get ads about dating Asian girls.


Clearly there is an "AP" being utilized that takes advantage of the context of what is being discussed.....in assuming that you might want to purchase something that was just discussed. I mentioned that someone was a SOCK....and up pops an ad attempting to sell me socks for seniors. Its laughable....but someone has to pay the bills....even if its just though a COOKIE SALE.

If anyone has Firefox as your browser, and used an ad blocker, it may have been disabled, because of issues they had. I started getting ads from a place that makes giant fortune cookies, when I realized it. Damn dietary issues, make that food porn.

Yeah, Firefox and Adblock got into a big fight and now Adblock's only working sporadically. I wonder why I keep seeing ads for beads, beads, and more beads. And solar lights. lol

no, what happened today is firefox massively fucked up affecting millions of customers. Basically they had one security certificate signing for thousands of various extensions, including adblock, ublock origin, etc. Every single firefox extension today got auto-disabled. It took them nearly all day to fix. You should be good now, I got the update around 3pm or so. that's why you saw ads today. This is like the first time I've seen ads on websites in like forever, I can't believe people actually browse the internet seeing all that flashy moving trashy garbage. p.s. support jpp and click on our ads so damo can buy bees.
no, what happened today is firefox massively fucked up affecting millions of customers. Basically they had one security certificate signing for thousands of various extensions, including adblock, ublock origin, etc. Every single firefox extension today got auto-disabled. It took them nearly all day to fix. You should be good now, I got the update around 3pm or so. that's why you saw ads today. This is like the first time I've seen ads on websites in like forever, I can't believe people actually browse the internet seeing all that flashy moving trashy garbage. p.s. support jpp and click on our ads so damo can buy bees.

I read something along those lines, and it started back up mid posting. I did click on that fortune cookie bakery ad, with ten percent off. However you can't buy there without a minimum order. Slightly deflated, but slightly relieved. With my digestive issues, I've started getting the munchies every once, and awhile.
I read something along those lines, and it started back up mid posting. I did click on that fortune cookie bakery ad, with ten percent off. However you can't buy there without a minimum order. Slightly deflated, but slightly relieved. With my digestive issues, I've started getting the munchies every once, and awhile.

dont be a pussy

but thanks for your continued patronage.
Seriously, it is south of the evil countries. However it is still another country. Not sure I want to move there.
I go into a thread and get ads for Costa Rica. I go into any thread where Tom has posted and I get ads about dating Asian girls.


That might just be because of cunts like Guano, Gonad and Dumber making racist comments about Asian women.
I visit here on three different computers, a PC downstairs, another at my office and a Chromebook in the kitchen.......I have ad blocker on all three......but it doesn't seem to work on the Chromebook.......
I visit here on three different computers, a PC downstairs, another at my office and a Chromebook in the kitchen.......I have ad blocker on all three......but it doesn't seem to work on the Chromebook.......

Chromebooks are made by Google, so they are hardly likely to cut their own throats, are they?