Speaking of that, I have more free time than usual this week visiting the in-laws. They are in the process of watching a series of vet shows about a guy in Colorado (Dr. Jeff, maybe?) who spades and neuters for free. He also provides affordable care for those who otherwise couldn’t afford some needed procedures for their pets and on one episode he even went to care for the pets of the homeless in some city…maybe Denver? If I were a vet I think I’d do that too. But guess what? He gets castigated by his contemporaries because he often doesn’t wear a mask nor gloves. I really like this guy and though we would probably be on opposite sides politically, given the opportunity I would very likely join forces with him for the cause.
That’s the kind of effort I want to see. We see too much of the Trump at all costs and the Never-Trumpers. It seems like they’re either on one side or the other and no one can get past it. If you try to meet somewhere in the middle to accomplish some things for the good of people one side or both will brand you a RINO or DINO and try to end your political career. Color me tired of it.