Check your privilege.
Because it's backward. Also, it's AD.
Uh, no.
A tad I would suggest!
A tad I would suggest!
A tad I would suggest!
OK, maybe a lil bit.
Truly amazing how they look, Caligula looks remarkably different to what I had imagined!
Because it's backward. Also, it's AD.
No, Anno Domini is just an anachronism only Mackeral Snappers use. Real modern historians use CE for greater accuracy.
No, Anno Domini is just an anachronism only Mackeral Snappers use. Real modern historians use CE for greater accuracy.
No, Anno Domini is just an anachronism only Mackeral Snappers use. Real modern historians use CE for greater accuracy.
Mott, let me tell you something Buddhists use the birth of Buddha as year zero for their calendar, currently it's the year 2563. In Islam it's the year 1422, nobody would dare tell them to change.
So, it's not 2020 anymore?