What is up with ads on this site?

Cookies are like cockroaches......remove them and they find a way to survive, coming back stronger and more resistant. Why? The same people who make the shields also profit from the sale of information. What? Are they going to actually kill the golden goose? Does anyone really assume that gossip pays well? Its actually the whoring of free speech that makes money. These big tech companies are nothing but PIMPS.

The only sure fire method of keeping unwanted ads from "popping up"? Go to a security firm that works off site through remote real time monitoring......then you have the real problem, just what do these off site remote workshops do with all the information you have freely granted them access to? :thinking:
Seriously, it is south of the evil countries. However it is still another country. Not sure I want to move there.

I'd go Belize if I were to retire to south/Central America. Economy is pegged to the dollar, the national language is English, brown women with big tiddies. If I didn't plan on being a hermit and living in the middle of nowhere with only Amazon drones for company Belize would be paradise.
dont use your mom as an excuse to pig out. don't be a pussy.

Fortune cookies are something that last a long time, and aren't that bad for you. I got to that site after checking prices on a a bulk box of them, that could serve as a daily sweet treat for at minimum of several months. Then I just thought I'd get a sample box for a special occasion. A sample would be like ten. Anyway my issues going on seem complex, and I'm having malabsorption problems with fat. I won't explain details, because it's kind of gross, but the main thing is I keep losing weight, even if I overeat.
I visit here on three different computers, a PC downstairs, another at my office and a Chromebook in the kitchen.......I have ad blocker on all three......but it doesn't seem to work on the Chromebook.......

I am using a Chromebook. I use the Malwarebytes extension. It works just fine for me.
Hey Yurt,you saying you don't want some authentic spaghetti when you're in Costa Rica?

I don't even know if I'm going there.

However, are you saying you just happen to know of an Italian "authentic" place in Costa Rica?
I'd go Belize if I were to retire to south/Central America. Economy is pegged to the dollar, the national language is English, brown women with big tiddies. If I didn't plan on being a hermit and living in the middle of nowhere with only Amazon drones for company Belize would be paradise.

I'll look at that as well. We are talking years down the road... Unless I strike it rich with a good case or lottery ticket :D