What is up with Cindy ?


The "impeach now!" crowd is out of its mind.

What would happen? Bush would stay in office. There aren't the votes in the senate. And what would it accomplish? Waste a bunch of time in the house and senate.

How could that time be better used? Investigating the adminstration, and providing oversight. It only takes one seemingly minor revelation to bring down the house of cards. Nixon would never have been impeached, except for a series of seemingly inconsequential events, in the course of the watergate investigations.
are you suggesting some of our troops don't have brains?

Of course some of them don't. Some of any group, are stupid, and some are smart.

Must we deify "the troops" in order to be patriotic? This reminds me of 9/11. Well, I'll tell you, 3,000 saints died on that day. Not one prick in the group.

Guess what? There were some pricks. Their deaths are no less tragic. There are some stupid soldiers. It doesn't take away from what they do.

It's not bad-mouthing people, or being unpatriotic. It's just kind of common sense, don't you think?
Well how old are you...?

I am so lucky to have all you big strong male types educating me day in and day out. Between you and Top, it's amazing I managed to tie my little ole shoelaces before I came here.

If you are under 35 go enlist and see first hand that which I am talking about...prove me wrong or right..the call is yours...put up or shut up!

The "impeach now!" crowd is out of its mind.

What would happen? Bush would stay in office. There aren't the votes in the senate. And what would it accomplish? Waste a bunch of time in the house and senate.

How could that time be better used? Investigating the adminstration, and providing oversight. It only takes one seemingly minor revelation to bring down the house of cards. Nixon would never have been impeached, except for a series of seemingly inconsequential events, in the course of the watergate investigations.

I think he should be impeached, because if he gets away with what he has done, it's saying to all who come after, yeah, go ahead, we won't do shit. But as you say, we don't have the votes. We have to be realistic. If the people start to clamor for it, then the votes will come. It's like any movement. And right, if we keep investigating them, the more that comes out, thats more people who begin to think, hey impeachment not so crazy. You see it with Cheney already.
She'll probably get a few percentage points of the votes because Pelosi is in such a safe seat people can protest vote for Sheehan while knowing that Pelosi will win.

I know, it's not that I think she can knock Pelosi off. I just don't like the whole thing. We don't need the anti-war movement looking like crazies, we have the majority with us. Let's end the war, that's what is important to me. Not grandstanding.

I think he should be impeached, because if he gets away with what he has done, it's saying to all who come after, yeah, go ahead, we won't do shit. But as you say, we don't have the votes. We have to be realistic. If the people start to clamor for it, then the votes will come. It's like any movement. And right, if we keep investigating them, the more that comes out, thats more people who begin to think, hey impeachment not so crazy. You see it with Cheney already.

Code Pink should also be investigated per your assessment...dodge my question and suggestion above all ya want..ya are a fraudster....like I said prove me wrong..what the self proclaimed kick box girl has lost the guts to enter the ring?
I know, it's not that I think she can knock Pelosi off. I just don't like the whole thing. We don't need the anti-war movement looking like crazies, we have the majority with us. Let's end the war, that's what is important to me. Not grandstanding.

Do the politicians feel like you though? As we know political party's exist to win elections and often that means not necessarily solving problems but using them to run on as an advantage in the next election. Not saying that's what the Dems are doing with the war right now but you know both sides are thinking 'how will today's decisions affect us in '08'.
I think he should be impeached, because if he gets away with what he has done, it's saying to all who come after, yeah, go ahead, we won't do shit. But as you say, we don't have the votes. We have to be realistic. If the people start to clamor for it, then the votes will come. It's like any movement. And right, if we keep investigating them, the more that comes out, thats more people who begin to think, hey impeachment not so crazy. You see it with Cheney already.


I'd like to see his ass impeached, and sent to the Hague for war crimes.

But it ain't gonna happen, the way cindy wants to do it.

Impeachment might happen, the way you and I see things unfolding.
Good God...


I'd like to see his ass impeached, and sent to the Hague for war crimes.

But it ain't gonna happen, the way cindy wants to do it.

Impeachment might happen, the way you and I see things unfolding.

I can only pray that you are accepted to go to Thailand..maybe you will finally see the errors of your ways...thats if'n ya survive the experience..which I doubt you would...take darla with you..she needs the experience also!
I can only pray that you are accepted to go to Thailand..maybe you will finally see the errors of your ways...thats if'n ya survive the experience..which I doubt you would...take darla with you..she needs the experience also!

Cypress, I think dumbass might have finally hit on something. ;)
If you are under 35 go enlist and see first hand that which I am talking about...prove me wrong or right..the call is yours...put up or shut up!

I don't need to enlist to find out that there are some dumbasses in the military. You prove it here everyday.

And I don't need to enlist to find out that the troops have differing opinions, just like everybody else, because I have close friends in Vets for Peace, and returning Iraqi veterans who are activists.

Stop being silly.
Do the politicians feel like you though? As we know political party's exist to win elections and often that means not necessarily solving problems but using them to run on as an advantage in the next election. Not saying that's what the Dems are doing with the war right now but you know both sides are thinking 'how will today's decisions affect us in '08'.

I don't know. I read just this week, that Harry Reid has come to believe that it is his moral imperative to end the war. What if this is true? I don't know. The next couple of months should be telling.
I can only pray that you are accepted to go to Thailand..maybe you will finally see the errors of your ways...thats if'n ya survive the experience..which I doubt you would...take darla with you..she needs the experience also!


I'm not some local yokel with an imaginary vietnam career like you.

I've been lots of countries and places in the world. Including some not so pleasant ones.

Unlike you, I don't cringe in fear of anything not white and "ameriKan"
Most of whom you are speaking of were not actually soldiers who were in combat..albeit some were as portrayed by USC...I can respect his take on his experience..but put little credibility in your parasol group..or the likes of Lt.Kerry the fraud...or for Al Gore the Army Times writer now eco specialist and inventor of the interrnet....now I feel for Murtha and John McCain they also have their take on combat experience so I will not belittle them...so go and have fun with the pink parasols...like you have real time experiencce to draw from..oh yeah go with "Born on the 4th of July" or was that "Born in the USA" or "Independance Day" either tiitles were rediculous!Tom Cruise another fraudster from the movie industry!...end of story babe!

lets not forget regan in the film corps :)


I'm not some local yokel with an imaginary vietnam career like you.

I've been lots of countries and places in the world. Including some not so pleasant ones.

Unlike you, I don't cringe in fear of anything not white and "ameriKan"

Imaginary..damn I must think long and hard about that one...naw just looked at my DD214...proves cippie the fraud wrong once again...kiss my ass draft dodger go play with darla...she loves cowards...a sorry state of affairs...but hey there is always someone for everyone...!
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Well yah...

lets not forget regan in the film corps :)

can't argue with facts...however there were many in the industry who were super stars who did serve in combat...some before being stars like Audie Murphy and others who were stars...name one since you took the negative side...also name any stars who served in VN(none)...minus sport figures...even Korea had some industry stars who served in combat...how many are in the ME war...minus sports stars...none!
can't argue with facts...however there were many in the industry who were super stars who did serve in combat...some before being stars like Audie Murphy and others who were stars...name one since you took the negative side...also name any stars who served in VN(none)...minus sport figures...even Korea had some industry stars who served in combat...how many are in the ME war...minus sports stars...none!

iraq yep none, but tillman was killed in ganistan.
And we had dixie over there for a while :)