What is WOKE according to you?

The decolonisation project of British universities has no interest in academic learning. Its objective is to discredit and take down the leading historical figures in the sciences and humanities. When I say take down, I mean literally take down. In an attempt to emulate the Rhodes Must Fall campaign targeting the statue of Cecil Rhodes in Oxford, students at Cape Town University adopted the phrase ‘science must fall’! It appears that discrediting science is a small price to pay for decolonising some of the most precious achievements of humanity.

Promoters of cancel culture are also coming for the classics. They attack the classics for being too white. In turn, academic institutions have accommodated these criticisms and are more than ready to turn the humanities into a propaganda weapon promoting woke ideals.
The assault on knowledge threatens to corrode and discredit the intellectual foundation of our civilisation. Orwell’s prediction that by 2050 Newspeak will triumph no longer seems farfetched. Every time an academic subject or a field of intellectual or artistic endeavour becomes decolonised, we risk losing sight of what we have lost. As I noted elsewhere, society is coming under the spell of historical amnesia. That is why we must raise the alarm and take action to protect our arts and sciences from the cultural vandals stalking our institutions.

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, on the genocidal consequences of Net Zero:

“Now they’re going into agriculture and threatening to cut off the supply of food, because food is causing global warming… Only the billionaires will be able to afford to buy food, and now all the other people will die because there’s not enough food. That’s what we’re heading for if we continue to listen to these people.”

“They will cause a ruination the likes of which the Earth has never seen, because there are over eight billion of us, and four billion of us depend on nitrogen fertiliser, which they now say is bad, because it’s a greenhouse gas or whatever… It’s all completely phoney. And so is the campaign against CO2.”


WOKE is Anti-Human.....your suffering is a feature not a bug.

JOHN KERRY - unelected Climate multimillionaire says, farmers are the problem!

The food sector is responsible for 33% of emissions.

He doesn’t mention that an increase in CO2 actually increases food production… which is why global corporations pump CO2 into greenhouses.

There’s no money in you knowing the truth.

Control the food .. control the people


Control the food, control the money, 24/7 surveillance of everyone......a new dystopia is coming.
Woke is just the latest iteration of the radical Left searching for a new word that doesn't have nasty and negative connotations attached to it. The radical Left called themselves "liberal" until that became a pejorative. Then they went to "Progressive." That too took on negative connotations. Now it's "Woke." They go to something else soon as woke has already gotten a bad reputation attached to it.

Woke is a simple term that you guys redefine and expect to argue to debate what you make up. Not interested.
By principles, churches are woke and have been forever. They have charities. They have food banks and fed poor people with lunches. They have always been aware of the wealth disparities and try and help people. The leaders of evangelical churches are businessmen seeking wealth and power using religion as a method for feeding their greed.

As they create huge and powerful institutions to help them survive over time. Show me a priest with 2 sets of clothes and I will show you a hypocrite. Look at the wealth of people used in building incredible huge churches and the leaders live like royalty. Religion is a scam.
Conservatives have failed, and they have failed all the way.

You fuckers can shove your rap about how superior you are straight up your asses.
Amazingly stupid. Woke means becoming aware that American institutions do not treat minorities fairly. As a result, they pay more, get jailed more for the same crimes and have fewer opportunities. That is it. The insane right-wing definitions are designed to stir up the ignorant.

Prove it. Oh that's right I forgot that you're a gutless twat. Never mind.
Prove it. Oh that's right I forgot that you're a gutless twat. Never mind.
Your anger and hatred of Americans is going to end up with you emptying a bottle of liquor then downing a bottle of pills, Yak.

Woke is nothing more than social awareness....as if Millennials invented the idea.

OTOH, Bill Maher's comments about how Woke is going wrong is spot on. He's mentioned it several times on his show. This is one:

Woke means becoming aware that minorities get a bad deal from courts, prisons, educational systems, governmental agencies and employment opportunities. That is it. The definitions you rightys make up are not woke. They actually show how far from woke you are.
Woke means becoming aware that minorities get a bad deal from courts, prisons, educational systems, governmental agencies and employment opportunities. That is it. The definitions you rightys make up are not woke. They actually show how far from woke you are.

60 years ago we called it "civil rights".
60 years ago we called it "civil rights".

Woke means you are now aware of the inequities in America for minorities.Civil rights was an attempt to rectify them. The power structure i the Repub party relentlessly fights against equal rights. They are using the low-level Repub voters to cement their wealth and power over the masses.
It is sad that Republican voters do not understand that they have a lot more in common with minorities than they do the super-wealthy who run the Republican Party and the country.
Woke means you are now aware of the inequities in America for minorities.Civil rights was an attempt to rectify them. The power structure i the Repub party relentlessly fights against equal rights. They are using the low-level Repub voters to cement their wealth and power over the masses.

It is sad that Republican voters do not understand that they have a lot more in common with minorities than they do the super-wealthy who run the Republican Party and the country.
So "woke" is talking about inequities and Civil Rights is doing something about it. Awesome. :thup:

Agreed on Republican voters. Notice how many of them are anti-union. They're so dimwitted, they trust that the wealthier Republicans will tinkle money down their backs. As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, they have faith people like Trump will share the wealth. As if. LOL

Woke: A pseudo-intellectual pastiche of postmodern and neo-Marxist tropes, dedicated to the idea that categories themselves do nothing but privilege and oppress;

Critical Race Theory: The proposition that all differences in outcome by race, ethnicity or virtually any other identifiable group difference are a consequence of systemic, conscious and unconscious prejudice on the part of the privileged (see Woke);

Cancel culture: The widespread utilization, primarily on the left, of female-typical patterns of antisocial behaviour such as reputation savaging, gossip, innuendo, mobbing and exclusion to isolate, demoralize and destroy political or personal enemies;

Socialism: a political/economic system which when applied anywhere, ideally or badly, immediately destroys wealth, while failing utterly to remediate inequality; alternatively, the political expression of envy disguised as compassion.

Any more stupid questions?