What new Beer have you tried?

I saw them at Bonnaroo last summer. I normally don't like them but they had a badass lightshow and played a good set.

They are awsome musicians and are recognised by the entire music field for their compositions.

They are covered by a lot of bands who do tributes to them from all of the music spectrum.
They are awsome musicians and are recognised by the entire music field for their compositions.

They are covered by a lot of bands who do tributes to them from all of the music spectrum.

Maynard was very personable. Bonnaroo is famous for its drug scene, and when Maynard walked about onstage the first words out of his mouth were:

I understand that you are all under the influence of the LSD and the marijuana. You're all under arrest!

Then he just started playing. Great sense of humor.
Also, I love Tool, specifically their newest album...it managed to retain the interest of the actual music lovers while finally losing the interest of the angsty teen fans that only listen for power chords.

I saw them in July in Birmingham about a month before Young Libertarian finally saw the light.
Tool sucks. Don Williams is where its at.

Tool does not suck...their lyrics are much deeper than 90 percent of the shit out there today, they have been around for about 20 years now, and their mastery of music is apparent to any who have ever bothered to listen.
Tool reminds me of Pink Floyd, heavy metal style, with actual singing talent and one of the most talented drummers ever....
Tool reminds me of Pink Floyd, heavy metal style, with actual singing talent and one of the most talented drummers ever....

They are pretty heavily influenced both by Pink Floyd and King Crimson (they have toured with the latter)....and yes, the drummer is amazing.
Also, I love Tool, specifically their newest album...it managed to retain the interest of the actual music lovers while finally losing the interest of the angsty teen fans that only listen for power chords.

I saw them in July in Birmingham about a month before Young Libertarian finally saw the light.

I just said their show was cool. Don't get carried away.

I was highly inebriated. I probably would have listened to Britney Spears if she had a light show that spectacular.

Your worship of Tool is absurd. Radiohead is where it's at, at least because they've done something significant in trying to innovate the way music is purchased to a more customer friendly level.

And yes, I paid $12 for the Radiohead album.
Tool Sucks. Maybe its all relative, but IMO, tool sucks dick.

Yeah sorry they dont translate well to uke. It takes more than four plastic strings to encompass their sound. I suggest you get Paulolee to buy a real instrument to play your music on.
Gotta run..........

must hit town before all the drunks are out and about...maybe pickup a six or twelve pack of beer...so I can get drunk and post on JPP tonight...or not! Depends on who comes into the board on this lovely night of drunks,stalkers,pervs and just plain 'Girls just wanna have fun' night! Boys too!
Ill try to get on while drunk tonight if events allow.

Im a happy, love the world drunk.

I may have to retract agreeing with someone they next day.