APP - What Makes People Vote Republican

Name one FDR program and explain to me how its Constitutional.

You need to do this work on your own. Throwing out questions but not having the motivation or work ethic to reasonable argue your point is a trait you demonstrate too often. Since they are the law of the land, even after challenges, and have been in the service of all Americans for 60 plus years, you tell us why not.

"Historically, opponents of reform have turned to the courts when they have failed to muster the votes to block major legislation. The Social Security Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were all challenged on constitutional grounds and all three of these monumental pieces of legislation were upheld by the courts. Because of the importance of the health care reform legislation, the Oregon Department of Justice is exploring the possibility of filing an amicus brief in support of the law."
Why do so many working class people and people from the lowest economic classes vote for Republicans when it very clearly is not in their best economic interest? The author of this article suggests that it is because of differing views of what defines morality.

"...the second rule of moral psychology is that morality is not just about how we treat each other (as most liberals think); it is also about binding groups together, supporting essential institutions, and living in a sanctified and noble way. When Republicans say that Democrats "just don't get it," this is the "it" to which they refer."

I also suggest taking the morality quiz linked to this article.

why do so many douche bags on the left continue with the ignorant class warfare?

Tell us Mott... what does 'working class' mean to you?

Are you suggesting that white collar workers don't really 'work'?

Or is it that highly paid individuals don't really 'earn' what they make?
general welfare and Congress's right to levy taxes.

attempting to use 'general welfare' in a serious effort to show that congress can do anything it wants, with a constitution designed to limit the federal government, completely undermines any credibility you sought to achieve.
attempting to use 'general welfare' in a serious effort to show that congress can do anything it wants, with a constitution designed to limit the federal government, completely undermines any credibility you sought to achieve.
Lighten up on Froggie. She's one of the few liberals on this board that has some semblance of an open mind.
Lighten up on Froggie. She's one of the few liberals on this board that has some semblance of an open mind.
Congress may do what they wish, but then it is for the courts to overturn their bad decisions! It is the reason our system works. thanks SM, I just try to be fair and I do know that there are some brains on the other side and both sides are required for balance.
Congress may do what they wish, but then it is for the courts to overturn their bad decisions! It is the reason our system works. thanks SM, I just try to be fair and I do know that there are some brains on the other side and both sides are required for balance.

'congress may do what they wish' is exactly why our system is broken and we don't really have a constitution anymore. congress is limited to their powers in the constitution. anything outside of that, and it's unconstitutional, therefore null and void.

“Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.” - John Locke

Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425
“An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.”
Congress may do what they wish, but then it is for the courts to overturn their bad decisions! It is the reason our system works. thanks SM, I just try to be fair and I do know that there are some brains on the other side and both sides are required for balance.
Our system doesn't work! SCOTUS since FDR has historically let Congress do whatever it wants, and now the precedent has been set! Scotus no longer cares about the Constitution, for example Sotamayor told the Senate Confirmation Committee that she supported the 2nd Amendment, then promptly voted against it after confirmed! We need to impeach judges who lie!
Our system doesn't work! SCOTUS since FDR has historically let Congress do whatever it wants, and now the precedent has been set! Scotus no longer cares about the Constitution, for example Sotamayor told the Senate Confirmation Committee that she supported the 2nd Amendment, then promptly voted against it after confirmed! We need to impeach judges who lie!
Aren't you in essence saying the Constitution doesn't work then? I don't know the ruling of which you speak and I don't know what was in her head. I can't state for a fact one way or the other.
Aren't you in essence saying the Constitution doesn't work then? I don't know the ruling of which you speak and I don't know what was in her head. I can't state for a fact one way or the other.

the constitution works when 'we the people' make it work. the 2nd Amendment is the failsafe for that.

Aren't you in essence saying the Constitution doesn't work then? I don't know the ruling of which you speak and I don't know what was in her head. I can't state for a fact one way or the other.
It only works if followed. FDR flooded the court with progressives, they let Congress and their master, FDR, do whatever the hell they wanted. Now, instead of amending the Constitution when needed, requiring a super majority plus 2/3 of the States Ratification, a simple 50% + 1 majority makes permanent changes.

Thus the 10th Amendment has been destroyed.
"General Welfare" is to the States. There is nothing in the Constitution that allows the feds to take from someone and give it to someone else.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Now you will argue it is congress, so in a sense the Constitution is vague enough to include and exclude everything dependent on time and place and debater. Therein lies its success given that time only moves forward. FDR was our greatest president, get over it. And social security the greatest contribution to the general welfare of all Americans in the history of this great liberal nation.

"I am not for a return to that definition of liberty under which for so many years a free people were being gradually regimented into the service of the privileged few." FDR 1934

"I must admit that Roosevelt's leadership has been very effective and has been responsible for the Americans' advantageous position today. For that reason I can easily understand the great loss his passing means to the American people and my profound sympathy goes to them." Premier Admiral Kantaro Suzuki

[An announcer added, "We now introduce a few minutes of special music in honor of the passing of the great man."]
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Now you will argue it is congress, so in a sense the Constitution is vague enough to include and exclude everything dependent on time and place and debater. Therein lies its success given that time only moves forward. FDR was our greatest president, get over it. And social security the greatest contribution to the general welfare of all Americans in the history of this great liberal nation.
The Constitution isn't vague, RetardCan. The clause that you quoted says nothing about giving individuals money. It is your brain that is vague.