What is up with Cindy ?

Yes thats so true...

yep a few of em I met were totally nutz.

approximately 1% would fall into this category..however they were nuts before they were drafted...drug abuse and other simple mental disorders that fell thru the cracks...the other 99% were good guys just doing their duty...wanna challenge me on this estimate sgt? Or were you in the 1% group...I think not however I could be wrong!
I don't need to enlist to find out that there are some dumbasses in the military. You prove it here everyday.

And I don't need to enlist to find out that the troops have differing opinions, just like everybody else, because I have close friends in Vets for Peace, and returning Iraqi veterans who are activists.

Stop being silly.

Heck they take you up to 42 or something like that now. And the army has missed their recruitment goals for the last 2 months....not a good sign ofr the war supporters. Start the draft, that will end the war in a hurry.
approximately 1% would fall into this category..however they were nuts before they were drafted...drug abuse and other simple mental disorders that fell thru the cracks...the other 99% were good guys just doing their duty...wanna challenge me on this estimate sgt? Or were you in the 1% group...I think not however I could be wrong!

I would not challenge you on the numbers, but I met some that it was a major challenge for them to pitch a pup tent. Darn inner city ignoramouses mostly.
And then some were smart enough just nutz and one or two I met got off on the carnage and mayhem.
Fair enough....

I would not challenge you on the numbers, but I met some that it was a major challenge for them to pitch a pup tent. Darn inner city ignoramouses mostly.
And then some were smart enough just nutz and one or two I met got off on the carnage and mayhem.

So we agree on the 1% idiot numbers..hell even to this day I cry over sad movies and when the kids excel and win in competition in their school events..but back in the day I was a hardass...go figure..damn the Army they made me a man!( not a psycho killer)
The army life esp combat is not for everyone. Just like proctology or embalmer are not professions for everyone , but we need some of them.
Why would anyone want to be a proctologist or enbalmer ?
I can sort of see it if it is the family business but aside from that.....
Like I said...

Why would anyone want to be a proctologist or enbalmer ?
I can sort of see it if it is the family business but aside from that.....

send this to Mike Roe.."Dirty Jobs" someone has to do it..thank God it is not me...but I praise their efforts non the same! I also love garbage collectors a underpaid profession along with sewage workers...they are my heroes! No MBA's but hey they are needed and underpaid..imho!
yeah if spinner got his way all would have degrees. Lets see it would take at least an associate degree to sling burgers or mow grass.....A BA would probably get you a retail sales job.

yeah if spinner got his way all would have degrees. Lets see it would take at least an associate degree to sling burgers or mow grass.....A BA would probably get you a retail sales job.

after I retired thats about all a BS will get ya...thank God I managed the old budget and everthing was paid off before that day arrived...!