APP - What Makes People Vote Republican

It's amazing how the libeals always feel they know what's best for the underprivileged, more then the underpriviliged do!!

If any government fits that description it's the Conservatives.

"Helping the poor makes them lazy." Their reasoning: Giving to the unemployed results in them not seeking work. People would rather exist on $200/wk instead of earning $800/wk.

"Government assistance contributes to family breakdown." Their reasoning: Helping single parents encourages families to split. If mommy realized her children would go hungry she'd be more likely to stay with daddy and take his shit and abuse.

It's the Conservatives who feel they know what's best for the underprivileged. More accurately, the Conservatives claim they know but it's just a cover for them not giving a damn.
Why do so many working class people and people from the lowest economic classes vote for Republicans when it very clearly is not in their best economic interest? The author of this article suggests that it is because of differing views of what defines morality.

"...the second rule of moral psychology is that morality is not just about how we treat each other (as most liberals think); it is also about binding groups together, supporting essential institutions, and living in a sanctified and noble way. When Republicans say that Democrats "just don't get it," this is the "it" to which they refer."

I also suggest taking the morality quiz linked to this article.

Excellent post, Mott! I've been watching some of the accompanying videos. Lots of good stuff in there.
If any government fits that description it's the Conservatives.

"Helping the poor makes them lazy." Their reasoning: Giving to the unemployed results in them not seeking work. People would rather exist on $200/wk instead of earning $800/wk.

"Government assistance contributes to family breakdown." Their reasoning: Helping single parents encourages families to split. If mommy realized her children would go hungry she'd be more likely to stay with daddy and take his shit and abuse.

It's the Conservatives who feel they know what's best for the underprivileged. More accurately, the Conservatives claim they know but it's just a cover for them not giving a damn.

You have come far, grasshopper.
When you first arrived, you did not know how to cut and paste from the liberal loon sites; but you have progressed and now have become very adapt.
Unfortunetly your training will need to continue, for now you have lost the ability to think for yourslef and instead only parrot that which you are told.
Ah, got to love the social sciences. Let's see, since the 1930's social science have used their own definitions of terms for what they consider morality and amazingly liberals come out as superior beings. How nice and of course, unexpected.

What I always fail to see in these 'reports' or 'articles' about one of the studies, dealing with parenting is that it wasn't authoritarian parenting that came out the worst, rather libertarian parenting-no rules. Authoritative parenting, where there were rules that were explained, reasonable punishments and rewards seemed to be the best. Revision of rules followed the children's development. Well a big, duh! for that one.

In actuality I think most conservative, heck with 'Republican' parents apply the same sorts of parameters to their political lives, indeed their everyday lives.

Certain values are considered 'right and wrong.' For the most part, whatever those are, judged by the individual, they are highly motivating in casting their votes. Others may be of value, but the person is able to apply a 'broader' scope to other issues, such as those they value highly.
Please, just read the article before you pass judgement. I don't hold the social sciences in the highest of regards either but I think this guy is making some valid observations about how Democrats view morality and what they just don't get.
You have come far, grasshopper.
When you first arrived, you did not know how to cut and paste from the liberal loon sites; but you have progressed and now have become very adapt.
Unfortunetly your training will need to continue, for now you have lost the ability to think for yourslef and instead only parrot that which you are told.
Well aint that the pot calling the kettle black, chirp, chirp. :pke:
You have come far, grasshopper.
When you first arrived, you did not know how to cut and paste from the liberal loon sites; but you have progressed and now have become very adapt.
Unfortunetly your training will need to continue, for now you have lost the ability to think for yourslef and instead only parrot that which you are told.

No, I repeat what the Conservatives tell me. If one pursues the topic far enough it always, without exception, comes down to the same thing. It has nothing to do with helping others and everything to do with their money.

The short of it is they don't want to help so they construct their argument as if their not helping is, in fact, helping.
No, I repeat what the Conservatives tell me. If one pursues the topic far enough it always, without exception, comes down to the same thing. It has nothing to do with helping others and everything to do with their money.

The short of it is they don't want to help so they construct their argument as if their not helping is, in fact, helping.

But then that would be the Canadian government and your countries problem.
Why do so many working class people and people from the lowest economic classes vote for Republicans when it very clearly is not in their best economic interest? The author of this article suggests that it is because of differing views of what defines morality.

"...the second rule of moral psychology is that morality is not just about how we treat each other (as most liberals think); it is also about binding groups together, supporting essential institutions, and living in a sanctified and noble way. When Republicans say that Democrats "just don't get it," this is the "it" to which they refer."

I also suggest taking the morality quiz linked to this article.

Not everyone is looking to screw the man and take welfare like you, asshole. :pke:
Another knee jerk who didn't read the article. This point about anti-intellectualism is growing more valid by the minute. siggghhhhh.
I'm responding to the first sentence of the OP that you wrote, asshole: "Why do so many working class people and people from the lowest economic classes vote for Republicans when it very clearly is not in their best economic interest?"

Some people actually appreciate personal responsibility and don't want a hand-out from some asshole who just wants their vote.
I'm responding to the first sentence of the OP that you wrote, asshole: "Why do so many working class people and people from the lowest economic classes vote for Republicans when it very clearly is not in their best economic interest?"

