What Next With NK?


Atheist Missionary
What a pretty little mess.

The only hope to reign in NK now is through the Chinese. They are the only people with influence over the NK regime to bring about any change. China could destroy the NK regime at a swipe, 70% of NK's fuel comes from China and the Chinese government maintains the NK economy. This is an action that has affected the whole world's balance of power, placing China as a predominant power in the world.

The question is, does Bush have the credibility, or more importantly, the ability, to bring the Chinese to enact western will?

Have his lies and misleadings of the world community shot his bolt?
Just tell China we will give Japan the bomb if they get NK under control. You know how the Japs hate the chinks.
Just poking with a stick. LOL

But seriously the NK policy shows how lame the diplomatic efforts are when confronting these rouge nations. They don't care, they will lie and cheat and do whatever they want. Bush followed the liberal agenda of talk and see where it got us............boom!
What a pretty little mess.

The only hope to reign in NK now is through the Chinese. They are the only people with influence over the NK regime to bring about any change. China could destroy the NK regime at a swipe, 70% of NK's fuel comes from China and the Chinese government maintains the NK economy. This is an action that has affected the whole world's balance of power, placing China as a predominant power in the world.

The question is, does Bush have the credibility, or more importantly, the ability, to bring the Chinese to enact western will?

Have his lies and misleadings of the world community shot his bolt?

The question is, does Bush have the credibility, or more importantly, the ability, to bring the Chinese to enact western will?

The larger question is why doesn't anybody else even attempt to step up to the plate? The EU was formed to create a strong power, they have no credibility? What about Russia? France? Other permanent members of the SC?

No, everybody stares at the us and in their whiniest voice, "What are you going to dooooooo?"

Yes, Bush does have enough "credibility" with China. We, by far, trade more with them than anybody else. To say that doesn't give us some power? Rubbish.
Sounds like a cop out there Damo.
Bull. It is a question and an answer with no copout at all. I presented to you why I thought we had enough leverage with China to make the difference and what I thought of all these other "powers" that simply whine to us and never seek a solution of their own.
The larger question is why doesn't anybody else even attempt to step up to the plate? The EU was formed to create a strong power, they have no credibility? What about Russia? France? Other permanent members of the SC?

No, everybody stares at the us and in their whiniest voice, "What are you going to dooooooo?"

Yes, Bush does have enough "credibility" with China. We, by far, trade more with them than anybody else. To say that doesn't give us some power? Rubbish.
Some, but not a lot.

Why do so many people seem to assume that there's anything we can do? I think we blew it back in the 90s when we reneged on the deal to provide two light water reactors for North Korea. This was sown long ago. Now all we can do is reap what we've got.

Sure, we can and should apply some pressure on China to apply some pressure on North Korea. For those who haven't been paying attention, however, that relationship is nowhere near as close and cordial as it once was: even China's influence may not be sufficient to prevent Kim from building his bombs.
Standard Bush fare:

"It's not Bush's fault! Its Clinton's fault!

"Why doesnt somebody ELSE do something about this!

We're the planets last remaining superpower. If Bush doesn't want to lead, he can step aside so someone else can.
Rubbish. I simply pointed out who they ask to do something as they sit with their hands under their butts. And then pointed out that we have leverage with China.

This is partisan rhetoric based, not in truth, but in talking points.

I have no fear backing up my statements, as I clearly stated that I believe that the US has enough leverage with China to do something.
Rubbish. I simply pointed out who they ask to do something as they sit with their hands under their butts. And then pointed out that we have leverage with China.

This is partisan rhetoric based, not in truth, but in talking points.

I have no fear backing up my statements, as I clearly stated that I believe that the US has enough leverage with China to do something.

The question AOI posed was does bush have the credibility and skill to lead an effective multilateral effort.

The history of the last six years, says No.
Rubbish. I simply pointed out who they ask to do something as they sit with their hands under their butts. And then pointed out that we have leverage with China.

This is partisan rhetoric based, not in truth, but in talking points.

I have no fear backing up my statements, as I clearly stated that I believe that the US has enough leverage with China to do something.
They who? Who this "they" of whom you speak? I see a lot of nations coming down on North Korea and China but not a lot of criticism aimed at our government.