This is a lie filled narrative. FAIL!
This is a lie filled narrative. FAIL!
This is a lie filled narrative. FAIL!
This is a lie filled narrative. FAIL!
Who has stated that they don't matter? Other than the policies of the Party of the Jackass where all this racism, looting and burning seem to continue to occur.
Young black men are 99% more likely to be killed by another young black man than by the police. Not comprehending the OBVIOUS and promoting lie filled narratives make lying fools like YOU the problem.
Here's some more inconvenient facts that refute your lie filled narratives:
Inconvenient FACTS for race baiting morons on the left who support this moronic false narrative called "Black Lives Matter":
2018 breakdown of the 995 people shot and killed by the police:
403 were white, 210 were black, 148 were Hispanic, 38 were classified as other, and 199 were classified as unknown.
Out of that 995, 47 were unarmed — 23 were white, 17 were black, 5 were Hispanic, and 2 were unknown.
Out of the 30-50 million interactions that the police had with the American public last year, 10 million people were arrested, and less than 0.01 percent were shot and killed by the police. Out of those 10 million people arrested, 47 of those shot and killed were unarmed, which equates to 0.00047 percent, 17 of which were black.
The narrative that police are killing blacks in large numbers is patently false, nothing more than PHONY media disinformation and agenda based political buffoonery intended to divide this nation and make excuses for inner city black crime rates.