Its not like there is a better word currently in use for the Yearners for UTOPIA. I think we need to come up with one because WOKE implies at least awake, and these are some supremely ignorantly abusive fucks....the opposite of awake.
Do better.
That's always my goal.
Yes you are. Admitting the truth would be admitting you're on the side of fascism. You can't change history.
I know. But your thread is not you getting better. You have failed.
I'm not on "the side of fascism." I'm for truth in history, and no you can't change history even as Rachel Madcow does in her Ultra series.
For example, in the third episode The Day she tries to use then contemporary sources to back a claim that the Hercules Powder plant explosion in Kenvil NJ was an act of sabotage by Nazi sympathizers, etc. She's full of shit.
Hercules Powder, at that plant, has a long history of unsafe operations that resulted in accidents all the way into the 1990's. That particular one on 12 Sept 1940 (three months before the US entered WW 2) was worse than most, but hardly exceptional.
There were accidents resulting in explosions there before that one and after it to include one in 1933, several during the 40's, one in 1964, another in 1967, yet another in 1989, and one in 1994.
Were all of those caused by Nazi saboteurs too? Of course, I'm being facetious in saying that but it shows that Madcow is full of shit in making her claim on nothing but 1940 contemporary accounts that completely ignore the broader context of that plant's operations.
My definition of "woke" is the belief that people are entitled to go through life never feeling offended or uncomfortable.
I am a politically left person, obviously, but I'm very much not woke.
That is it. As instructed by Jesus.
It is used like a bludgeon today as if most of us were not aware though. You don’t support candidate “X” so you’re not “WOKE” (Which I interpret to be that I’m somehow not sympathetic to the plight of certain groups). It’s like I somehow didn’t realize that people of color have had it tougher at times in the US than we lighter skinned folks have. As if we are not aware that there are poor people still. As if somehow we’ve missed the fact that women weren’t treated fairly in the business or political world. And while opportunities abound for all groups mentioned, I get it … there still remain obstacles.
Something that would address the problem and help remove those obstacles in a “hand up” not a “hand out” way is something I can get behind and support. I have in the past. Neither side has offered anything lately. Perpetual government dependence is something I have seen all of my life amongst the beer swilling white trash community and I absolutely do not believe throwing money at people to be the way to go…for anyone. It is so hard for kids to break that cycle of dependence so in the long run such an approach does more harm than good.
Oh, and I refuse to apply the same sentiment to the queer groups as I apply to the disenfranchised because of race, sex and social status. There is a difference, IMO.
Woke = retarded
Willfully ignorant is a better fit.
You are more “woke” than most Trumppers
Maybe but something is deeply wrong with a person who thinks someone with a penis is actually a woman
They choose to live in fantasy rather than reality. Reality is painful to them as they struggle to protect their fantasy existence so anyone who lives in reality they make their enemy.