What is WOKE according to you?

Woke Imperialism
Woke culture, devoid of class consciousness and a commitment to stand with the oppressed, is another tool in the arsenal of the imperial state.

By Chris Hedges

Identity politics and diversity allow liberals to wallow in a cloying moral superiority as they castigate, censor and deplatform those who do not linguistically conform to politically correct speech. They are the new Jacobins. This game disguises their passivity in the face of corporate abuse, neoliberalism, permanent war and the curtailment of civil liberties. They do not confront the institutions that orchestrate social and economic injustice. They seek to make the ruling class more palatable. With the support of the Democratic Party, the liberal media, academia and social media platforms in Silicon Valley, demonize the victims of the corporate coup d’etat and deindustrialization. They make their primary political alliances with those who embrace identity politics, whether they are on Wall Street or in the Pentagon. They are the useful idiots of the billionaire class, moral crusaders who widen the divisions within society that the ruling oligarchs foster to maintain control.

Diversity is important. But diversity, when devoid of a political agenda that fights the oppressor on behalf of the oppressed, is window dressing. It is about incorporating a tiny segment of those marginalized by society into unjust structures to perpetuate them.
For Fundamentalist Wokism, every human interaction must be viewed within the lens of systemic inequity, privilege, and victimhood. To question this reality in any context is to only further confirm one’s personal contribution to the evils of modern society, and the consequences range between relatively mild shaming or vilification on social media, to full cancellation, including loss of one’s job, social connections, and public voice.

So, in an effort to fairly distinguish between what I view as secular evils and religious evils, I am going to try to be consistent in focusing on the evils of fundamentalism versus the potential evils of ideology. The admittedly trite way of doing this is invoking my new term Fundamentalist Wokism rather than the more commonly used pejorative Woke, or Social Justice Warrior, since the latter potentially include people of good will and positive actions.

Having said this, I also acknowledge that language evolves, and it may be too late to impose such fine distinctions. Extremism has already tainted terms like Islam, Woke, Feminist, Liberal, and Republican. But it doesn’t hurt to try to be clear if one can…


Medicare? That was sold during the Johnson administration as a $1 billion cost project ten years down the road. It ballooned to over $100 billion by that point. Hardly cost effective. In fact, it was really FDR that screwed things up on healthcare costs with his implementing wage and price controls during WW 2. What companies did was offer their employees "free" medical care / insurance as wages-in-kind to entice workers to hire with them in a tight labor market. That perk stayed in place and slowly expanded postwar. Had that not happened, medical care would likely be much, much cheaper than it is today. As proof of that, look at how the cost of the one sector of the medical care field that isn't covered by insurance has stayed below inflation: Cosmetic and related elective procedures.

Social Security was supposed to be a safety net, not something people should depend on in retirement. If anything, it has given people reason to not save for retirement foolishly thinking social security will provide. That's just as fucked up as everything else the Left does.

If you actually believe any of that it is no wonder most everything you say is plain stupid.

It's a religion. If you blaspheme the religion you are swiftly and severely punished. It's the same response you get from radical islamists if you draw an unflattering cartoon of Mohammad. Woke is terrorism by religious zealots
Just look at how those who support WOKE and those who lie and claim that WOKE does not exist conduct their lives....at how they behave.

This illustrates everything.
What does "woke" mean to me?

Nowadays "woke" seems to have become a blanket word for agreement with any and all progressive ideation regardless of its beginning in recognizing that racism exists today in America... It is bandied about mostly by keyboard warriors on Twitler "cancelling" everyone who even slightly disagrees with them. It is a word that was taken from black lexicon and used by the white liberal elite in a way it was not designed to be used (in a decidedly unwoke fashion it might be said).

It no longer means being aware of racial injustice (which was the original meaning), it doesn't even mean being aware of "social injustice".* It is now the word used to attack any idea that is in disagreement with an idea expressed by someone on the left side of political discourse.

Once "woke" was taken from the African-American (BLM) slang and reused to mean more than racial injustice it grew into the meaning of the gap between or the divide between left and right. The left will try to tell you that anything that is not "woke" is "fascism", the right will tell you that "woke" is just the new term for "turn your brain off and just believe in socialism"... like Rock n' Roll white liberal folks took this from the black folks and "updated" it to mean what they wanted it to mean.

*(social justice is equity in outcome and is not a thing that should exist or that does exist)