What Rome's emperors looked like: From Caligula to Tiberius.

It's probably PC bollocks, certainly nothing to do with common sense, reason or rationality. It's

Well, I still think the dating conventions of the "totally not the same" systems should actually be different. Therefore, I stand with these two dates, based upon the Christian Savior and the Leftist savior.

2020 AD
202 CE
AD is churchy
CE is sciencey

It is also not the year 1920 anymore, when the scientifuc and academic establishment was a relatively small coterie of white Christian males.

This is the 21st century and the science community and intellectual professions are international in scope. It does not make a lot of sense to demand that Chinese, Indian, and Japanese archeologists, historians, scientists use a Christian naming convention
It is also not the year 1920 anymore, when the scientifuc and academic establishment was a relatively small coterie of white Christian males.

This is the 21st century and the science community and intellectual professions are international in scope. It does not make a lot of sense to demand that Chinese, Indian, and Japanese archeologists, historians, scientists use a Christian naming convention

Go shove your PC bullshit up your arse, sex pest! Are you going to tell Buddhists and Muslims to change their calendar. No, of course not, because you're only interested in your woke bullshit! You're not welcome in any of my threads, so kindly fuck off, capiche?
Go shove your PC bullshit up your arse, sex pest! Are you going to tell Buddhists and Muslims to change their calendar. No, of course not, because you're only interested in your woke bullshit!
You're not welcome in any of my threads, so kindly fuck off, capiche?
No one actually knows when Jesus was born, rendering the AD-BC timeline bogus and historically inaccurate.

The synoptic gospels suggest Jesus Christ was actually born somewhere between 4 to 7 B.C. It is pretty ridiculous that Christ was born 4 to 7 years "Before Christ".