APP - What Makes People Vote Republican

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
Why do so many working class people and people from the lowest economic classes vote for Republicans when it very clearly is not in their best economic interest? The author of this article suggests that it is because of differing views of what defines morality.

"...the second rule of moral psychology is that morality is not just about how we treat each other (as most liberals think); it is also about binding groups together, supporting essential institutions, and living in a sanctified and noble way. When Republicans say that Democrats "just don't get it," this is the "it" to which they refer."

I also suggest taking the morality quiz linked to this article.
That makes the assumption that continuous government expansion is in everyones best interests (Yeah, I know the current Republican party is just as expansive).
Ahh, yes, the "republicans are bad and we have psychological proof", plus "liberals are morally superior" arguments. Pathetic insecure little basement dwelling twits looking for justification of demeaning and denigrating anyone who dares think differently than they do, proving that when push comes to shove the political philosophy of tolerance is far less tolerant of opposing thought than their opponents ever dreamed of being.

In short, fuck you, and your little pet head shrink - you both have the same problem of intolerance of people who don't think exactly like you do.
An interesting psychologist, I posted his liberal v conservative some time ago. Most of the republicans I know vote republican because they feel Rs are better for taxes and business. A few vote prayer abortion or guns. It is a curious dilemma for democrats as their perceived interest in helping people is also a negative for republican voters. LBJ great work has bitten the democrats for a long time now, after all Rs all made it on their own so helping others is in opposition to their Christian belief system.

"Of all forms of government and society, those of free men and women are in many respects the most brittle. They give the fullest freedom for activities of private persons and groups who often identify their own interests, essentially selfish, with the general welfare." Dorothy Thompson
That makes the assumption that continuous government expansion is in everyones best interests (Yeah, I know the current Republican party is just as expansive).
Uhm, you're making a pretty broad leap there. Where is this assumption made? The author didn't even address that issue. Did you even read the article?
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Ahh, yes, the "republicans are bad and we have psychological proof", plus "liberals are morally superior" arguments. Pathetic insecure little basement dwelling twits looking for justification of demeaning and denigrating anyone who dares think differently than they do, proving that when push comes to shove the political philosophy of tolerance is far less tolerant of opposing thought than their opponents ever dreamed of being.

In short, fuck you, and your little pet head shrink - you both have the same problem of intolerance of people who don't think exactly like you do.
I can tell you didn't even bother to read the article. It says nothing of the sort. You just jumped to that conclusion. Why don't you try reading the article instead of just blindly passing judgement. I think you'll not only be surprised I think you'll agree that the author has made some valid observations as he is making some very scathing, albeit constructive, criticism of Democrats.
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Uhm, you're making a pretty broad leap there. Where is this assumption made? The author didn't even address that issue. Did you even read the article?
The assumption is made by your assumption that the poor who vote for Republicans are doing so in spite of their best interests, which you being you, means their best interests are the Democrats. That's what my response addresses.
The assumption is made by your assumption that the poor who vote for Republicans are doing so in spite of their best interests, which you being you, means their best interests are the Democrats. That's what my response addresses.

It's amazing how the libeals always feel they know what's best for the underprivileged, more then the underpriviliged do!!
I can tell you didn't even bother to read the article. It says nothing of the sort.

But now that we can map the brains, genes, and unconscious attitudes of conservatives, we have refined our diagnosis: conservatism is a partially heritable personality trait that predisposes some people to be cognitively inflexible, fond of hierarchy, and inordinately afraid of uncertainty, change, and death. People vote Republican because Republicans offer "moral clarity"—a simple vision of good and evil that activates deep seated fears in much of the electorate. Democrats, in contrast, appeal to reason with their long-winded explorations of policy options for a complex world.

Yea, right. Nothing of the sort.

Republicans are genetically predisposed to inflexible minds and "inordinately afraid of uncertainty...".

Democrats "in contrast appeal to reason....".

Like I said: fuck you and your pet psychologist. The "appeal to reason" is nothing more than the usual pseudopsychological babble, completely without genuine experimental support, whose only purpose is to make himself and his mindless bretheren feel better about themselves at the expense of denigrating those who do not hold to their "complex" belief system.

(where "complex" means "I want to do what ever the fuck I want and let government fuck over other people to pay the price if what I want causes trouble.")
The assumption is made by your assumption that the poor who vote for Republicans are doing so in spite of their best interests, which you being you, means their best interests are the Democrats. That's what my response addresses.
Well in the first place I didn't make such an assumption. I made the statement that poor and working class vote for Republican even when it clearly is not in their "economic" interest to do so. I never made the generalization that it is never in their best interest to vote for Republicans. Even if I had, what does that have to do with your comment about the continuous expansion of government?
Yea, right. Nothing of the sort.

Republicans are genetically predisposed to inflexible minds and "inordinately afraid of uncertainty...".

Democrats "in contrast appeal to reason....".

Like I said: fuck you and your pet psychologist. The "appeal to reason" is nothing more than the usual pseudopsychological babble, completely without genuine experimental support, whose only purpose is to make himself and his mindless bretheren feel better about themselves at the expense of denigrating those who do not hold to their "complex" belief system.

