What is up with Cindy ?


Villified User
I fear the poor girl has lost it....
I feel sorry for the poor girl and admire her for standing up to Bush and co, but....
Oh pa-lease...

I fear the poor girl has lost it....
I feel sorry for the poor girl and admire her for standing up to Bush and co, but....

Cindy's son is rolling over in his grave daily..I sure am glad my momma supported me and all my friends...including you USC...albeit ya defected later on...a sorry state of affairs!
I fear the poor girl has lost it....
I feel sorry for the poor girl and admire her for standing up to Bush and co, but....

Don't get me started. We are having, right as I speak, via email, a big, and rather heated debate within my own local CP group about this.
Cindy's son is rolling over in his grave daily..I sure am glad my momma supported me and all my friends...including you USC...albeit ya defected later on...a sorry state of affairs!

That us utter bs. No one knows what her son would have thought. He's dead. I hate when people say that.
Well darla...

That us utter bs. No one knows what her son would have thought. He's dead. I hate when people say that.

You may hate to your hearts content...however I spent time in the old foxholes with the ilk of her son..I beg to differ with a parasol gal...sorry but sometimes the truth hurts!
You may hate to your hearts content...however I spent time in the old foxholes with the ilk of her son..I beg to differ with a parasol gal...sorry but sometimes the truth hurts!

Right, and every soldier thinks the same way and holds the same opinions. That's why there was a group called "Vietnam Vets Against the War" and that's why today, we have "Iraqi Vets Against the War".
You may hate to your hearts content...however I spent time in the old foxholes with the ilk of her son..I beg to differ with a parasol gal...sorry but sometimes the truth hurts!

I don't know any Nam vets in my family who wanted to "stay" in Nam and fight towards "victory" no matter what the cost.

I only see chickenhawks in cyberspace say we should have kept fighting to the bitter end, in Nam.
What? Her maybe running against Pelosi?

Yeah. We have a couple of cindy worshippers in our group, and they want us to go to an event later in the month to get on this bandwagon.

You know, my feeling is, Pelosi Impeaches bush, we get President Cheney, the next morning, we bomb Iran. Pelosi impeaches both of them, without I'd say at least 70% super-majority strongly backing it, it's a coup, because it makes Pelosi President. This decimates the Democratic party.

And finally, hello! The Democrats couldn't even get Web's bill passed, and that was to give the troops a break between deployments. 56 votes for, the R's fillibustered it. I'm so sure they can get impeachment through the Senate. I live in the reality based community. Some don't.

There is a majority, right now, for impeaching Cheney. It won't get through the Senate, but if you want to be rational, start there.
Yeah. We have a couple of cindy worshippers in our group, and they want us to go to an event later in the month to get on this bandwagon.

You know, my feeling is, Pelosi Impeaches bush, we get President Cheney, the next morning, we bomb Iran. Pelosi impeaches both of them, without I'd say at least 70% super-majority strongly backing it, it's a coup, because it makes Pelosi President. This decimates the Democratic party.

And finally, hello! The Democrats couldn't even get Web's bill passed, and that was to give the troops a break between deployments. 56 votes for, the R's fillibustered it. I'm so sure they can get impeachment through the Senate. I live in the reality based community. Some don't.

There is a majority, right now, for impeaching Cheney. It won't get through the Senate, but if you want to be rational, start there.

I think every Dem voted for that Bill to give the troops some R & R. I guess we need 60 votes.

As far as cindy, I doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I mean, I doubt she could even beat pelosi. But, she's an american citizen, and if she wants to run, I'm not too worried about it. I mean, to be honest, I never held her up on a pedestal. I totally admire what she did. But, she's a human being, just like the rest of us.
I think every Dem voted for that Bill to give the troops some R & R. I guess we need 60 votes.

As far as cindy, I doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I mean, I doubt she could even beat pelosi. But, she's an american citizen, and if she wants to run, I'm not too worried about it. I mean, to be honest, I never held her up on a pedestal. I totally admire what she did. But, she's a human being, just like the rest of us.

Yeah, I'm not marching for this ultimatum of hers though.

I like her, she's a very warm person, she really is. But I don't agree with her burn down the barn approach.
Cindy's son is rolling over in his grave daily..I sure am glad my momma supported me and all my friends...including you USC...albeit ya defected later on...a sorry state of affairs!

Defected later ? Heck I had splinters under my fingernails from them dragging me off the porch.
Mothers are mothers, it is always hard to lose a child....
Well for a fact...

Right, and every soldier thinks the same way and holds the same opinions. That's why there was a group called "Vietnam Vets Against the War" and that's why today, we have "Iraqi Vets Against the War".

Most of whom you are speaking of were not actually soldiers who were in combat..albeit some were as portrayed by USC...I can respect his take on his experience..but put little credibility in your parasol group..or the likes of Lt.Kerry the fraud...or for Al Gore the Army Times writer now eco specialist and inventor of the interrnet....now I feel for Murtha and John McCain they also have their take on combat experience so I will not belittle them...so go and have fun with the pink parasols...like you have real time experiencce to draw from..oh yeah go with "Born on the 4th of July" or was that "Born in the USA" or "Independance Day" either tiitles were rediculous!Tom Cruise another fraudster from the movie industry!...end of story babe!
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You may hate to your hearts content...however I spent time in the old foxholes with the ilk of her son..I beg to differ with a parasol gal...sorry but sometimes the truth hurts!
all people in foxholes are not the same. Perhaps moreso now that it is all volunteer....
And perhaps if they have brains they are all scared and miserable...
Yeah, I'm not marching for this ultimatum of hers though.

I like her, she's a very warm person, she really is. But I don't agree with her burn down the barn approach.

I totally agree.

We might have the same goals. But the methods are what matters. I'm not a big fan trying to "unseat" Pelosi. Pelosi is not the problem.
Most of whom you are speaking of were not actually soldiers who were in combat..albeit some were as portrayed by USC...I can respect his take on his experience..but put little credibility in your parasol group..or the likes of Lt.Kerry the fraud...or for Al Gore the Army Times writer now eco specialist and inventor of the interrnet....now I feel for Murtha and John McCain they also have their take on combat experience so I will not belittle them...so go and have fun with the pink parasols...like you have real time experiencce to draw from..oh yeah go with "Born on the 4th of July" or was that "Born in the USA" or "Independance Day" either tiitles were rediculous!Tom Cruise another fraudster from the movie industry!...end of story babe!

I am so lucky to have all you big strong male types educating me day in and day out. Between you and Top, it's amazing I managed to tie my little ole shoelaces before I came here.
Yes combat sucks big time...

all people in foxholes are not the same. Perhaps moreso now that it is all volunteer....
And perhaps if they have brains they are all scared and miserable...

Everyone is scared and shits the proverbial pants...so what is your point..WWI,WWII,Korea,VN before and after...only diff being that VN and now Iraq vets are supposed to be demonized...yet coddled by 'Code Pink" gimme a break Sgt!