Some people actually appreciate personal responsibility and don't want a hand-out from some asshole who just wants their vote.

Wrong guess. It's the same reason Catholic people used to listen to the Priest, years ago, and pumped out children when they couldn't afford to feed them. It was just the "right" thing to do.

That's why poor people vote Republican when it's not in their financial interest to do so. They believe it's the "right" thing to do. They believe anything else would result to the fall of society.
The contradiction there Midcan is that Ike was an excellent President while W was one of our worst.

Look, I'm not about to draw generalizations about conservatives being anti-intellectuals but you may have a point when you consider that those who are conservative and who have responded to this posting obviously haven't even read the entire article and have jumped to the conclusion that the author is being critical of Republicans and putting them on the couch when, in fact, the author is doing the exact opposite. He's being critical of Democrats, in that they just don't get it about how many feel about morality and he's putting them on the couch.

I haven't yet figured out Ike even though I have a signed letter from him from a grade school letter. But the tactic is the key not the result, and Ike was a simple man as was Truman Reagan and Bush Jr.

My point is the emotional attachment to ideas that are simple, but really not simple and then the criticism of democrats or elitists for thinking too much about what should be simple. eg Bomb em to hell!

I think I may have posted this piece some time ago and re-reading brought back my same 'feeling' (there's that troublesome idea) that it oversimplifies. I pulled a few comments from Haight and a reply from Howard Gardner. I tried to do the morality test but my granddaughter wanted me to read to her before bed. They are staying with us bad liberals this weekend. lol

"If people want to reach a conclusion, they can usually find a way to do so. The Democrats have historically failed to grasp this rule, choosing uninspiring and aloof candidates who thought that policy arguments were forms of persuasion."

"...morality is any system of interlocking values, practices, institutions, and psychological mechanisms that work together to suppress or regulate selfishness and make social life possible."

I find above quote troublesome as I am not a relativist. Diversity and tolerance are our problems (?) as liberals.

"Most Democrats don't understand that politics is more like religion than it is like shopping." hm, is it?

now HG reply: See also Jesse Prinz on emotion and morals.

"Consider these facts. The right wing says it cares about groups, rather than individuals; and yet it favors the most rampant form of 'dog-eat-dog' capitalism. The left wing is suspicious of markets and wants to even the playing field across citizens. The right wing claims that its positions will reduce crime and strengthen the families. Yet it is the most left wing states that have the lowest crime rate and the strongest, most stable marriages. Happiness ratings are highest in the socialist societies, while lowest in right wing authoritarian societies. This list could be extended...."

...Right wing positions are more frequently associated with Protestant evangelicals and with traditional (Reagan) Catholics. Often the leaders of these groups (e.g. television evangelists, sinning priests) epitomize the opposite of the stated values. But both of these groups embrace forgiveness, absolution, being born again. Other groups—atheists, non-fundamentalist Jews and non-fundamentalist Protestants—do not have the option of absolution; they make firmer demands on themselves and are oppressed by their superegos. Note the 'pass' that non-combatants Bush and Cheney received, in comparison to Gore and Kerry who volunteered to serve during the Vietnam War. Note the forgiving attitude toward to Sarah Palin, with her sinning family, which would never be afforded a comparable Democrat. "What we profess is important—not what we have done". Howard Gardner

Some of Haight remided me of my thread here:

[ame=""] The Emotional Construction of Morals (9780199571543): Jesse Prinz: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
Then resolve the problems you percieve that Canada has; before you attempt to make changes elsewhere.

Actually, Canada has less of a Conservative problem due to my hero, the former Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau. Take abortion and homosexuality, for example. He made it clear, "The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation."

The reason people in other countries participate on this board is because certain policies enacted in the US result in calamity elsewhere. From wars to a near financial meltdown US problems quickly become the world's problems. However, because of the admiration others have for American citizens and knowing the Conservative philosophy, in general, is slowly being replaced with more Liberal and social policies hope springs eternal. :)
Actually, Canada has less of a Conservative problem due to my hero, the former Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau. Take abortion and homosexuality, for example. He made it clear, "The state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation."

The reason people in other countries participate on this board is because certain policies enacted in the US result in calamity elsewhere. From wars to a near financial meltdown US problems quickly become the world's problems. However, because of the admiration others have for American citizens and knowing the Conservative philosophy, in general, is slowly being replaced with more Liberal and social policies hope springs eternal. :)

So basically, you worship the US!! Thanks
I honestly don't understand the anti-intellectual stances Americans are taking with regard to foreigners discussing politics on the board. Classically educated Americans from decades past are spinning in their graves, hoping for a chance to bitchslap somebody.

and knowing the Conservative philosophy, in general, is slowly being replaced with more Liberal and social policies hope springs eternal. :)

How dare you wish the loss of freedom and autonomy upon my country!! Filthy foreigner!! :clink:
Wrong guess. It's the same reason Catholic people used to listen to the Priest, years ago, and pumped out children when they couldn't afford to feed them. It was just the "right" thing to do.

That's why poor people vote Republican when it's not in their financial interest to do so. They believe it's the "right" thing to do. They believe anything else would result to the fall of society.

Well, its good to know liberals are still selfish people. I was getting worried with all the rhetoric.