There Can be Only One!
Right. "Buckle up"

... the desperation to re-enchant the world, which has become superficial and threadbare uninspiring because of major mistakes made in the Enlightenment, the discounting of the irrational and the spiritual in favor of an over reliance on reason ... The West is now too weak to reinvent itself, to fix its mistakes, so now it dies.
IF that's the case. it took a helluva long time.
“Woke” isn’t new, the term has been around since the 60’s.Woke is just the latest iteration of the radical Left searching for a new word that doesn't have nasty and negative connotations attached to it. The radical Left called themselves "liberal" until that became a pejorative. Then they went to "Progressive." That too took on negative connotations. Now it's "Woke." They go to something else soon as woke has already gotten a bad reputation attached to it.
It is also the desperation to re-enchant the world, which has become superficial and threadbare uninspiring because of major mistakes made in the Enlightenment, the discounting of the irrational and the spiritual in favor of an over reliance on reason. The mistake, and more importantly the not fixing the mistake, has driven us insane, and is the cause of the death of the West. The West is now too weak to reinvent itself, to fix its mistakes, so now it dies.
This.This is an extremely important point to learn:
We know from history.....I mean we know for sure.....that very often those who go majorly wrong and stay wrong over an extended period as the useful idiots of the Revolution have would very often rather die then get right. The crushing of their egos is a pain they refuse to endure. This is one reason why presenting reality to them does not work....they many of them are gone.....and they are never coming back.
They live in the Dark Side now.
Buckle Up.
This is an extremely important point to learn:
Woke is just the latest iteration of the radical Left searching for a new word that doesn't have nasty and negative connotations attached to it. The radical Left called themselves "liberal" until that became a pejorative. Then they went to "Progressive." That too took on negative connotations. Now it's "Woke." They go to something else soon as woke has already gotten a bad reputation attached to it.
And, what "progress" has the Left made in the last two centuries?
If that's the case, it took a helluva long time.
The most outstanding example of unreason in the past century was Hitlerism. Think on that.
Medicare? That was sold during the Johnson administration as a $1 billion cost project ten years down the road. It ballooned to over $100 billion by that point. Hardly cost effective. In fact, it was really FDR that screwed things up on healthcare costs with his implementing wage and price controls during WW 2. What companies did was offer their employees "free" medical care / insurance as wages-in-kind to entice workers to hire with them in a tight labor market. That perk stayed in place and slowly expanded postwar. Had that not happened, medical care would likely be much, much cheaper than it is today. As proof of that, look at how the cost of the one sector of the medical care field that isn't covered by insurance has stayed below inflation: Cosmetic and related elective procedures.
Social Security was supposed to be a safety net, not something people should depend on in retirement. If anything, it has given people reason to not save for retirement foolishly thinking social security will provide. That's just as fucked up as everything else the Left does.
This is an extremely important point to learn:
I'm listening to Rachel Maddow's podcast, "Ultra" right now. It's really well done. It recounts the history of the Nazis infiltrating our government including law enforcement, the military and local police. The objective was to spread Nazi propaganda and promote divisions among Americans to keep us out of WWII. There was a Nazi militia headed up by a Catholic priest who actually blew up several domestic munition plants and planned to overturn our government. There were US Senators colluding with the Nazis right here during the 1930's and 40's.
Sound familiar?
You have failed the mission.