(where "complex" means "I want to do what ever the fuck I want and let government fuck over other people to pay the price if what I want causes trouble.")

Where do you come up with this shit? The author did not draw any of those conclusions. You did.

Maybe what the author really needed to do here was a psychoanalysis on the impotence of libertarians.

Now if you're willing to pull your head in and read the whole god damned article you'd discover the author is making a savage criticism of Democrats.
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Why do so many working class people and people from the lowest economic classes vote for Republicans when it very clearly is not in their best economic interest? The author of this article suggests that it is because of differing views of what defines morality.

"...the second rule of moral psychology is that morality is not just about how we treat each other (as most liberals think); it is also about binding groups together, supporting essential institutions, and living in a sanctified and noble way. When Republicans say that Democrats "just don't get it," this is the "it" to which they refer."

I also suggest taking the morality quiz linked to this article.

Republicans are less focused on the envy of economic politics, and more focused on other things. We don't want to strangle people just because they make more money.

"Of all forms of government and society, those of free men and women are in many respects the most brittle. They give the fullest freedom for activities of private persons and groups who often identify their own interests, essentially selfish, with the general welfare." Dorothy Thompson

She sounds like a bitch.
It's amazing how the libeals always feel they know what's best for the underprivileged, more then the underpriviliged do!!

This post gets closer to the truth even though it is an ironic truth. Anti intellectual is a part of the American psyche - anyone know why. I am over half way through Manchester's 'Glory and the Dream,' maybe the best history book I have read, and the Eisenhower election, like Reagan's election, and like Bush Jr's election were all about slogans and anti 'egghead.' Stevenson was the egghead in 52. Consider only that many feel an idiot like Palin is presidential material, and you soon realize Americans like dummies. Why? Having a beer with W may appeal to some but what about his poor decision making? I'll offer a few guesses: simple ideas are easily digested, slogans sooth the empty mind, easily recognized foes make life simple, TV has programed the mind to an ad level of attention, nationalism and flag waving and militant anti others all work better than complexity.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King
This post gets closer to the truth even though it is an ironic truth. Anti intellectual is a part of the American psyche - anyone know why. I am over half way through Manchester's 'Glory and the Dream,' maybe the best history book I have read, and the Eisenhower election, like Reagan's election, and like Bush Jr's election were all about slogans and anti 'egghead.' Stevenson was the egghead in 52. Consider only that many feel an idiot like Palin is presidential material, and you soon realize Americans like dummies. Why? Having a beer with W may appeal to some but what about his poor decision making? I'll offer a few guesses: simple ideas are easily digested, slogans sooth the empty mind, easily recognized foes make life simple, TV has programed the mind to an ad level of attention, nationalism and flag waving and militant anti others all work better than complexity.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King
The contradiction there Midcan is that Ike was an excellent President while W was one of our worst.

Look, I'm not about to draw generalizations about conservatives being anti-intellectuals but you may have a point when you consider that those who are conservative and who have responded to this posting obviously haven't even read the entire article and have jumped to the conclusion that the author is being critical of Republicans and putting them on the couch when, in fact, the author is doing the exact opposite. He's being critical of Democrats, in that they just don't get it about how many feel about morality and he's putting them on the couch.
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Ah, got to love the social sciences. Let's see, since the 1930's social science have used their own definitions of terms for what they consider morality and amazingly liberals come out as superior beings. How nice and of course, unexpected.

What I always fail to see in these 'reports' or 'articles' about one of the studies, dealing with parenting is that it wasn't authoritarian parenting that came out the worst, rather libertarian parenting-no rules. Authoritative parenting, where there were rules that were explained, reasonable punishments and rewards seemed to be the best. Revision of rules followed the children's development. Well a big, duh! for that one.

In actuality I think most conservative, heck with 'Republican' parents apply the same sorts of parameters to their political lives, indeed their everyday lives.

Certain values are considered 'right and wrong.' For the most part, whatever those are, judged by the individual, they are highly motivating in casting their votes. Others may be of value, but the person is able to apply a 'broader' scope to other issues, such as those they value highly.
Ah, got to love the social sciences. Let's see, since the 1930's social science have used their own definitions of terms for what they consider morality and amazingly liberals come out as superior beings. How nice and of course, unexpected.


It's amazing how many conservatives harshed on Mott, and jumped to knee jerk conclusions, without even having read his link.

The article is very introspective, and goes to great pains to rationally understand the concerns of conservatives, and how Democrats need to understand them and address them/incorporate them to the degree feasible.
It's amazing how many conservatives harshed on Mott, and jumped to knee jerk conclusions, without even having read his link.

The article is very introspective, and goes to great pains to rationally understand the concerns of conservatives, and how Democrats need to understand them and address them/incorporate them to the degree feasible.

I read it. I understood where it was coming from. I fail to see where I 'jumped on Mott.'
Personally, I don't care to have the Democratic Party ever understand my ideals. It never has since its inception, and so all I ask for is a viable opposition party to keep it at bay.