What new Beer have you tried?

The only metal I really like is TOOL. I have grown to appreciate it to some degree because of my son.
Bud has a metalic aftertaste to me. Its a last resort beer.

I agree. Except, once I have put enough drinks down, that is when I am brave enough to try something dark, so its just the opposite for me... Of course, if all there is left is crap like Bud, Keystone, etc. then I guess I am left with no choice... :clink:
Hey if its lucky lager that is left and you still want a beer it still does the job. I kinda like the little puzzles anyway.

I agree. Except, once I have put enough drinks down, that is when I am brave enough to try something dark, so its just the opposite for me... Of course, if all there is left is crap like Bud, Keystone, etc. then I guess I am left with no choice... :clink:

Keystone is made by Coors...it is Coors beer just under a cheaper name...Just like what Michelob did...they tried selling a cheap beer..no takers so they boosted the price and marketed it as a 'Special Beer...the price got the buyers...:) If ya drink coors just buy Keystone...same beer cheaper price...;)
Only if one is drunk or high!

Tool is comprised of some very amazing musicians. They write very intriging and complicated works. They are true artists.

Metal Music is just as it says...Heavy noise levels...nothing more and nothing less!:rolleyes:
I saw them at Bonnaroo last summer. I normally don't like them but they had a badass lightshow and played a good set.